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World's Best Fighters : China's Shaolin Monks

He is one of the better MMA strikers, but there are better pure stand-up strikers out there.

shaolin vs ufc fighters in an octagon. the monks will get their ***** whooped very fast because of the size difference and many rules restrictions that make them very disadvantage..

ufc fighters vs. monks with no rules in open..monk will kill them, since they train everyday not just punching & kicking, but also to use weapons and environment to their advantage.

ufc is just a sport and their rules are crap too compare to the old pride fc, i.e., not allowed to do soccer kick, knee, or elbow a down opponent, which gives to much an advantages to american wrestlers where nearly all of them are expert at..pretty gay! i want to see wrestlers get kneed or elbowed in the face every time they try a take-down like in pride..:D
Some more videos of Frog style Kung Fu. This form is said to be almost immune to a weapons threat (any traditional martial arts weapon, not a G3) and one of the hardest to learn.

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He is one of the better MMA strikers, but there are better pure stand-up strikers out there.

The K-1 guys do come to mind. I would think they have better pure striking then MMA fighters.
Certainly. The Buddhist philosophy and facts are the largest reason for the Shaolin arts to form. These holy men have proven the existence of the fact that a man's powers themselves can have no limits if he lives life the way nature intended him to.

Very nice post man. Thanks.
shaolin vs ufc fighters in an octagon. the monks will get their ***** whooped very fast because of the size difference and many rules restrictions that make them very disadvantage..

ufc fighters vs. monks with no rules in open..monk will kill them, since they train everyday not just punching & kicking, but also to use weapons and environment to their advantage.

ufc is just a sport and their rules are crap too compare to the old pride fc, i.e., not allowed to do soccer kick, knee, or elbow a down opponent, which gives to much an advantages to american wrestlers where nearly all of them are expert at..pretty gay! i want to see wrestlers get kneed or elbowed in the face every time they try a take-down like in pride..:D

Stan Lee's Superhumans — Stan Lee's Superhumans: Killer Punch — History.com Videos

Skip to 27.54 they actually do force tests on somebody claiming to be a shaolin monk

Now what is REALLY STRANGE is that his regular punch is the equivalent of getting hit by a SUV moving at 30 mph.

But his ONE INCH PUNCH is EQUAL TO TWO OF THESE SUV's moving at the same speed.

Keep in mind that this guy is a Shaolin monk student defector so he is probably one of the weaker ones and because he lives in New York he is probably not keeping up his training as well.

A shaolin master's one inch punch could possibly equal to 3 or 4 SUV's

And a shaolin can not only dish out these punches, but they can take it as well.

The key here is the one inch punch because in a real fight a fighter may not be able to pull their arm back all the way.

But without a doubt a shaolin monk would destroy any boxer in a boxing fight.
A shaolin master's one inch punch could possibly equal to 3 or 4 SUV's

And a shaolin can not only dish out these punches, but they can take it as well.

skipped most of the thread but this can be handy when crossing roads during lunch time lol...
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