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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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The poll shows people still want some more, so I'm going to add more:

Babur Cruise Missile

The Babur can be launched from warships, submarines and TEL's (transporter erector launchers). The missile has a range of 700km and is designed to avoid enemy radar detection and penetrate enemy air defences. The missile can be equipped with both nuclear and conventional warheads, and has a speed of 550mph. The missile is stated to have a high degree of maneuverability, allowing it to hug terrain and obtain near-stealth capabilities. Terrain hugging ability helps the missile avoid enemy radar detection by utilizing terrain masking, giving Babur the capability to penetrate enemy air defence systems like the S-400 undetected and survive until reaching the target. The missiles design features can be compared with the American Tomahawk cruise missile. More advanced versions of the Babur are under development. Later versions are planned to have a range of 1000 km.

"Pakistan made the mistake or conducting pre-emotive strikes too late"

So if you accept it why are you arguing with me! jesus!

I meant pre-emptive, and there is a difference between pre-emptive strikes and starting a war.

DO you really thinks India overnight attacked east-pak without preparation and defeated pak in 12 days??

Are you kidding?? There are no free meals in the world every RUPEE India invested in Afghan is RETURNED through ONE Pakistani....

13 days actually, and it only defeated East Pakistan. In West Pakistan is was a unilateral ceasefire.

No, India did not cause Pakistans troubles, as much as you wish it was possible your intelligence agency's aren't that capable.
"Isolation" lol yeah right, we are doing fine. As for our army controlling the media, funny you should mention that after the "surgical strikes".

I am only mentioning article from Dawn,For same article your Information minister has to reisign and defence minister fled to Dubai with family.
R there chances of coup???

Coup? Possibly, but I wouldn't mind myself. The government is acting a little too big for its boots and needs to be put in its place.
Coup? Possibly, but I wouldn't mind myself. The government is acting a little too big for its boots and needs to be put in its place.

The way raheel shareif is acting at LOC and in Pakistan i believe he is no mood to retire.
He might come back.
Historically in response to Pakistani supported terrorism and insurgency India has responded by supporting insurgency in Pakistan.


Terrorism is a newer phenomena and different than an insurgency, A major Terrorism attack will lead to war, proxy war will be countered with proxy war.
The way raheel shareif is acting at LOC and in Pakistan i believe he is no mood to retire.
He might come back.

He was offered an extension and declined. He's in no mood to continue being the boss, someone else might want to have a coup though. He has shown no sort of aggression towards India either, he's much more calm towards India than Kayani or Musharaf was.

It is like some one attacked India and one Indian says they only defeated South India (Independence to south India) still North India is united. Actually India literally fought war with Arab+US/West+China+Pak coalition in 1971.They all helped you alot some directly and some indirectly .... India got only indirect support from USSR.

Come to proxy-war

Never ever underestimate YOUR ENEMY,that too 10 times more powerful in resources than you,NEVER.Even in Manmohan period you suffered 1:3 losses, now it is MODI-The destroyer 1:10. :D

That Indian would be correct. And in 1971 the Arabs didn't get involved, nether did China. The US only offered indirect support, just like the USSR did for you guys. Please learn som history.

As for your latter paragraph, I think you have had too much hashish.
I meant pre-emptive, and there is a difference between pre-emptive strikes and starting a war.

In one sentence you have exhibited a lot of collective stupidity. kudos.
unfortunately for Pakistan most of its past leaders believed in this and hence the doldrums it is in.
In one sentence you have exhibited a lot of collective stupidity. kudos.
unfortunately for Pakistan most of its past leaders believed in this and hence the doldrums it is in.

No I have not, you on the other hand have displayed your lack of knowledge in what a pre-emptive strike is.
He was offered an extension and declined. He's in no mood to continue being the boss, someone else might want to have a coup though. He has shown no sort of aggression towards India either, he's much more calm towards India than Kayani or Musharaf was.

Still democracy as an institution need to be supported and perfected.
You may have different view,However looking at the scenario,i dont think he will retire.
Lets see how things will turn from 2 November.

However on topic we are not interested on any war,we want to become a economic powerhouse and go for the development and keep accumulating conventional weapon for deterrence.
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It is like some one attacked India and one Indian says they only defeated South India (Independence to south India) still North India is united. Actually India literally fought war with Arab+US/West+China+Pak coalition in 1971.They all helped you alot some directly and some indirectly .... India got only indirect support from USSR.

Come to proxy-war

Never ever underestimate YOUR ENEMY,that too 10 times more powerful in resources than you,NEVER.Even in Manmohan period you suffered 1:3 losses, now it is MODI-The destroyer 1:10. :D

But at least south India is CONNECTED to the indian mainland and the people there are the same as the rest of India. Bengalis are as Pakistani as the Ethiopians and Somalians are. They have 0 in common with Pakistan or Pakistani people. 1971 or 2011. The creation of bangladesh was enivateable. In fact it would be far easier for Pakistan to form a nation with Iran and Central Asian States. We are connected to them and have much more in common with these people than we do with bengalis.
No I have not, you on the other hand have displayed your lack of knowledge in what a pre-emptive strike is.

not really worth arguing this topic or you but it is always fun to watch people like you get twisted up in your words. Thanks for the entertainment.
An article that compares its Theoretical capabilities with practical capabilities of the other side by painting them as practical capabilities of itself and theoretical of the other is not grounded on realities but i guess it served its purpose of contributing to the literature of pron for keyboard warriors.
Nathu La and Cho La incidents - Wikipedia
Go check yourself and google it for more information and your own GK.

We invaded Pakistan in 1971 to save banglas from atrocities of Pak army.
Sorry we have NFU,No first use Nuke policy.

It was your own source that we took your 400 soldiers,if you are chineses however doubt that.
You can google urself matter will be clear and post that source to me also.

We Know pakistan is punjab only where all your 70% of nuclear installation are.
We only need to hit your punjab and matter is over for you in few minutes,may be job done by sea based arihant submarine
You dont know where in sea this shark with nuke is lurking.

Technology is changing fast in nuke warfare you have to catch fast or else your nuclear deterrence will be by outdated weapon which can be countered by ABM/BMD.
i dont need 2 discuss defense strategies with a stupid who believes it takes 130 nukes 2 destroy a city btw if ambs worked as good as u believe USA - south Korea would have destroyed north korea arsenal by now
NO,Bangladeshis are too mild and easy going people you can control entire BD with bunch of army/police.

Common ''BE A MAN, Accept defeat like a man'' ... for example, If u ask Indians about Ind-Chi war, 99% Indians accepts that they LOST the war to China in 1962 (border skirmish-we don't lost any land, still).

Pakistan did lose the 1971 war. But it was impossible for Pakistan to win and the creation of bangladesh was always inevitable.
The only thing to be concerned about is whacked out delusional indians (some who are here on PDF) who somehow think that Pakistan is their "lost territory" that needs to taken back. And that the americans help them do that.
Lol no one considers Pakistan lost territory. You just gotta stop provoking us otherwise we will nuke you to shreds
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