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Wikileaks Diplomatic Cables

Wikileaks Cable Breakdown:
Saudi Arabia is also the biggest doner to Al Qaeda.

and friends of USA

Saudi King advice for barak obama..
The king is worried about American credibility more than the Americans themselves because it is America indirectly which keeps their arm chair strong and surviving.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.

4. (S) THE WORLD NEEDS OBAMA: Brennan said President Obama looked forward to seeing the King at the G-20 summit in London. "Thank God for bringing Obama to the presidency," the King answered, which has created "great hope" in the Muslim world. "May God grant him strength and patience, Abdullah continued, "May God protect him. I'm concerned about his personal safety. America and the world need such a president."

And the biggest hypocrites of muslim brotherhood as well...

8. (S) A "HEATED EXCHANGE": The King noted that Iranian FM Mottaki had been "sitting in that same seat (as Brennan) a few moments ago." The King described his conversation with FM Mottaki as "a heated exchange, frankly discussing Iran's interference in Arab affairs." When challenged by the King on Iranian meddling in Hamas affairs, Mottaki apparently protested that "these are Muslims." "No, Arabs" countered the King, "You as Persians have no business meddling in Arab matters." The King said the Iranians wanted to improve relations and that he responded by giving Mottaki an ultimatum. "I will give you one year" (to improve ties), "after that, it will be the end."

if they have this kind of tone for the Iranians then we can wonder where do Pakistanis figure in the food chain..somewhere near the end. So in a nutshell, Israeli massacre of Palestinians is happening with tactic approval of Arab leaders hence the whole muslim world should forget their connection of islamic brotherhood. Its an arab issue and will remain one!

The saudis seems to trust the kuffars more than anyone remotely Arab or Muslims..if the wikileaks are believed to be truth than this is a very shameful character of a leader.
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While the media and the people are going to have a heyday about the comments on Zardari and nuclear fuel thing, I am dead sure that the "muslim ummah" bubble blown by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman and Qatar will be ignored altogether.
4. (S) Assessing the region, Dagan said Israel sees itself in the middle of a rapidly changing environment, in which the fate of one Middle Eastern country is connected to another. Dagan then said he was concerned about how long Pakistani President Musharraf would survive: "He is facing a serious problem with the militants. Pakistan's nuclear capability could end up in the hands of an Islamic regime." Turning to Iran, Dagan observed that it is in a transition period. There is debate among the leadership between Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad and their respective supporters. Instability in Iran is driven by inflation and tension among ethnic minorities. This, Dagan said, presents unique opportunities, and Israelis and Americans might see a change in Iran in their lifetimes. As for Iraq, it may end up a weak, federal state comprised of three cantons or entities, one each belonging to the Kurds, Sunnis and Shias.

US embassy cables: Israel grateful for US support | World news | guardian.co.uk
Muslim Ummah is a wet dream only for some and realists know it's not possible.

Bhutto utilised Pan-Islamism and look how we suffer today.

Hudood ordinance was part of the package that Saudi wanted in return for support in the war against the soviets.
I think that wikileaks is actually a CIA project for flooding the world with useless information. Now even of something real is discovered will be very hard to find it under tons of unimportant nonsense. Probably part of the documents are disinformation.
I think that wikileaks is actually a CIA project for flooding the world with useless information. Now even of something real is discovered will be very hard to find it under tons of unimportant nonsense. Probably part of the documents are disinformation.

Dagan said he wanted to do with Iran like Iraq
that means (as he said) separate and weaken the country in kurds, sunnis, and shias.
A dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel: Since 2007, the United States has mounted a highly secret effort, so far unsuccessful, to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device. In May 2009, Ambassador Anne W. Patterson reported that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal, ‘they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons,’ he argued.”

So far I have nothing on India but am keen. Let me know if you guys find anything.
The king of Saudi Arabia called President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan the greatest obstacle to that country’s progress. “When the head is rotten,” he said, “it affects the whole body.”

Well it is as true as death is true. already we the people of Pakistan know this about zardari, even PPP guys knows this. So the King said it right.
Ambassador asked about MbZ's visit the week before to Lahore to meet with Pakistani President Musharraf. MbZ chuckled and asked why the USG "always" convinced the Pakistanis to delay news of the capture of senior Al Qaeda operatives such as Abu Faraj al Libbi. MbZ went on to congratulate Washington for its decision to allow U.S. firms to bid for contracts to provide F-16s and other defense technology to Pakistan. It was important to support Musharraf as he battled the terrorists, he emphasized. While the Indians had and would continue to balk at the decision, the region needed Musharraf to stay strong. There was no alternative leader in sight, MbZ opined. Besides, he continued, the F-16 decision would not tip the military balance between India and Pakistan. Even if it had, India's strength as a stable democracy would ensure that it would not ever be in as "risky" a situation as its neighbor. MbZ then slapped his knee and said "you,ll never guess what Musharraf asked me...he asked me whether the UAE had received approval for the Predator!" (Note: the USG's inability to meet the UAE's request for an armed Predator remains a sore point for MbZ, although he has not directly raised the issue with us for some time.)

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