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Will India ever be a "real" super-power?

If a society which makes "great leaps" killing tens of millions and where hundreds of milions start running after the four pests, banging their pots, pans and drums can be a Superpower, there is hope for everyone. ;)

The largest number of people killed of famine after WW-2 and the award goes to...

400 millions scraped off in the womb forcibly and the award again goes to...

When the most corrupt and unethical people lacking the most basic business ethic (even the fellow Hans from Singapore and Hong Kong call them locusts!) start judging others, you know something is amiss.

BTW, funny to see the obsession so these strange remote people with us. The only thing that explains this is the 50 cent theory.

You know too little and presume too much.

And I have too little time for ignorants...

China got her nuclear weapons at the time when several millions died of hunger when they even didn't have rotten food to eat.

LOL, You're so bashed up, you've gone totally incoherent. :laughcry: :laughcry:

How? Are you living in day dreaming. :lol:
China got her nuclear weapons at the time when several millions died of hunger when they even didn't have rotten food to eat.

Is it not the with India as well? Pakistan is not an exception either.
Our Chinese and Pakistani friends has too much interest in discussion. After all who won't have Interest in future Super power?

he he he so sos right sirji kya baat kahi

as they say "Log Apne dukho se utne dukhi nahi jitne parosi ke sukh se dukhi hain"
China got her nuclear weapons at the time when several millions died of hunger when they even didn't have rotten food to eat.

Yet they still exported food because Mao thought China had food surplus as a result of his farming theories (intensive rice crops etc. that failed but the illusion was kept by planting green rice crops everywhere he went, by taking it from other fields).

This shows exactly the nature of the society. They are good at doing what they are told. The less the thinking involved, the better they do. Like wiping the iPad glass with n-Hexane...
Is it not the with India as well? Pakistan is not an exception either.

well cant say about pakistan but never a case for india yes there are a few backward pockets but over all indians are quite satisfied as far as food is concerned
Is it not the with India as well? Pakistan is not an exception either.

Condition were not that worst in India or even in Pakistan unlike China where they got nuclear weapons just after Great Leap forward, some estimates put it as 45 million people dying of starvation in 4 years and just after that China became nuclear power.
well cant say about pakistan but never a case for india yes there are a few backward pockets but over all indians are quite satisfied as far as food is concerned

Ok - Maybe you are right, the reports of world organization must be distorted
Plenty, we are the world's oldest continuous civilization. For a start, our skin color is chinese, we don't bleach our skin to be white :laughcry: :rofl:

Some Chinese women like to be fair, but skin color is never an national obsession in China like it is in INdia. Have some honesty will you?

India's unfair obsession with lighter skin | World news | The Guardian

India’s obsession with white is big business
India’s obsession with white is big business

Why are Indians obsessed with fairness?

According to south korea tourist department last year about 20000 chinese done plastic surgery in south korea.. In south korea the surgeries are very very expensive.. Then also so much.. Then imagin the number of plastic surgeries done in China..
Why are Chinese so obsessed with their looks??
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No need. We will work with our friends.

Russia is a current friend, China is a future friend.

Baki bacha kaun... ;)

I agree with you. But what I meant was that regardless of some people rationalizing that there are various non-military ways of becoming a superpower, the fact remains that force projection on a global scale is the ONLY way to be taken seriously by everyone across the world. Yes financial clout matters, but financial clout without the means to protect your commerce and trade lanes means little. And financial clout as is evident from the history of the past few hundred to a few thousand years, comes from the barrel of a gun (or the edge of the sword, or the missile silo deep underground .....).

As things stand, there is only one real superpower and that is the US. The world IMHO was a better place when there were two, but there is nothing much we can do about that short of lamenting and analyzing. Yes, even today, as Syria has shown, even the US cannot still act unilaterally militarily push come to shove when big bear is not in the mood. And that too comes from the barrel of a gun. A depleted gun sure, but a gun nevertheless that is still way bigger than any other gun save one on the planet.

The gap is way too big. The post WWII years ensure that. It will never be bridged. China and eventually India will succeed or join the US as economic power centers. But make no mistake. Never as superpowers in the way we know it today.
maybe who knows......look who are talking about distortion of history :omghaha:

What History? - These reports are published every year by multiple world organizations every year with latest statistics and as far as i know - those organizations are not run by ISI/PA

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