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Zainab Case - Grizzly Details Emerge

Does it matter? 10-11 kids are dead, 11-12 raped.

A serial rapist/killer is on the loose.
i do blame her whole family but i blame authorities much more. Also girls family had said,that the street she walks down to reach her khalas place is almost always crowded and people are known to us , so it is hard to even believe girl got abducted from such area, from their own street,

Anyways i would not blame her parents entirely for it. Even if any parents take excessive care there could be moments when they may not be very vigilant and those looking for a chance could make use of that opportunity.
PMLN people are selling Pakistani child **** and making money ......... their repeated statements and their randi police is enough to confirm that. And taking this as some isolated crime would be a grave mistake ..... its a step towards spreading anarchy and civil unrest in the country .... potentially civil war. As all else has failed thank God for our insensitivity.
We need to make a DNA bank... every I'd card should have DNA collected
Dna bank will never be made cause if it happens then all mpas and mnas specially from punjab gov will land in hot waters

Can you please direct me to the posts with those calls?

Who is talking and what?
@DESERT FIGHTER said its an old audi so it might be from some other case.
But heres the audio

During Zias regime.

After w rape.. the culprits were executed publicly... its said that for 11 years rape wasnt reported ...

We need public executions for deterrence.. to strike fear in the heart of such sick motherfukers.

The culprit must be burned alive in public and the ashes must be thrown in dumping ground.
The leaked call and I've been able to get through to a friend in Kasur who was in a position to verify. I have a personal interest in this. This man or men must die.

Allah aap ka Haami aur Nasir ho. Aameen.
Nothing will happen guaranteed.
Its powerful people in kasur. All media, police, judges are sold out.
Nothing will happen 10000%. Nothing will happen. Nothing will happen unless people make it happen.
Both ganjas need to die its very important nw

BTW Nothing will happen
Ohh yeah what I was saying. Nothing will happen

Look at a 4 years old child, they cant even speak properly, they get scared at small things. Daughters are so innocent and cute. This world is very cruel, come hurt us grown ups but please spare the childs

Who ever does this is not a human I am convinced. I assure you human cant do this to a 4 years old child

But our apathy, Nothing will happen
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So we should be hopeful they will collect DNA samples of MPs and other high ups?

I'm sure.. criminal is either politician or police officer.
Just take DNA samples of politicians and police officers, we'll have the culprit.
Punjab gormint is already charging zainab's parents for dna testing. Lmao. Beghairati Ki koi haad ne.


Leave Rao Anwar and defend this..

We need to make a DNA bank... every I'd card should have DNA collected

At least one per family..

@lastofthepatriots check this video this guy is president of ajk and look the language he is doing

Iss BC ko tou LoC cross karwadena chahiey gun point pe..
The culprit must be burned alive in public and the ashes must be thrown in dumping ground.
Than we'll have another one... its time to change the system, where PM and President must be a retired army general.
As long we have civilian President and PM Pakistan and its society will continue to deteriorate.
Don't under estimate those who rape with words. They are equally sick in heads, but don't have resources to practically rape.
Another Grizzly detail is that she was alive when dumped in the garbage and died after 6 hours lying in heaps of trash.
Also she was abused for 6 days. One can only imagine how painful and horrifying the ordeal had been for the child.
Obviously Punjab elite political powers are involved in this child abuse ring. No wonder police is taking this long to catch the culprits.
I think its a powerful gang protected by police and patronized by PMLN. There is no other way how a common serial killer and rapist be scot free after committing 12crapes in a short time.

This is the height in injustice. And this happens when Allah is not happy with a nation. This is azaab that we such heartless, callous and selfish rulers.
I think its a powerful gang protected by police and patronized by PMLN. There is no other way how a common serial killer and rapist be scot free after committing 12crapes in a short time.

This is the height in injustice. And this happens when Allah is not happy with a nation. This is azaab that we such heartless, callous and selfish rulers.

It's things like this that lead to Lal Masjid type situations. People get fed up of the injustices.

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