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Why do people marry, wonders Malala

Mujahid Memon

Apr 24, 2012
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Her parents, who had an arranged marriage in Pakistan, would like Malala to get married one day, but she isn’t sure how she feels about it. “I still don’t understand why people have to get married. If you want to have a person in your life, why do you have to sign marriage papers, why can’t it just be a partnership?” she said.

I'm surprised she doesn't even know Islamic basics. I gave her the benefit of doubt for many years when she was younger but now she's old enough to be responsible for these types of weird views.

Her parents failed hard at raising her, specifically her father. Spent so much time on secular education and parading her around the west that she didn't even learn basics of her religion.
Sad to see Malala is actually becoming what the west want her to become. Even my colleagues at work were surprised at this statement.
I am westernised and was born in the UK - I cherish my customs my religion my heritage and being born in the west hasn’t made me forget my roots and principals.
One feels this Pakistani girl is trying harder than her goraay friends to show she is more westernised and whiter than they are.
Malala is a lost soul and maybe lost to her nation is she continues to spout nonsense.
Years ago, People like Hamid Mir and "one who can not be named" had helped to create this Malala scam. A whole team consisted of local-foreign people were involved in writing blogs in English of a teen living in country side with goats and sheeps had carefully framed this character 'Malala' as a future Trojan horse. How many of our countrymen will suspect this grand forgery today ? No one did suspect when this scam artist was born.
Malala is a product of the West's marketing machine.

Yes, a poor school girl near murdered by the evil muslims.

Why didn't they find a Malala from the survivors of US drone attacks in Pakistan? They would have far more to pick from.
Malala, Nadia Murad, Greta Thunberg.

I don't feel sorry for these hoes whom deliver no value to society, all they do is moan and cry and complain. Malala is still a child and acts like she's a wise grandma.
what happened to Ahmed nawaaz I wonder



no love for him from the whitey’s ? .
What about the other girls shot / injured in the attack they don’t deserve not even a headline ? Not even a name check .
Technically - if Malala and another guy were alone on an island they could be in partnership.

But frankly she just doesn’t want to admit she is into open relationships - which is fine really. Glad to see the dupatta covering going beyond religion and as a cultural or fashion statement

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