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Who Is Distracted by a Girl Wearing Skintight Leggings?

Do you agree that revealing cloths objectifies and harms women?

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To be honest I've always agreed with @Luffy 500 opinions and I think his word (copied articles from the internet and speeches made by muftis who died a couple decades ago) should be made law now. Lets lynch all the women on earth. Then we will finally be able to live in harmony. Its better for our species to stop existing anyway.
Respect, my friend.

Male dominated universe? A woman dressed in a particularly revealing manner attracts a lot more attention than if a man does it. A woman't physique is built to create attraction, so it's an inevitable law of nature. Women also spend a lot more time and energy beautifying themselves while most men will do the basics. Men are mostly dressed in pants and shirts, nothing much revealing whereas women wear skirts showing their curves and legs and blouses that reveal reveal much more. That draws more attention than what men do. Is this a misconception?

I would think it's no comparison. And when that is the case, it's not as apparent as it is with men.

Guys are attracted to women body cause God made them that way . This has a good reason behind it so that the human population keep growing instead of falling . However , modesty is good to be practiced by both for their own benefit .
Hahahhaahha Never wonder.. Why we get this bond.. :p:P
Oh jeray akathey beh kay samad bond dy nashey ketay nay na una di wajha to strong hoya ey bond:lol:

To be honest I've always agreed with @Luffy 500 opinions and I think his word (copied articles from the internet and speeches made by muftis who died a couple decades ago) should be made law now. Lets lynch all the women on earth. Then we will finally be able to live in harmony. Its better for our species to stop existing anyway.
I am with you brah lets get rid of female kind.lets end the root of all evil once and forever :enjoy:
Though I don't know where to stand on these votes , there should be an option of ' it's none of my business '.
I actually hate these topics revolving around how a women should dress . I don't understand what use is this to Muslims ? How's it benefiting your faith ?
Why don't you keep focus on how to get closer to Allah ? How to be a great Muslim ? But you keep sticking on these unnecessary things .
We as Muslims should be modest in our clothing that's it ! .
Baqi what western does or not . It's none of our concern .

Because this issue effects the Muslim society at large.A Muslim does not live in vacuum.He is a member of Muslim society. So its his duty to work for the betterment of the society.

It benefits an individual's faith because he is helping Allah's creation,which Allah loves very fiercely, in following the right path,so that they can be successful in both worlds.And when you help His creation,He will bring you more closer to Him.

The issue of women dress is not an "unnecessary things"It is an issue with very large impact on the society.Do you know why the number of rape cases in India is skyrocketing?

Because of the objectification of women in the Indian media.And our media is following suit.The rape cases in Pakistan will also rise as a result.
Some are distracted by the voice of women, will ye ban the speaking of women?

Some are distracted by the smell of women, will ye ban the wandering of women?

Some are distracted by the scene of women, will ye then ban the existence of women?

A wild beast will do what a wild beast is programmed to do. It matters little if you hold a knife in your hand or not, a hungry one would still attack you and care little for the knife you use as restraints. So before you ask to put a purdah on every women, put a purdah on your shaitani nafs.
We are humans. Not beasts.
And human beings actions and thoughts are largely effected by his environment.The way people dress is also part of environment.It can have both positive and negative effect.

And no one is saying anything about a ban on women.

would love to be a good looking lad in new york

@Gomig-21 All I can think of is maybe Lansdowne Street and Hampton Beach ( and that's in NH)
They are attending school not some party and they should follow proper dress code. These dress code defined so that every one considered equal. Next thing they will ask the school to allow only branded cloths.
Nai bhai , Kon kerta hai .. half of my relatives think its a contract marriage and other half think either its Halal or Haram ... ek rishtedaar tu pouch raha tha, Bache ke Religion kia ho ga ... dil tu chaha saaly ko C-130 kara dun phir mai ne soucha yaar typical mindset hi yahi hai .. kafi time lagge ga logo ke minds change kerne mai ..
Typical mindset? Although I refrain from commenting on an individual's personal lifestyle [normally] but you need to understand that you have completely deviated from Islamic teachings and you are looking down upon those who dare to point this reality to you; Islam ka mazaakh uraaa diya hai kuch (supposedly) liberals ney.

If you identify yourself as a muslim and violate a major tenet of Islam, and then brag about it, other Muslims will comment on your deeds (whether you like it or not). A muslim is not supposed to marry a non-muslim, period. If you do not then disregard my point.

Just expressing my point. No pun intended. You are free to do as you like regardless.

But understand that Islam is not a personal matter, it is a societal matter. It defines values of an entire society. We are not good Muslims if we do not resist advances towards vulgarity, secularism and marxism at individual capacity, on the level of family and the society at large.
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Let people wear whatever they want. If you can't control your actions(I know you can't control your thoughts, I can't either. But who cares? No one listens to your thoughts)...if you cant control your actions then its your problem.
Males are biologically meant to be attracted to the female body (unless you are homosexual), clothing that will further highlight the female body will obviously gain more attention from men.

Here in the US; it's very common to whistle, honk, tease, hoot and etc... at a girl and many girls seem to like that type of attention. In Pakistan and many Muslim countries; it is considered harassment, rude and uncivilized and you can face legal consequences or even a public beating in some countries.

I don't think they like it lol.

Why we always discussing women’s attire? What about Men and what females are attracted to? Do you want me to list a few things too?


It's always, "women do this women do that".

Imo, men should be just as critical of themselves.
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