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Zimbabwe: Military Coup updates & discussions

The Diplomat

May 9, 2015
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United Kingdom
Zimbabwe crisis: Army takes over, says Mugabe is safe
The military has taken control in Zimbabwe but said President Robert Mugabe, in power since 1980, was safe.

After seizing state TV, an army spokesman announced it was targeting people close to Mr Mugabe.

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma later said he had spoken to Mr Mugabewho had indicated that he "was confined to his home but said that he was fine".

The move may be a bid to replace Mr Mugabe with his sacked deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa, BBC correspondents say.

The dismissal of Mr Mnangagwa last week had left Mr Mugabe's wife Grace as the president's likely successor.

Heavy gun and artillery fire could be heard in northern parts of the capital Harare early on Wednesday.

A statement read out by a general on air denied it was a coup. There was no immediate word from the president himself.

Mr Mugabe, 93, has dominated the impoverished country's political scene since independence from the UK.

Mr Zuma earlier said he hoped events in Zimbabwe would not lead to "unconstitutional changes of government".

Messages appeared on a Twitter account purportedly run by the ruling Zanu-PF party saying Mr Mugabe had been detained. But there has been no confirmation by the army and it is not clear who runs the account.

The UK Foreign Office advised Britons "currently in Harare to remain safely at home or in their accommodation until the situation becomes clearer", while the US embassy in Harare advised US citizens in Zimbabwe to "shelter in place" until further notice.

Skip Twitter post by @usembassyharare
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U.S. Embassy Harare


Due to ongoing uncertainty in Zimbabwe, the U.S. Embassy in Harare will be minimally staffed and closed to the public on November 15. Embassy personnel will continue to monitor the situation closely. @StateDept

12:19 AM - Nov 15, 2017
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End of Twitter post by @usembassyharare

China, Zimbabwe's biggest trading partner, says it is closely watching the situation and hopes that the relevant parties can properly handle their internal affairs.

How did the military justify its move?
Troops in armoured vehicles have been out in the streets of the capital Harare since Tuesday.

After soldiers overran the headquarters of the ZBC broadcaster, Maj Gen Sibusiso Moyo went on air to say the military wished to "assure the nation that his Excellency the president... and his family are safe and sound and their security is guaranteed".

Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionSoldiers patrolled Harare on Wednesday
"We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes... that are causing social and economic suffering in the country," he said.

"As soon as we have accomplished our mission, we expect that the situation will return to normalcy."

Other key points of the statement include:

  • Citizens should remain calm and limit unnecessary movement
  • The military assures the Zimbabwean judiciary that its independence is guaranteed
  • Security services should "co-operate for the good of our country" and any provocation would "be met with an appropriate response"
  • All leave for the defence forces is cancelled and personnel should return to barracks immediately
It is not clear who is leading the military action.

Army chief Gen Constantino Chiwenga, who visited China last week, said on Monday the army was prepared to act to end purges within Zanu-PF.
no posts so far. if this shit happens in ME or europe this thread would be full of people. it seems that in this forum black lives dont matter. sad world we live in
no posts so far. if this shit happens in ME or europe this thread would be full of people. it seems that in this forum black lives dont matter. sad world we live in
The BBC gave a small report yesterday but that's all I heard. You seem to be right, there's not much going on in the media...
Grace Mugabe 'flees Zimbabwe for Namibia'
Grace Mugabe, the wife of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, is reported to have fled the country for neighbouring Namibia.

Her husband is thought to be under house arrest in the southern African country's capital, Harare, after the Zimbabwean military took control of the government.

It is unclear how Ms Mugabe was able to make her escape.

What the Zimbabwe coup really means for Robert and Grace Mugabe
Eddie Cross, an MP from the main opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change, said he understood the First Lady was now in Namibia.

A representative for the ruling Zanu-PF party also said he believed she was no longer in Zimbabwe.

It comes after Zimbabwean army generals seized power and detained senior officials, including Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo, as part of a round-up of "criminals".
Grace Mugabe, the wife of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, is reported to have fled the country for neighbouring Namibia.

From what I've seen, she was a proper loud mouth and angering a lot of people ... also was preparing to take over after Mugabe.
Diktator unter Hausarrest

Von der Armee selbst heißt es, sie gehe lediglich gegen Kriminelle im Umfeld von Präsident Robert Mugabe vor. Das allerdings glaubt kaum noch ein Beobachter: Der Amtssitz des Präsidenten und das Parlament in der Hauptstadt wurden laut Augenzeugenberichten von Soldaten abgeriegelt. Zudem sollen mehrere Minister festgenommen worden sein. Südafrikas Präsident Jacob Zuma sagte, Mugabe stehe unter Hausarrest.


Homeboy is basically in house arrest.
Homeboy is basically in house arrest.
Homeboy's wife has ditched him whilst he's enjoying a drink in his mansion.

From what I've seen, she was a proper loud mouth and angering a lot of people ... also was preparing to take over after Mugabe.
Her husband wanted her to be his successor. The people of Zimbabwe don't really like her.
i dont think so. at least the gir from Zimbabwe that i had a crush on didn't have any respect

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