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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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May i POST PAKISTANIS LOVE OF all kinds of ANIMALS,KIDS and rapes !! .... WORLD famous YOUNG TURK VIDEO. :rofl: That is BASED on 100% GENUINE data unlike British propaganda bbc STATS which are pure fiction.

Do you think you are Nigerian?? you people genes are same as common Indians. Anyway, Modi will give FREEDOM to OPPRESSED Baloch people,just wait and see...

@Irfan Baloch @Oscar here is another insect...
May i POST PAKISTANIS LOVE OF all kinds of ANIMALS,KIDS and rapes !! .... WORLD famous YOUNG TURK VIDEO. :rofl: That is BASED on 100% GENUINE data unlike British propaganda bbc STATS which are pure fiction.

Do you think you are Nigerian?? you people genes are same as common Indians. Anyway, Modi will give FREEDOM to OPPRESSED Baloch people,just wait and see...

WRONG. It's the desire of indians to convince everyone that Pakistanis are the same race as them and have the same dna. Reality is however different. Which is why there are so many off you on PDF. Cool off time now :azn:
Lol don't mess with us. We are Punjabis, one of the most feared races in the subcontinent 8-)
Actually you are only a minority, the minority used by the southerners to fight their wars.Kudos

BTW your DP is very cute.
yeah, every body knows which country men and women SHAMELESSLY CLAIM they are INDIAN in FOREIGN countries. :azn:

Is this another lie made up by Indian media and repeated so much that Indian's start believing it? Kind of like how Indian's keep on repeating Mumbai's economy is bigger than Pakistan when it's not?

I have been to alot of countries and no Pakistani claims to be Indian . In foreign countries being an Indian in your group of friends means being the center of jokes about having a dirty country , unhygienic and ugly race . Pakistani's are too proud or patriotic to claim to be Indian . Here is a fun fact for you . Most Pakistani's have superiority complex about their ethnicity vis-a-vis India . I am a Pashtun by ethnicity and it has nothing to do with being Indian (Pakistan has hundreds of different races that has nothing to do with Indian genes and DNA) so stop repeating yourself like a broken record .

Lol don't mess with us. We are Punjabis, one of the most feared races in the subcontinent 8-)

Seriously :D ? Indians are known to be a very timid race outside their country . Pakistani's on the other hand are considered ruthless and aggressive . No wonder you can't produce a single decent fast bowler in your entire history (no aggression) . That applies to all Indians in general too .

Have a look what Kapil dev says about the nature of both the countries and I agree with him. Listen from the 20 minute mark .

Seriously :D ? Indians are known to be a very timid race outside their country . Pakistani's on the other hand are considered ruthless and aggressive . No wonder you can't produce a single decent fast bowler in your entire history (no aggression) .
Lol you delusional. Punjabis are one of the most feared races in the subcontinent. In fact more than half of Pakistan's population is Punjabi.
Edit: Oh so you are Pashtun :D. Jealous of Punjabis? lol
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One should NEVER EVER underestimate it's enemy. For a fact the day India realizes that it has enough conventional strength to overtake Pakistan defence forces with acceptable losses to their own, THEY WILL attack Pakistan.

1. Nuclear Weapons

Pakistan has over 130 nuclear warheads capable of targeting every inch of India, there isn't a single place that is safe. These nuclear warheads can be launched by air or land, and make no mistake, India cannot stop them. India's nuclear defences are primitive, in small supply as well as untested. Not to mention if they actually worked India would have invaded Pakistan by now. If you want to know how much damage a single nuclear warhead can do:


Keep in mind, those bombs were manufactured way back in WW2, imagine how much more potent they would be now, and that instead of 2 warheads being used, it would be well over 100. More than enough to destroy India's largest cities.

If these typical nukes aren't scary enough, Pakistan also has tactical nukes that they can and will deploy on the battlefield, giving them the potential to wipe out entire divisions. Not only does it act as a significant force multiplier for Pakistan, but it also shows that Pakistan is very willing to take some dangerous decisions, this alone can be enough of a deterrent.

It's also important to note that unlike India, Pakistan doesn't have a no first use policy, and that Pakistan also has a second strike capability so forget trying to nuke the place first.

2. Development

India is currently going through some heavy development, and things seem to be improving for the nation. If India were to go to war with Pakistan, expect this development to shatter, and for India to instead to regress as a country. Pakistan is more than capable of destroying India's largest cities that are key to its development. No country would ever want to risk shattering their potential for centuries to come.

3. CM-400AKG

India's BrahMos is often touted as another potent weapon to add to India's arsenal, but everyone seems to forget Pakistan's CM-400AKG. The CM-400AKG is the export variant of the Chinese YJ-12, an air launched anti ship cruise missile. It has an operational range of up to 240km and can travel as fast as Mach 5. This bad boy is effectively a hypersonic carrier killer! It entered service in 2012, and can be launched via Pakistan's JF-17's which themselves have a combat radius of over 1,350km, meaning that the missile can be launched from almost 1,600km away.

Of course, sinking a carrier isn't easy, but it is possible and as the the JF-17 gets better, the odds of it actually happening in a war increase significantly.

The actual impact it would have to sink an aircraft carrier would be major, it would throw billions of dollars India spent on the thing down the toilet as well as act as a major psychological blow to lower Indian morale during a war. The mere existence of the CM-400AKG itself could impact Indian morale in a war.

4. India's military

The Indian military, whilst large and powerful with many dangerous tools, have many issues. Many, MANY issues. India's military has a large number of obsolete tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces, not to mention critical shortages of ammunition and air-defense assets, raising serious questions whether India can undertake large-scale military operations at all, let alone whether ongoing defense modernization really is sharply shifting the conventional balance in its favor. Although Indian defense spending has significantly boosted, much of that money has been spent merely replacing obsolete weapons and equipment.

One example of the Indian military's many troubles is its Air Force, the IAF. The IAF has the highest crash rate among Air Forces worldwide. Whilst these crashes can be contributed to technical limitations, it's obvious the lack of skill among IAF pilots also plays a part, since 6 Su-30MKI's have crashed from 2009 to 2015. If technology was the only problem, then the Su-30MKI shouldn't be crashing on an annual basis as it's a new and advanced fighter.

5. Little incentive

Even if you ignore the above reasons, what pain-staking reason must India invade Pakistan for? There is only one reason and even then it's a shoddy one: to combat anti Indian insurgents. But even then, going to war with Pakistan won't stop that, Pakistan will just start doing it even more in an act of retaliation. So going to war with Pakistan would solve nothing, it would only create lots and lots of problems, some of which I have mentioned in this post.
We cannot go to war to war just to prove a point. The idiocy does not exist with our leadership. This thread is self assurance thread opened by Pakistanis. War is painful has huge loss of life as well as cost humongous amount of money. Plus a war will also hit economy. When we fought 1971 war the cost was so high that it took us many years to digest. War will cost Pakistan dearly in terms of money too. They have to take billions of dollars on loan which would be spent in matters of days. That is why we do not go for war. If we get into a situation where need of war can justify cost war will happen too. Pakistan may want the eat grass for ego but we surely want to live better life.
I agree with you 100%, well, except for the part where you said Pakisran instigates most events so I guess I agree with you 99%.

Did you read my post? I clearly mentioned that genius.

1. That doesn't mean we can't do the same to you.

2. Is that supposed to be an insult? Because it's a shoddy one at best.

3. Excuses excuse, the US itself has worries about this missile being used by China.

4. There's either something wrong with your maintanence teams or your pilots, or maybe even both.

5. And yet the rates of violence in both countries are still comparable.
1. We can debate till eternity. You are welcome to use Nuclear weapons if you have suicidal tendencies.
2. Take it as you like.
3. Please go through the threads where it has been discussed to death.
4. Given the time line of Sukhoi Induction, 6 crashes in 12 years insnt bad. It only means Indian pilots have pretty high airtime & mastering these birds. Given the number of fighters which already entered service around 245 nos, we have pretty less to worry about. Plus upgraded 69 nos of Mig29 & 51 nos of Mirrage 2000-5 are already capable of taking on best PAF has to offer.
5. Daily bomb blast, attacks on schools, training center is not a phenomena in India though.
The pleasure is all mine, idiots like yourself who think too highly of themselves provide some great fun.

you have proven beyond doubt your idiocy which ofcourse wouldn't permit you to realize it. too bad but then I guess you will blame the society.
Lol you delusional. Punjabis are one of the most feared races in the subcontinent. In fact more than half of Pakistan's population is Punjabi.
Edit: Oh so you are Pashtun :D. Jealous of Punjabis? lol

Talking about the people on your side whatever ethnicity they might be . As for Punjabis on my side i consider them my own flesh and blood .
i dont need 2 discuss defense strategies with a stupid who believes it takes 130 nukes 2 destroy a city btw if ambs worked as good as u believe USA - south Korea would have destroyed north korea arsenal by now
Where did i say that please refer old post.
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