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Will the PTI government spend some money on upgrade of Nukes?

Mazari is going to be very influential, if not in-charge. She is an ultra-hawk. Absolutely the nuclear programme will get a shot in the arm.

I think an ICBM is very likely under Mazari.
Who is the target of the ICBM? Which country has threatened us with nuclear weapons who are far away for which we need a ICBM? Please give an actual report.
He definitely said that our main threat/enemy is USA sir @Oscar :angel:
He definitely said that our main threat/enemy is USA sir @Oscar :angel:
That is our mistake. The US is a large colonial power(if you think the US doesn’t have colonies, see the number of US bases around the world). In addition, basic military might tells you that the US has overwhelming conventional capabilities and its nuclear arsenals are beyond anything we can comprehend. Finally, we also need to understand that the US doesn’t just manipulate our society and threaten us with consequences; it just did so and has done so to its closest allies ik NATO.
But the US isn’t the only one playing manipulation on our soil, the British do it, the French do it, the entire GCC does, the Iranians do.. are we going to call all of them enemies?
The UAE proactively tried to disrupt gwadar and supposedly tried to offer India accommodation against us, shall we nuke them too?

There is only one government and nation with nuclear weapons targeted at our country and that is India.
That is the only target we have to focus on. There is no threat from the US in terms of nuclear capability and we actually keep them well at bay because we target their interests in India.

The only other possibility of engagement is from Israel who ammased weapons to take out their neighborhood in case their limited lands were insufficient as in 73. But since they have pacified all of the threats around them to the point that their former enemies now participate in exersizes on their soil.

Our mistake with the US was considering that you control them by dealing with their various governments. The Indians tried that until they realized the Israeli approach of dealing with their political and media stakeholders. There is no prophetic conspiracy with the Israelis, the US pays for Israel because zionists control both the media and finances of the country along with partipating actively in their politics and bureaucratic system. Add to that their version of right wing fundamentalists and you get control of a country.
We hate the US because we fear them : in reality it is similar. Half of their population lives in fear of outside threats.
The US has interests in keeping the Chinese contained via India, as long as we threaten India, we threaten the United States and keep them at bay.
Despite all their bluster the Indians have zero hope of defending themselves against even our oldest of nuclear delivery systems simply because we arent thousands of miles away but site next door. They need nothing short of science fiction to protect themselves from our attack.

The only threat that makes USA pounce is Israel, and An ICBM lets them justify that.

On the other hand, the Indians know you, understand your language and experience your beliefs first hand and yet chose to hate you blindly. The reason is that hate is pure and unbridled, it is venom of centuries that they want to unload on you. Yet we have made multitudes of peace overtures that they hypocritically blame us for sabotaging.

Our enemy is clear until they put their weapons away.

We have no need to modernize beyond what is already in motion.
Our focus now should be internal because that is where the war is.
Who is the target of the ICBM? Which country has threatened us with nuclear weapons who are far away for which we need a ICBM? Please give an actual report.
One prepares against all current and possible future threats....No? Lets say i agree that there is no current threat at the moment, does that means it will always remain the same?
Besides lets not forget if we were not threaten by nuclear weapons, we were threatened to be bombed back to stone age if we dont comply. Who's to say this instance would not/could not repeat in the future?
Every country prepares for all current and possible future threats, why should it be different for Pakistan? India is making ICBM, so has Israel. US itself can hit the entire world. Does US have a nuke threat from all over the Globe? No yet possess weapons that can hit every corner of the world. Just in case.
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One prepares against all current and possible future threats....No? Lets say i agree that there is no current threat at the moment, does that means it will always remain the same?
Besides lets not forget if we were not threaten by nuclear weapons, we were threatened to be bombed back to stone age if we dont comply. Who's to say this instance would not/could not repeat in the future?
Every country prepares for all current and possible future threats, why should it be different for Pakistan? India is making ICBM, so has Israel. US itself can hit the entire world. Does US have a nuke threat from all over the Globe? No yet possess weapons that can hit every corner of the world. Just in case.
No still need For ICBM Pakistan is in not direct threat of Pakistan security @IceCold its a waste of reesources @IceCold ,India is developing ICBM because of China and as for Israel is fully supported/finance by US/EU to keep in check a whole middle east as well as Asia, We should need to concentrate more about to develop/purchased long range SAMs/ABM system than an ICBM @IceCold
Ma man. Lets hope PTI does that and is not refuse to increase the range of our missiles. That self imposed ban on ICBM needs go down the toilet drain.

We need to focus on Satellite delivery rather than ICBMs. However,We need to maintain a responsible position and improve our technology at the same time whilst persuading the world there is no need for world/country destroying nukes and to negotiate for a war free world.
No still need For ICBM Pakistan is in not direct threat of Pakistan security @IceCold its a waste of reesources @IceCold ,India is developing ICBM because of China and as for Israel is fully supported/finance by US/EU to keep in check a whole middle east as well as Asia, We should need to concentrate more about to develop/purchased long range SAMs/ABM system than an ICBM @IceCold
Was there a direct threat when US threaten to bomb Pakistan back to stone age?
There is only one government and nation with nuclear weapons targeted at our country and that is India.
That is the only target we have to focus on. There is no threat from the US in terms of nuclear capability and we actually keep them well at bay because we target their interests in India.

The only other possibility of engagement is from Israel who ammased weapons to take out their neighborhood in case their limited lands were insufficient as in 73. But since they have pacified all of the threats around them to the point that their former enemies now participate in exersizes on their soil.

Despite all their bluster the Indians have zero hope of defending themselves against even our oldest of nuclear delivery systems simply because we arent thousands of miles away but site next door. They need nothing short of science fiction to protect themselves from our attack.

On the other hand, the Indians know you, understand your language and experience your beliefs first hand and yet chose to hate you blindly. The reason is that hate is pure and unbridled, it is venom of centuries that they want to unload on you. Yet we have made multitudes of peace overtures that they hypocritically blame us for sabotaging.

Our enemy is clear until they put their weapons away.

A Very respectable name : "Robert McNemara" , Kennedy Administration wisely said, "Nukes" have no military utility whatsoever. They are there just for one word : Detterance.

In effect, Yes, Pakistani Nukes are ALREADY deterring Indians from making any advantage of "Possessing" Nukes.


But, Senior members like you give a FALSE impression that nukes can be used. That CANT.

Kargil occurred AFTER Nuclear tests.

Did Nukes Prevent Pakistani Defeat ? NO. The Future wont be ANY Different.
Nukes will DETER your adversary from USING NUKES.


Some Classic Examples :

1. USA in Vietnam and Afganistan
2. Israel in Arab Israeli War
3. USSR in Afganistan
4. Pakistan in Kargil..

Pakistan needs to focus on :

- More Subs
- Better Jets ( Like rafale / typhoon )
- Better Cruise missiles
- Better SAMs
- Electronic Warfare
- ABMs

These are far far more decisive factors for any future wars with ( as you suggest ) their No. 1 Adversary : India
A Very respectable name : "Robert McNemara" , Kennedy Administration wisely said, "Nukes" have no military utility whatsoever. They are there just for one word : Detterance.

In effect, Yes, Pakistani Nukes are ALREADY deterring Indians from making any advantage of "Possessing" Nukes.


But, Senior members like you give a FALSE impression that nukes can be used. That CANT.

Kargil occurred AFTER Nuclear tests.

Did Nukes Prevent Pakistani Defeat ? NO. The Future wont be ANY Different.
Nukes will DETER your adversary from USING NUKES.


Some Classic Examples :

1. USA in Vietnam and Afganistan
2. Israel in Arab Israeli War
3. USSR in Afganistan
4. Pakistan in Kargil..

Pakistan needs to focus on :

- More Subs
- Better Jets ( Like rafale / typhoon )
- Better Cruise missiles
- Better SAMs
- Electronic Warfare
- ABMs

These are far far more decisive factors for any future wars with ( as you suggest ) their No. 1 Adversary : India


First thing, Kargil was not even a war. It was a small, contained, tactical and hot military engagement in a very particular area.

Pakistan's nuclear assets prevent any indian chance of having a full-scale "war" with Pakistan. Are you actually this ignorant or just pretend to be? Despite it's numerical superiority and it's outmost wishes---indians can not even think of crossing the border and invading Pakistani positions in any meaningful manner. Bc they'll either be defeated by better-positioned Pakistani military power or the conflict will escalate to very dangerous levels, putting strategic interests of both nations at extreme risks.

Secondly, Kargil was not even a military defeat for Pakistan---although it was politically embarrassing and ended with no gain. If I were to stoop to your level---I would infact argue that Kargil was a military defeat for india. After all Pakistan army conquered many indian peaks and we still maintain those peaks under our hold to this very day---and indian efforts to re-take those peaks were defeated by Pakistani troops sitting on top (Look up point 5353, Saddle Ridge, Dalu nag etc...All of em taken from india and all of them still under Pakistani occupation over-looking indian positions and highways downstream) :azn:

Sorry dude, but Pakistan's nuclear forces have pinned indian military down within ganga-lands, and no matter how frustrated---you can't do jacksh!t via direct mass military action. We all saw this in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks and multiple other attacks allegedly carried out by Pakistani assets inside indian mainland. :)
We need to focus on Satellite delivery rather than ICBMs. However,We need to maintain a responsible position and improve our technology at the same time whilst persuading the world there is no need for world/country destroying nukes and to negotiate for a war free world.
Both these projects supplement each other. An ICBM program will provide us a boost in SLV project and vice verse.
Nukes at same rate we need solid investment in space program
No still need For ICBM Pakistan is in not direct threat of Pakistan security @IceCold its a waste of reesources @IceCold [/USER]
Well problem with respect to resources, is that we have already done most of the hard work and costly fabrication of infrastruture and development of technology needed for an ICBM. The Shaheen III and Ababeel just need a proper upper stage to turn in into an ICBM, actually if the MIRV bus on the Ababeel is replaced with a small third srage and it employs a standard Shaheen II/III nose section, than we already have an ICBM.

And its not "useless". The US is unpredicatable. Just look at Gaddaffi.
Well problem with respect to resources, is that we have already done most of the hard work and costly fabrication of infrastruture and development of technology needed for an ICBM. The Shaheen III and Ababeel just need a proper upper stage to turn in into an ICBM, actually if the MIRV bus on the Ababeel is replaced with a small third srage and it employs a standard Shaheen II/III nose section, than we already have an ICBM.

And its not "useless". The US is unpredicatable. Just look at Gaddaffi.
They have defense for ICBM and we are not able to defend Pakistan Properly in the case of attack from india forget about USA if attacked, Yes we have the tech, but you know the consequences if we announce we are building/developing an ICBM the who world bring a extreme sanctions on us worst than NK/Iran or may be launch an attack just like they did in iraq in 2003 in the name of weapon of mass destructions @sparten :angel: think logically and use common sense and don't think blindly @sparten

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