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Woman Delivers Baby Girl Inside Bank While Standing In A Queue To Withdraw Cash

Central govt employees were paid few amounts in cash though & rest were credited in account. By the end of this month hope to see 90℅ ATMs are working....
And you are right.. This cash crunch will go on for more two months approx..
Govt should have expected this before although people are supporting this.
I wish they had printed more 100 rs notes. it would have made things a lot easier.
How it is rude to ask someone to check ground facts instead of relying on internet ?
When he is lying through his teeth, and has the audacity to rudely ask me to go around the city, it was fitting to show him the mirror. When did I claim all ATMs are working? I just politely pointed out that he is wrong in claiming that most of the ATMs are not re-calibrated while infact over 90% are, but he took it at heart and instead of accepting his mistake, he started throwing rude comments. Just because he is 40+ he doesn't automatically becomes right. We need to re think our S Asian culture a little.

You also are emotional who took his side without dong your own homework or without being rational. You support him because he is 40+ and for no other reason. You are an ageist and so are others supporting him here.
When he is lying through his teeth, and has the audacity to rudely ask me to go around the city, it was fitting to show him the mirror. When did I claim all ATMs are working? I just politely pointed out that he is wrong in claiming that most of the ATMs are not re-calibrated while infact over 90% are, but he took it at heart and instead of accepting his mistake, he started throwing rude comments. Just because he is 40+ he doesn't automatically becomes right. We need to re think our S Asian culture a little.

You also are emotional who took his side without dong your own homework or without being rational. You support him because he is 40+ and for no other reason. You are an ageist and so are others supporting him here.

In his support he is a congress party worker so his "values" should have been self evident to you. :P
What kind of moda in law allows a lady of such condition to stand in queue! Ridiculous!
Bro she might need payment for delivery or other house hold activity as money belongs to her bank would have not paid anyone else ... mother in law was already with her
Bro she might need payment for delivery or other house hold activity as money belongs to her bank would have not paid anyone else ... mother in law was already with her

Not true, a bank will pay anyone with a valid cheque. At worst they might ask for an id card.

Its more likely that she was withdrawing a large amount and did not trust anyone.
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