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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

It's Photoshopped and fake , look at the wording ..

What Feminism should be:
"We want equal job opportunities, Education is our fundamental right, Society must respect us".
But Feminism in Pakistan:
"Khana khud garam krlo, Mera jisam meri marzi, Men are trash".

Despite being a strong advocate of equal rights and opportunities for women, I strongly believe that feminism has become extremely hateful and hypocritical, and is hurting women way more than aiding them while bashing men and the social fabric along the way. Men being systematically alienated in the discussion of “gender-equality” is a phenomenon which is both ironic and fundamentally unfair. Even worse is the transition of feminism, from a movement that addresses inequality, to one that promotes it and feels entitled to do so.

Some see this popularity as a progression of women’s rights and effectiveness of the feminist movement; but in my opinion, the radical feminists have lost the sense and purpose of gender equality and have turned this movement into a superficial and market-aligned activism against men; which serves to make women feel good, righteous and entitled to “unearned privileges”, rather than leading them to the political action that feminism was originally meant to spur.

Here the question arises: why feminists should listen to “rants” on feminism? Because if they don’t, the frivolity of heated debates on such insignificant issues will keep creating differences among the genders and even men who believe in equality of opportunities will be alienated and even instigated. Women against feminism will also keep getting marginalized and termed as “willfully ignorant”.

We need to understand how biology is at play and how we are different and can seek an equitable solution and will never be equal in the literal sense, which doesn’t imply the superiority of one gender over the other.

Moreover, feminists should not take it to the extreme; for the men who can sense the injustice and still can’t voice their concerns because they fear the backlash, and even for the overwhelming majority of women who face harassment for not calling themselves feminists, and in turn receive titles as insulting as “male attention-craving whores”.

Finally, while we, men, in Pakistan (& all over the world) are certainly facing this issue, discussing them is considered hilarious. People fear they will be mocked, bashed, abused and will be labeled for misogyny and backwardness if they speak about men's rights. This is because feminists with their lies and hypocrisy are making this society believe that whatever wrong happens to a women is because of men, and all men are giants, working against women. While the reality is opposite to it. We see these feminists are against the rights of men.

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