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Will Pakistan be able to make a Fighter



Originally posted by phalcon@Oct 12 2005, 12:24 AM
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maybe in next 20 - 25 years
Pakistan first needs to ge it's economy going. We will have to wait for atleast 5-10 years for that. After that we would probabley ask the chinese to help us with some fighters and trainers so our engenniers get some experince. JF-17 is a good exmaple, and by 15-20 years Pakistan can make something as good as rafale.
Of course by 15 years or more we will be able to make an aircraft like Rafale. But then one needs to think about if the latest technology will remain the same as it is today? That makes you think dont it!

Pakistan needs to work on fast pace to be with the countries who are making advance fighters, and if you Pakistan is.. Example is JF-17 we are working with Chinese, and of course learning from them. Once we learn it we will be able to create our own aircrafts, and that is the great thing for all of us.

With know how to make aircrafts we will improve time to time, and of course we can get assistance if we need.
I think Pakistan will not go for any project alone next 20-25 years
because of some economic problems and as well technical.

But I think now when pakistan is Non NATO ally for US it must start ajoint project with her gain some technology development experince. :PakistanFlag: :glare:
A twin engine JF-17 would be in the same class as the rafale

so if pakistan wants something like the rafale built in pakistan, then it can just modify the jf-17 and put in european equipement
But then wouldn't design factor will determine the performance such as RCS difference, payload, hard points?

Originally posted by ISI2003@Nov 9 2005, 03:52 PM
A twin engine JF-17 would be in the same class as the rafale

so if pakistan wants something like the rafale built in pakistan, then it can just modify the jf-17 and put in european equipement
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Originally posted by Ahsan F@Nov 9 2005, 08:04 PM
But then wouldn't design factor will determine the performance such as RCS difference, payload, hard points?
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such as RCS difference
That depends.PAF can use LOAN. The type of engine that was experminted of F-16.What it does is reduces RCS.With the help from USA of course.

payload, hard points?

They might get increased.

The good thing about twin engine will be faster speed. More range.Able to carry more weapons and hardpoints.More mounverable.


Might make it more expensive to maintain.

But the best thing might be that if we make JF-17 a twin engine. We might be able to put a radar behind the plane.So the pilot can detect fighters from his radar and not by mirrorrs.

See that "stick" stucking out between the engines.That's what iam talking about. :evil:
Originally posted by Awais@Nov 10 2005, 07:17 AM
That depends.PAF can use LOAN. The type of engine that was experminted of F-16.What it does is reduces RCS.With the help from USA of course.
They might get increased.
The good thing about twin engine will be faster speed. More range.Able to carry more weapons and hardpoints.More mounverable.


Might make it more expensive to maintain.

But the best thing might be that if we make JF-17 a twin engine. We might be able to put a radar behind the plane.So the pilot can detect fighters from his radar and not by mirrorrs.

See that "stick" stucking out between the engines.That's what iam talking about.  :evil:
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I dont agree with any of that....
If JF-17 gets 2 Engines instead of one then it would considerably become a deadly fighter. Having Two Engines would make a more powerful Thust-to-Weiht Ratio which would increase speed, payload, and most importantly manuverabilitie .These days the design of the aircarft doesn't matter, only the electronics and avionics matters. You can give a F-4 to the U.S and within a while they can put highly advanced Electronics into it to make it deadly.
Originally posted by Best of the Best@Nov 10 2005, 12:51 AM
I dont agree with any of that....
[post=2618]Quoted post[/post]​

Why ??????? :reading1:

These days the design of the aircarft doesn't matter, only the electronics and avionics matters. You can give a F-4 to the U.S and within a while they can put highly advanced Electronics into it to make it deadly.

Agreed. But still you have to make a fighter as much deadly as possibile with out any avionces. You never know when it might come in handy
Nope Pakistan woudnt be able to produce AC indigniously.
Reasons are as followed:
1 Pakistan has taken first step in the AC industry and is able to produce an AC equal to Mig21 and it is in colabration with China.
2 No real source from which Pakistan can get Engines and the question about the reverse engineered engine which China is trying to make is that they will be oke but they cannot compete the westren markets.
3 Avionics problem
4 Funding
5 There can be delays as it has happened in many countries take an example of India LCA was supposed to replace Mig21 ageing fleet but it is a decade late of its production.
6 New and new advancements are being make in the field of AC industry we can se US has stealthy AC what should poor counties do to shoot them down

Pakistan must try to stick to US AC but the problem would remain the same as US will supply those AC to Pakistan which it is gonna retire from its force.Pakistan must go for joint ventures with China and should try to improve relations with Russia (More can be seen in the defence of Pakistan after the Indian purchases of MRCAs which is a headache)
Originally posted by kashifshahzad@Nov 23 2005, 12:32 PM
3 Avionics problem

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the PAFs engineers coded (wrote the programming) for the F7pg HUD and some other avionics are made in pakistani including radar warning recievers and the acociated systems..automatic chaff and flare dispensers...
Originally posted by Yahya@Nov 23 2005, 08:23 PM
the PAFs engineers coded (wrote the programming) for the F7pg HUD and some other avionics are made in pakistani including radar warning recievers and the acociated systems..automatic chaff and flare dispensers...
[post=3529]Quoted post[/post]​

Matey can we fit that kind of radar in Rafale like plane.China is far behind the western world also it is behind from Russia then what can Pakistan do it didnt know how to make a plane then this thunder came into being lol :LOLANI:
Originally posted by kashifshahzad@Nov 23 2005, 12:13 PM
Matey can we fit that kind of radar in Rafale like plane.China is far behind the western world also it is behind from Russia then what can Pakistan do it didnt know how to make a plane then this thunder came into being lol :LOLANI:
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actually its is only about 5 years behind russia (currently it has a radar simialr to the one on the su-27's ready, that is why the J-11B is all chinese, the radar is chinese becuase it is better than the russian version)

as it is developing a radar with russia and will then be on par with russia

soon the eu kill could be lifted and china could get alot of advanced electronics and radars from france (at the "right" price the french will sell)

in 5 years they could be on par with european radrs like those for the eurofighter and rafale

by 2012 the chinese want to fly their JXX, so it needs an advanced radar (not by 2012 imeedately but by 2015 to integrate as the lane gets to that stage)

the chinese are behnd but are catching up fast

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