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Why India will never go to war with Pakistan

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There is no remote place in India, where a 3 Mega tonne bomb can be tested, without displacing huge number of people.

India was conducting tests under watchful eyes of United States and its satellites.

Already 2 years ago US had found out about possible Indian nuclear test in 1996 and arm twisted the then congress government to stops the tests.

This time under BJP government, It was much more important to conduct the tests itself, than worry about building a new test site.

Only one of the bomb to be tested was, high enough yield to cause damage to the nearby villages, so its yield was lessened.

If you understand nuclear physics, then you wouldn't been posing the questions.

Once you able to start a thermonuclear reaction, that the yield itslef is just variable of how much fissionable material in the bomb itself.

A theoritical yield from few Kilo tonnes to hundreds of megatones is possible.
Total BS again, no difference in yields? Do u even understand basic nuclear physics- critical mass, are u saying you can have 0.01 kt h-bomb?

don't tell me you super power have controllable fusion reactor now, For a thermo bomb, once the second stage is triggered, it is in the range of at least 300 kt, 43kt is not thermo, it is a dud

Check out this link, nuclear experts of entire world are laughing ur boasting on 43kt, they even call out 43, using seismic data collected by USA, the yield is actually 25 kt

Not to mention u guys shamelessly lied about ur 74 test, the yield is less than 2 kt, but u guys boasted 15 kt.

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We invaded Pakistan in 1971 to save banglas from atrocities of Pak army. Sorry we have NFU,No first use Nuke policy.

I don't see how what india did in 1971 is related to what I said but anyway, indians are quite infamous for such irrelevant rants. As for your NFU, you don't nuke a land if the aim is to invade the land.
I don't see how what india did in 1971 is related to what I said but anyway, indians are quite infamous for such irrelevant rants. As for your NFU, you don't nuke a land if the aim is to invade the land.
Then take some history lesson,read about 1971 from neutral sources(Not indian sourse you will not believe either).
We dont want to invade any land,if we want nobody will stop us,our nuke is for deterrence and not to threaten someone or for invade.
All wars with Pakistan was regarding Kashmir.. Wonder how many inches Pakistan has acquired after 1947 Indian innervation although they claim to win all wars against India..lol
Pakistan controls the most strategically important lands of Kashmir and has cut off india from Central Asian route:haha:
you have proven beyond doubt your idiocy which ofcourse wouldn't permit you to realize it. too bad but then I guess you will blame the society.

Nah I'll blame you for being stupid.

1. We can debate till eternity. You are welcome to use Nuclear weapons if you have suicidal tendencies.
2. Take it as you like.
3. Please go through the threads where it has been discussed to death.
4. Given the time line of Sukhoi Induction, 6 crashes in 12 years insnt bad. It only means Indian pilots have pretty high airtime & mastering these birds. Given the number of fighters which already entered service around 245 nos, we have pretty less to worry about. Plus upgraded 69 nos of Mig29 & 51 nos of Mirrage 2000-5 are already capable of taking on best PAF has to offer.
5. Daily bomb blast, attacks on schools, training center is not a phenomena in India though.

1. Don't attack us, we won't use them. Simple as.
2. Alright.
3. Maybe later.
4. Those 6 have happened in the last 6 years, making it an annual occurrence since 2009. If India doesn't crash another in 2016, then that would be a big achievement. Yes technologically your Air Force is sound but your serviceability is bad and so are your pilots, hence why the IAF has the highest amount of crashes per year of any Air Force.
5. They don't happen daily, school attack happened once (twice if you count the Uni attack), and training centre is a rare phenomenon. The saddest part is despite all this, India isn't that much less violent than Pakistan. Says a lot of things.
Nah I'll blame you for being stupid.

1. Don't attack us, we won't use them. Simple as.
2. Alright.
3. Maybe later.
4. Those 6 have happened in the last 6 years, making it an annual occurrence since 2009. If India doesn't crash another in 2016, then that would be a big achievement. Yes technologically your Air Force is sound but your serviceability is bad and so are your pilots, hence why the IAF has the highest amount of crashes per year of any Air Force.
5. They don't happen daily, school attack happened once (twice if you count the Uni attack), and training centre is a rare phenomenon. The saddest part is despite all this, India isn't that much less violent than Pakistan. Says a lot of things.

Fair enough. Lets put this debate to the rest. :) :cheers:
Who on Earth gave me a negative rating for simply responding a troll?
India has secret thermonuclear weapons.....?
Then take some history lesson,read about 1971 from neutral sources(Not indian sourse you will not believe either).
We dont want to invade any land,if we want nobody will stop us,our nuke is for deterrence and not to threaten someone or for invade.
Book Event: Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War by Oxford University scholar Sarmila Bose, Arnold Zeitlin, who witnessed the conflict while serving as the Associated Press bureau chief in Pakistan, offered commentary
Another one:



They are touted as some of the best dogfighters in service, even coming out on top of Eurofighters and F-35s during training exercises. They also have a very potent BVR capability and can be continuously upgraded, with the latest batch in service with the UAE military being described as cheaper alternatives to the F-35.

The PAF has 76 currently in service, with 18 of them being block 52+. That makes them the most advanced aircraft currently in service in the region. Another 45 have been upgraded to block 50 standard, with the remaining 13 being older A/B aircraft (but they still pack a powerful punch and are more advanced than most of what the IAF has in service).
can travel as fast as Mach 5. This bad boy is effectively a hypersonic carrier killer!
False! YJ-12 can travel at 2-4 Mach. With 4 mach in terminal phase.

Keep in mind, those bombs were manufactured way back in WW2, imagine how much more potent they would be now, and that instead of 2 warheads being used, it would be well over 100. More than enough to destroy India's largest cities.
Works the other way round too. Meaning the corollary is true as well. Pakistan cannot afford to go to war.
Guys please don’t bring up old threads. It just clutters the forum. Thread closed.
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