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Will Pak finally realise its issue is not India?

The issue is India.

The last two govts have been trying to befriend India and its attitude is anything but friendly.

Not only is there an issue of Kashmir but also water disputes. India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan. This govt and one before were just too timid to say it. It does not mean people of Pakistan who the real enemy is. India has demonstrated its animosity towards us many times.
Using proxies doesn't make you angel

Even as the Pakistani security established successfully neutralised the Tehreek-i-Taliban militants who stormed Karachi's Jinnah International Airport in the intervening night of 8-9 June, questions are now being raised about Pakistan's stand on its home-grown terror. It is clear that Pakistan is facing a backlash of the terror network that it nurtured itself not so long ago. "Pakistan nurtured Tehreek-i-Taliban and now they are paying the price. They are trying to control them internally and use them externally in Afghanistan and India. Pakistan sincerely needs to tackle militancy. India should be on the alert as well. Pakistan must decide which policy it wants to follow," former Deputy Chief of Army Staff Lt Gen (Retd) Raj Kadyan told CNN-IBN during a panel discussion. Smoke rises after militants launched an early morning assault at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi on 09 June 2014. AFP The Hindu, resident editor in Mumbai, Amit Baruah felt the attack would affect the image of Pakistan internationally. "The attack comes at a time when a civilian government is trying to restore the economy and peace. Pakistan really faces an existential choice. The Tehreek-i-Taliban has shattered the myth that they are keen on negotiations. Pakistan has been driven to despair because normal citizens have become victims of terror. The time has come for the government and the Pakistani army to really take a call," Baruah said. The Pakistani army and the government must understand the seriousness of the situation. The willingness to take on terror has to be demonstrated. Today's attack sends out a signal that Pakistan is not a safe country. The narrow understanding of religion becoming the structure of governance is not a right thing. The hardline notions of Islam should be rejected," the resident editor said. Former diplomat KC Singh shared similar views. "What we saw today in Karachi is a result of the split ISI managed to create in the Tehreek-i-Taliban. Now the onus is on Pakistan to go out and get the other half. Mere aerial strikes on terror pockets won't help," Singh said. The former diplomat also rejected the idea of an Indian hand in the attack as reports suggested that India-made weapons and other battle gears were recovered from the slain terrorists. "The involvement of India is theoretically impossible. While there was an outgoing government till a few days ago, the new government is yet to settle in. No government would like to start off in such a fashion. There is a possibility that groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jamaat ud Dawa may use this incident to act against India. This is decision time for Pakistan and they have to act fast," Singh said. Pakistani journalist Wajahat S Khan vindicated the stand taken by Singh. "There is a knee-jerk reaction to every terror attack in Pakistan that there is an Indian hand. The truth is different elements in Pakistan have not been successful in convincing each other about the real threat which is terror," Khan said. The Pakistani journalist although said that there is a gradual realisation in Pakistan, particularly in its army, about the need to finish these militant groups. "There is a slow U-turn happening as to how to deal with these bad guys. This military has ceded a lot. In fact, the military which earlier built nukes without caring for permission from the civilian establishment now even struggled to shut down a TV channel (Geo TV). Sad part is this military does not think it is ready to go out and declare war on these militants," Khan said.

Read more at:Karachi attack: Will Pak finally realise its issue is not India? | Firstpost
Don't think there are many in the Indian establishment who will be playing on your team. An off balance Pakistan is considered a much better neighbor by the Indian establishment, irrespective of the oft mouthed official stance of "Stable Pakistan is in India's best interests"

The TTP has plans for us once they are done with Pakistan:

TTP leader vows to send fighters to Kashmir and impose Sharia law in India | Mail Online

For better or worse, I think that we(Indians) all can agree that nobody wants Islamist factions here. Status quo suits us best. The funny part is that we don't have to do anything to keep things that way!!! :D

Let them keep hunting each other. It's none of our business anyway.
The India threat was gone when Pakistan got the Nukes. The nation needs to stand up against these small yet destructive forces. It is not easy to defeat a mindset.
The issue is India.

The last two govts have been trying to befriend India and its attitude is anything but friendly.

Not only is there an issue of Kashmir but also water disputes. India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan. This govt and one before were just too timid to say it. It does not mean people of Pakistan who the real enemy is. India has demonstrated its animosity towards us many times.

You do adventures like Kargil and Mumbai and call yourself timid. Height of stupidity.

Any govt. worth its salt will start denouncing even a shred of evidence is found on India.
The issue is India.

The last two govts have been trying to befriend India and its attitude is anything but friendly.

Not only is there an issue of Kashmir but also water disputes. India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan. This govt and one before were just too timid to say it. It does not mean people of Pakistan who the real enemy is. India has demonstrated its animosity towards us many times.

Even if India is an issue, there is no clear policy of Pakistan on how you deal with India.

Here members, media and other non governmental groups accuse India to have perpetuated Karachi Airport attack, but there is no official statement from your government accusing India regarding this.



Indian made medicine and weapons
WOW..India is making chinese type 69 rpgs and chicom rifles...

Pakistan is simpley using this incident to potray India in a negative light
The issue is India.

India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan.

Frankly, this is just the bogey some parts of your military sells to naive Pakistani population to keep them in line. They dont want Pakistani public to realize that its the monster created by the Pakistani military that is killing them left, right and center. Hinting at an external threat, keeps the population united and in line. There's got to be a reason why Pakistan does not come out with formal charges if it really is India that is fomenting terrorism in Pakistan
mir but also water disputes. India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan. This govt an

Mate. Its not my opinion that I said. This is what most people in Indian establishment think. Specially now
india is the eternal enemy.
SO does pakistan for India!

LOL! Pakistani media people pixelated the Importer in Karachi but showed Cipla's address :cheesy:

AJ Mirza is surely on RAW's $2 pay list:rofl:

Wait for the online investigation from pdf's big wigs :whistle:
Still marketed and imported by pakistan !

The issue is India.

The last two govts have been trying to befriend India and its attitude is anything but friendly.

Not only is there an issue of Kashmir but also water disputes. India has been found fomenting terror in Pakistan. This govt and one before were just too timid to say it. It does not mean people of Pakistan who the real enemy is. India has demonstrated its animosity towards us many times.
the last government was eunuch dealing with prblem but this government is putting pakistan accountable ! thats why nawaz swariff is worried BTW our PM calling your your PM for ceremony was critisimism from chor party congress ! but yet why not call him ? pakistanis welcomed as Guest here in our country and even you come to delhi !
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