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Woman Delivers Baby Girl Inside Bank While Standing In A Queue To Withdraw Cash

So much obsession to neighbour over what you don't have clue about...
Read the article.. She was in the queue to withdraw, not exchange. There is no limit to withdraw in any ATM. Old currency exchange date is over..
Also all govt hospitals are easily accepting old notes still..
Firstly know what you are taking about..
Rubbish !!! there is a 2500 limit per day on any atm withdrawal , if you had an account you would know this , also most of the ATMs are not yet re calibrated , only 1.2lac out of 2.25 lac have been done . There are huge lines in front of any atm you go .
Rubbish !!! there is a 2500 limit per day on any atm withdrawal , if you had an account you would know this , also most of the ATMs are not yet re calibrated , only 1.2lac out of 2.25 lac have been done . There are huge lines in front of any atm you go .
My bad..I thought there is no limit on ATM withdrawal after 29th Nov...
Rubbish !!! there is a 2500 limit per day on any atm withdrawal , if you had an account you would know this , also most of the ATMs are not yet re calibrated , only 1.2lac out of 2.25 lac have been done . There are huge lines in front of any atm you go .
90 percent of the ATMs are now calibrated.
My bad..I thought there is no limit on ATM withdrawal after 29th Nov...
Unfortunately they have continued this indefinitely , my bank manager says its due to the lack of currency in the market and also Pay day .
Most people expect this to only normalise some where in march . There are some rumour which say the RBI has ordered currency to be printed abroad by various bodies which do this work but how true that is is debatable.

Kid i do not believe everything a read . go out and see if they are working . if they were able to dispense 2k notes they would be doing so , but they aren't . there is a currency shortage in the market , the RBI does not have the stocks to replenish every atm in India or even supply the banks now a days .
Also how do you know the atms have been re calibrated ? because you read some article? does that stop you from going out and seeing for your self ? when did we as a society stop thinking for ourselfs and believing everything we read?

If you have some points make them, do not post some link and then act as if you know things.
Unfortunately they have continued this indefinitely , my bank manager says its due to the lack of currency in the market and also Pay day .
Most people expect this to only normalise some where in march . There are some rumour which say the RBI has ordered currency to be printed abroad by various bodies which do this work but how true that is is debatable.

Kid i do not believe everything a read . go out and see if they are working . if they were able to dispense 2k notes they would be doing so , but they aren't . there is a currency shortage in the market , the RBI does not have the stocks to replenish every atm in India or even supply the banks now a days .
Also how do you know the atms have been re calibrated ? because you read some article? does that stop you from going out and seeing for your self ? when did we as a society stop thinking for ourselfs and believing everything we read?

If you have some points make them, do not post some link and then act as if you know things.
oh god! it seems I am talking to a kid here. Look, these ATMs are not working because they are out of cash and not because they have not been 're-calibrated' as was falsely claimed by you in your posts. It is sometimes better to accept you are wrong. No shame in that
oh god! it seems I am talking to a kid here. Look, these ATMs are not working because they are out of cash and not because they have not been 're-calibrated' as was falsely claimed by you in your posts. It is sometimes better to accept you are wrong. No shame in that
Comprehension problem? read what i said kid!!!

PS: i am about 18 yrs older than you .
You are making a fool out of yourself. How difficult is it for you to say 'oh, my bad, I thought they were not calibrated as I falsely claimed when in actual 90 percent of these ATMs are. Apologies for being such an ignorant @sshole."

Not that difficult. Is it now?
Kids today!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Woman giving birth at Bank due to situation created by Modi's decision is a small news the big news is how many years or month it will take to print new notes to facilitate people.

The big question mark is if this decision has really worked against BLACK MONEY?

The biggest chunk of black money is invested in real-estate and other such businesses. The ratio of fake currency is insignificant hence this decision will bring more realities to fore in the long run than the initial chest thumbing.
Unfortunately they have continued this indefinitely , my bank manager says its due to the lack of currency in the market and also Pay day .
Most people expect this to only normalise some where in march . There are some rumour which say the RBI has ordered currency to be printed abroad by various bodies which do this work but how true that is is debatable.

Central govt employees were paid few amounts in cash though & rest were credited in account. By the end of this month hope to see 90℅ ATMs are working....
And you are right.. This cash crunch will go on for more two months approx..
Govt should have expected this before although people are supporting this.
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