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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

Like this picture on the right, was there any need to show that
I agree that Aurat March has indeed taken huge amounts of third wave feminism (the modern western brand). And this has turned the movement from a drive for a war against stigmatization to a war against men and this is doing nothing but hurting their own cause. The movement should be dedicated to the problems faced by the 99% not the 1%. In fact the movements name itself implies that is a drive for gender superiority which ironically they are fighting against.

However I have to say sadly that the response received by the march was equally as retarded (look around on this forum and you'll recognize the manchildren). Instead of constructive criticism most turned it into a gender war. If you're not into equal rights then just come clean with it but throwing a bitchfit over a movement that will probably change nothing is just proving how small minded our society can truly be.
Like this picture of the right, was there any need to show thatView attachment 464067

That is big enough to be a battleground.

Like a chipkaleez on her back are way on the dark side of the moon.

P.s. i can say that because i am a feminist.

I agree that Aurat March has indeed taken huge amounts of third wave feminism (the modern western brand). And this has turned the movement from a drive for a war against stigmatization to a war against men and this is doing nothing but hurting their own cause. The movement should be dedicated to the problems faced by the 99% not the 1%. In fact the movements name itself implies that is a drive for gender superiority which ironically they are fighting against.

However I have to say sadly that the response received by the march was equally as retarded (look around on this forum and you'll recognize the manchildren). Instead of constructive criticism most turned it into a gender war. If you're not into equal rights then just come clean with it but throwing a bitchfit over a movement that will probably change nothing is just proving how small minded our society can truly be.

How do you untwist your panties?

A feminist fashion wave and you were expecting J Lo and Aint You Mama shit from rich fashionable kids?

You are extremely narrow minded to pass any judgement on any calibre.
Feminism is a movement about equality and goes against lines drawn by society which expects Women to stay in based on their own beliefs or societal norms, be it political, economical or even work. It’s to rid the ideology of being viewed as the ‘weaker sex’. Both Men and Women can be feminists. For e.g. men are expected not to cry and women belong in the ‘kitchen’. This is a very misogynistic and backward concept, because ultimately Men do cry and some are even better cooks. Whereas some Women are more diplomatic and possess fine DIY skills. Skills which aren’t categorised and can be performed better irrespective to what ‘traditional’ societal expectations are in terms of gender roles.

There are certain qualities that Women posses Men can never have, equally there are certain qualities Men posses that Women can never have - both function differently. FUNCTION DIFFERENTLY. Men in terms of physical strength are generally stronger, Women are emotionally generally stronger. Henceforth the view of ‘dominance and superiority’ is offensive and delusional on both sides. It’s all about the mindset.

Real feminism isn’t about disregarding Men and insulting nor about being ‘better’ - it’s about being equal. Equal as citizens and humans, in views and opinions, in professions and in household. It’s absolutely fine if someone wants to work their household in a very traditional structure so long as it’s mutually agreed - but it’s also absolutely fine if someone wants to have equal decision making. That is a right and not an extra incentive.

For those Women who willingly and by their own choice prefer to stick to normal traditional cultural structure - that’s fine and it’s wrong for another Woman to enforce her views or intervene, as that is oppressing. Everyone is free to make their own choices and what suits them.

I believe it is the typical Man who usually turns a perfectly normal Woman rebellious due to restrictions they enforce based upon their own beliefs. In Particular the South Asian society - it’s almost acceptable for a boy to harass a female who is outdoor and when questioned, they point the finger saying ‘you shouldn’t be out’. So a Woman now is not only accountable for the opposite genders misbehaviour but also made to feel guilty for doing something absolutely normal and EQUAL to a Man - as mere as going out. When we start teaching our boys from a very young age that if it’s not okay for your sister to be out during late hours, then it’s not okay for you too. Period. Nothing justifies a Man harassing a female irrespective of attire or hours. If you won’t do it to the females of your own household, then respect females of a different household even IF they are different. Pride and Honour isn’t restricted to Female.

Women are not responsible for insecurities and sometimes excessive protectiveness is taking away a fair and just right or disguised for having power trip and control.

Lastly by being foul, rude or talking down a woman you are only contributing towards the growth and profiling yourself as a complete empty intellected individual. If you want to reason appreciate their strengths and appreciate yours - your education and ethics limit to you, but hers gets passed onto further oncoming generations.
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Feminism is a movement about equality and goes against lines drawn by society which expects Women to stay in based on their own beliefs or societal norms, be it political, economical or even work. It’s to rid the ideology of being viewed as the ‘weaker sex’. Both Men and Women can be feminists. For e.g. men are expected not to cry and women belong in the ‘kitchen’. This is a very misogynistic and backward concept, because ultimately Men do cry and some are even better cooks. Whereas some Women are more diplomatic and possess fine DIY skills. Skills which aren’t categorised and can be performed better irrespective to what ‘traditional’ societal expectations are in terms of gender roles.

There are certain qualities that Women posses Men can never have, equally there are certain qualities Men posses that Women can never have - both function differently. FUNCTION DIFFERENTLY. Men in terms of physical strength are generally stronger, Women are emotionally generally stronger. Henceforth the view of ‘dominance and superiority’ is offensive and delusional on both sides. It’s all about the mindset.

Real feminism isn’t about disregarding Men and insulting nor about being ‘better’ - it’s about being equal. Equal as citizens and humans, in views and opinions, in professions and in household. It’s absolutely fine if someone wants to work their household in a very traditional structure so long as it’s mutually agreed - but it’s also absolutely fine if someone wants to have equal decision making. That is a right and not an extra incentive.

For those Women who willingly and by their own choice prefer to stick to normal traditional cultural structure - that’s fine and it’s wrong for another Woman to enforce her views or intervene, as that is oppressing. Everyone is free to make their own choices and what suits them.

I believe it is the typical Man who usually turns a perfectly normal Woman rebellious due to restrictions they enforce based upon their own beliefs. In Particular the South Asian society - it’s almost acceptable for a boy to harass a female who is outdoor and when questioned, they point the finger saying ‘you shouldn’t be out’. So a Woman now is not only accountable for the opposite genders misbehaviour but also made to feel guilty for doing something absolutely normal and EQUAL to a Man - as mere as going out. When we start teaching our boys from a very young age that if it’s not okay for your sister to be out during late hours, then it’s not okay for you too. Period. Nothing justifies a Man harassing a female irrespective of attire or hours. If you won’t do it to the females of your own household, then respect females of a different household even IF they are different. Pride and Honour isn’t restricted to Female.

Women are not responsible for insecurities and sometimes excessive protectiveness is taking away a fair and just right or disguised for having power trip and control.

Lastly by being foul, rude or talking down a woman you are only contributing towards the growth and profiling yourself as a complete empty intellected. If you want to reason appreciate their strengths and appreciate yours - your education and ethics limit to you, but hers gets passed onto further oncoming generations.

If that is feminism i am not interested anymore. As boring as you are you killed it.

Well Woman have everything they need under pakistani constitution.
@El Sidd Your post carries no constructive criticism and is completely off tangent. Also I prefer you do not engage with me since you’ve been egging your minion on. Kindly lay off.
Patriarchy is not a real thing.

Having said that, society needs to protect everyone, men, women, trans, etc
Example 1

Male doctor and female doctor, both doing exactly the same job, they should get the same pay

Example 2


Male players play more sets in matches, max they can play is 5 sets, female players play less sets, max they can play is 3 sets, again the male players were getting paid more prize money because they play more sets, the female players found out about this and made a huge fuss about it and they got the same as the males players, how it that right
Patriarchy is not a real thing.

Having said that, society needs to protect everyone, men, women, trans, etc

Patriarchy is a real thing, but it isn't what feminist potray it to be.

Agree with rest of what you say.
Example 1

Male doctor and female doctor, both doing exactly the same job, they should get the same pay

Example 2


Male players play more sets in matches, max they can play is 5 sets, female players play less sets, max they can play is 3 sets, again the male players were getting paid more prize money because they play more sets, the female players found out about this and made a huge fuss about it and they got the same as the males players, how it that right

Female models make like 10x morenthan male models. Where is feminism there?

Patriarchy is a real thing, but it isn't what feminist potray it to be.

Agree with rest of what you say.
I would love to be shown where it is
I support the ideals of the original Feminist movement, but one thing I have never been able to come to grips with the modern manifestation of this noble movement, is how so many of its supposed followers come across as crass and intellectually hollow.

For example, is showing the middle finger here really necessary?
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