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Why India will not be able to match up with China

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Ha ha, why are you giving a background check of ur
ancestor and their achievements??

Do u think, we give **** about ur background??

And since u raised question about my caste ,let me tell u,i'm a Brahmin.

Now forget ur background or my caste ...talk about topic u started .
yaa,u can put more some pictures.:lol:

to tell you that you are a lower caste dude. you should show your respect when talking to a higher caste master from Shanghai.

:smokin: this is very indian, isn't it?

I've told you, there is no "lower caste" crap in this world, if you insist to tell me why a women is a backward caste, the above treatment is for you?
here in australia, pubs are public place for people to have drinks. you can freely smoke in all none roof covered place, including the front door area of the hospital.

are you telling me australia is not as civilized as your lovely india? :no:

tell me, how many family arranged marriages in India every year?

The story of my family is known to 90+% of all Chinese around the world, the story is well preserved in our films, books, docs, museums. a google search using the most commonly used title of that story returns more than 1 million pages. There is a town in the richest part of our nation named by my ancestor who retired as the vice PM of the nation.

am I qualified to be your high caste member? :azn: I've told you that you are just a lower caste. :no:

lol.... i am this i am that .. i can do this .. i have this.. do you have that ????? . i am the museum , book kinda .. and guess what i have starred with jacky chan .. and uhh yea.. i live in such a civilised society where ppl smoke in pubs.. and i dont give shyt to passive smoking.. my ancestor has a town named aftr him 'coz let me guess in communist china you can have billions in your pocket to spend .. but sadly i dont have much dats y i am an angry ,frustrated soul. it seriously doesn't matter that i go to my local legislator and tell him of my views on somthing he is goin to make a law on ...i cannot choose a leader , i cannot strike , cannot sue a government, sometimes my search engine is blocked. habeas corpus .....what is that .... is that an extinct animal ???.... but so what ... it only helps in explaining my non stop ranting and thus demonstrates my close minded view..i keep scaring indians with my military tall talk and they just have three words to say " Bring It On" ..

and ofcourse china rules .. :china:
I1. India means dirty in our mind. .

2. There are a lot of corruptions in China, however, once compared with India, we all believe our officials are very efficient and honest.
-- welll some may agree to this !!! but have got no proofs to back it up....

3. There are rumors that you guys never use toilet paper.
-> whats the deal then ? if west uses toilet paper ? Common Indians dont believe that's the cleanest way.. again what's ur point in it ? just becoz u use toilet papers ?

4. It is said electricity can be cut off in New Delhi several times a week.
-> Point to be noted... Can't deny this....

5. To visit India from Australia, you are required to have some vaccine first, the travel insurance is much more expensive compared to travel to China.
-> Since i am not from Australia.. got no Idea.. but last time I checked one of the serious flus in this decade originated in china bird flue !!!

6. One of my Indian friends married a young lady who he even don't know.
-> So again ?whats the deal... people can know abt their partners before marriage or know them after marriage.. after their parents select for them with their consultations... Guess India doesn't rank among the top countries where u have divorses !!

7. a 25 years old friend of mine drinked her first cup of wine and told me this is totally not believable in India.
-> That cud be just becoz she isn't from a city or due to her family.. But yeah will agree to this to some extent..Ladies having a drink in public places is quite not normal except for cities like Bombay and likewise...

8. One of my Indian friends send a group invitation to about 10 people for his birthday dinner and said he will treat us in a "high end" restaurant - later proved to be a take away food shop in the CBD.
-> Want to comment ur china towns in US here !!! breeding grounds of crime after blacks ? But lets not stereotype or generalize...;);).. here China is seen as a cheap dumping manufacturer by a common american.. does that Change ur perspective on CHina ?

9. I told one of my Indian friends that I take shower twice a day, he was shocked and told me they take shower every three days.
-> I dont know if all these Indians r ur friends or u too naive to generalize personal habits to everyone else u see.. seems u do carry a heavy load of prejudice. I know americans, pakistanis and Indians who do take bath every day and someothers don't .. so what's the point ?

10. last but not least, actually my favourite one: it took India 30 years to "test" their Arjun/LCA, but these junks are still not combat ready
->Success is sweet, but failure is never worthless.. Somebody who fears of failure goes nowhere.. I wish India does more research... sometimes great things come out from nowhere.. but for sure, if u dont start u dont get anywhere....
And I thought Americans were arrogant, silly me.

Of course the Pakistanis joined in wholeheartedly, it seems they can't relate to any of India's problems. Here the Chinese are busy attacking India, calling us inferior, even going so far as to say that Indians are incapable of building a modern economy.

And none of you (Pakistanis) saw anything wrong with that.

Are you so blinded by hatred that you can't see that all this talk about Chinese superiority/Indian inferiority applies to all of us South Asians?

Do you see nothing wrong with how you gladly accept that Pakistan will never rise to a position of global prominence and comfort yourselves by pointing out India's shortcomings/Chinese achievements? (China is not your country btw)

There are far too many Pakistanis who think that their main weapon against India is simply holding it back. Comments like 'we have nothing to lose' and 'you won't become a superpower unless we let you' are shameful, and indicative of a defeatist mentality.

India is probably in a better position to mess with China than Pakistan is to mess with India. Yet there is a marked difference in attitude between our nations, and its blatantly obvious.

To my Chinese friends, be proud of all that your nation has accomplished, you have every right to be, but this arrogant and demeaning attitude helps no one.

Ten years ago, the Americans pointed fingers at China in a similar manner, and today they are eating their words.

Development doesn't come easy. India is working hard, we have the right attitude and the right atmosphere to achieve greatness.

India doesn't have to be China to be great, just like China doesn't have to be America.
Funny how the Chinese think they can compare themselves with the US when they pour scorn on India.Reality check for them,,,the difference between China and the US is a hell lot more than difference between China and India both 3rd world countries.
And I thought Americans were arrogant, silly me.

Of course the Pakistanis joined in wholeheartedly, it seems they can't relate to any of India's problems. Here the Chinese are busy attacking India, calling us inferior, even going so far as to say that Indians are incapable of building a modern economy.

And none of you (Pakistanis) saw anything wrong with that.

Are you so blinded by hatred that you can't see that all this talk about Chinese superiority/Indian inferiority applies to all of us South Asians?

Do you see nothing wrong with how you gladly accept that Pakistan will never rise to a position of global prominence and comfort yourselves by pointing out India's shortcomings/Chinese achievements? (China is not your country btw)

There are far too many Pakistanis who think that their main weapon against India is simply holding it back. Comments like 'we have nothing to lose' and 'you won't become a superpower unless we let you' are shameful, and indicative of a defeatist mentality.

India is probably in a better position to mess with China than Pakistan is to mess with India. Yet there is a marked difference in attitude between our nations, and its blatantly obvious.

To my Chinese friends, be proud of all that your nation has accomplished, you have every right to be, but this arrogant and demeaning attitude helps no one.

Ten years ago, the Americans pointed fingers at China in a similar manner, and today they are eating their words.

Development doesn't come easy. India is working hard, we have the right attitude and the right atmosphere to achieve greatness.

India doesn't have to be China to be great, just like China doesn't have to be America.

This applies more to Brahmins (aka Honory Whites) who DISCRIMINATE against Mongoloids, Dalits, Muslims. No where does it say India is not capable. Rather this thread is to instil reality, and that reality is that you need to learn to respect others (not because they can whoop ur arse, but because they are humans too).

It is India that does the war cries, "scenarios", and propaganda. Check out xinhua and people's daily for news about India in the last century -- HOW MANY NEGATIVE ARTICLES verus POSITIVE ARTICLES ARE THERE ABOUT INDIA??? Now do the same with Bharat news sources, and you will clearly see who is degrading/under-estimating/lying about whom. :smitten:

Lesson for all: THIS IS A MULTI-POLAR, MULTI-ETHNIC, MULTI-RACIAL WORLD! You may be proud of your people (just as a parent is proud of their child), but don't over-do it. Because then it will be supremacist mentality that will handicap yourself and hurt others! :smitten:
Brahmans rule India?...last I checked a Sikh was the Prime Minister,A white Catholic lady was the most powerful political figure in the whole country and a bunch of states are ruled by the so called backward caste people including the most populous one. You know nothing about India Sinoindusfriendship
:smitten:I just don't get it, whenever you Indians debating almost anything

that had nothing related to China, you drag China into it , mostly for

for comparision in order to throw cheap shots.

And now, someone start a thread open for you to compare China

and India. You complaining it is a Indians bashing thread.

To me, if someone challenge me , I am better than you with facts,

I will try to prove him wrong with facts.

If i can't, i should better shut up and move on.:smitten:

Brahmans rule India?...last I checked a Sikh was the Prime Minister,A white Catholic lady was the most powerful political figure in the whole country and a bunch of states are ruled by the so called backward caste people including the most populous one. You know nothing about India Sinoindusfriendship

You are the only American who's ego and patriotism is hurt when somebody insults India. :woot:
This applies more to Brahmins (aka Honory Whites) who DISCRIMINATE against Mongoloids, Dalits, Muslims. No where does it say India is not capable. Rather this thread is to instil reality, and that reality is that you need to learn to respect others (not because they can whoop ur arse, but because they are humans too).

It is India that does the war cries, "scenarios", and propaganda. Check out xinhua and people's daily for news about India in the last century -- HOW MANY NEGATIVE ARTICLES verus POSITIVE ARTICLES ARE THERE ABOUT INDIA??? Now do the same with Bharat news sources, and you will clearly see who is degrading/under-estimating/lying about whom. :smitten:

Lesson for all: THIS IS A MULTI-POLAR, MULTI-ETHNIC, MULTI-RACIAL WORLD! You may be proud of your people (just as a parent is proud of their child), but don't over-do it. Because then it will be supremacist mentality that will handicap yourself and hurt others! :smitten:

why don't u quote ur news sources on korea , Japan and US related news ? or may be Soviets till 80s instead of quoting if India is covered negatively... off course india is still seen as a weaker opponent by China so far....and more importantly our border skirmishes are never so big compared to its western neighbors....
But in india's context China is imp[ortant not just becoz of its border issues but also becoz china is one of the closest covert and public supporters of Pakistan... now do u get the reasons why india covers China...
Man stimes u talk as though u r too smart... but u dont get soo obvious ....
I am telling you the truth. I don't agree with those things but that is the truth. to give you some more info:

1. India means dirty in our mind.
2. There are a lot of corruptions in China, however, once compared with India, we all believe our officials are very efficient and honest.
3. There are rumors that you guys never use toilet paper.
4. It is said electricity can be cut off in New Delhi several times a week.
5. To visit India from Australia, you are required to have some vaccine first, the travel insurance is much more expensive compared to travel to China.
6. One of my Indian friends married a young lady who he even don't know.
7. a 25 years old friend of mine drinked her first cup of wine and told me this is totally not believable in India.
8. One of my Indian friends send a group invitation to about 10 people for his birthday dinner and said he will treat us in a "high end" restaurant - later proved to be a take away food shop in the CBD.
9. I told one of my Indian friends that I take shower twice a day, he was shocked and told me they take shower every three days.
10. last but not least, actually my favourite one: it took India 30 years to "test" their Arjun/LCA, but these junks are still not combat ready.

Thanks for your deep and extensive feedback. What wonderful analysis. I thought, this is so good, let me try some of my own.

I also don't agree with some of these things but that is the truth. Here's some info for you.

1. China means corrupt, communist driven, propaganda infested, uni state, uni - tone, speaking-in-footstep peoples to us.
2. There is a lot of corruption in China (Milk, Lead) however, compared with India, we all believe that while some Indian officials can get punished, in China every official mostly gets away.
3. There are rumors that you guys use grass and stones instead of toilet paper.
4. It is said that China's financial system is so messed up that it will destroy the entire system one day.
5. To visit China from anywhere in the world you have to be careful because if you even say anything controversial they will lock you up.
6. One of my Chinese acquaintances married some woman in US just to get a green card.
7. A Chinese student in Canada- they don't have any humanity - beat his own pet dog to death over several days. Brutally.
8. One of my Chinese friends wanted us to spend money on him on his birthday. Man!
9. In two top business schools in the USA, Chinese students have the worst reputation for cheating. This is my personal experience. They just copy and cheat any way they can. No originality.
10. Chinese friend told me that he doesn't take showers, except on weekends, because they are 'bad for health'.
11. Last not the least, my favourite ones:
- Some chinese eat insects as food. Oh man.
- Some chinese eat dogs as food.

Hope that helps.
:smitten:I just don't get it, whenever you Indians debating almost anything

that had nothing related to China, you drag China into it , mostly for

for comparision in order to throw cheap shots.

And now, someone start a thread open for you to compare China

and India. You complaining it is a Indians bashing thread.

To me, if someone challenge me , I am better than you with facts,

I will try to prove him wrong with facts.

If i can't, i should better shut up and move on.:smitten:


Dimwit, read the title of the thread and the first post and who posted it!
You were talking about facts......get yours straight first.
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I am telling you the truth. I don't agree with those things but that is the truth. to give you some more info:

1. India means dirty in our mind.
2. There are a lot of corruptions in China, however, once compared with India, we all believe our officials are very efficient and honest.
3. There are rumors that you guys never use toilet paper.
4. It is said electricity can be cut off in New Delhi several times a week.
5. To visit India from Australia, you are required to have some vaccine first, the travel insurance is much more expensive compared to travel to China.
6. One of my Indian friends married a young lady who he even don't know.
7. a 25 years old friend of mine drinked her first cup of wine and told me this is totally not believable in India.
8. One of my Indian friends send a group invitation to about 10 people for his birthday dinner and said he will treat us in a "high end" restaurant - later proved to be a take away food shop in the CBD.
9. I told one of my Indian friends that I take shower twice a day, he was shocked and told me they take shower every three days.
10. last but not least, actually my favourite one: it took India 30 years to "test" their Arjun/LCA, but these junks are still not combat ready.

Excellent points Shchinese. There is some truth to couple of the points you made. But you do realize that Indians have a weird sense of humor and your friends, they are just plain screwing with you?
If you truly believe many of the points that you mentioned, well, the prank worked excellently, convey my congrats to your Indian friends!! They are probably having a hearty laugh at your expense!!
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