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Why do people in subcontinent marry cousins?

A minister has rightly highlighted the issue of the dangers of marrying one’s cousin, a practise especially prevalent amongst those of Pakistani origin in the UK:

“A government minister has warned that inbreeding among immigrants is causing a surge in birth defects – comments likely to spark a new row over the place of Muslims in British society.

Phil Woolas, an environment minister, said the culture of arranged marriages between first cousins was the “elephant in the room”. Woolas, a former race relations minister, said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”

Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses

This is a problem derived from Pakistani cultural norms, as the minister points out. Sadly, many in the media have chosen to once again make this a Muslim issue; it is not, it is a cultural issue. Those Pakistanis just happen to be Muslims. It is a great shame that the media cannot report such things nowadays without having to crowbar in ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ into the title. One might put it down to ignorance, but in fact it is down to sensationalism. ‘Muslim’ sells papers.

This inbreeding trend is a real problem, and can only be solved by those of Pakistani descent themselves, even if doctors and other professionals highlight the dangers of inbreeding at every opportunity. Making it a ‘Muslim’ issue will only harden the hearts of those who will suffer most, as their siege mentality with regards to their religion will be reinforced.

Labour MP Ann Cryer, who often talks a lot of sense, supported the minister:

“The call for action was also supported by Labour MP Ann Cryer who raised the issue two years ago after research showed British Pakistanis were 13 times more likely to have children with recessive disorders than the general population. Mrs Cryer, who represents Keighley in West Yorkshire, told the Sunday Times: “This is to do with a medieval culture where you keep wealth within the family.”

“I have encountered cases of blindness and deafness. There was one poor girl who had to have an oxygen tank on her back and breathe from a hole in the front of her neck,” she added. “The parents were warned they should not have any more children. But when the husband returned from Pakistan, within months they had another child with exactly the same condition.”

Research for BBC2’s Newsnight in November 2005 showed British Pakistanis accounted for 3.4% of all births but have 30% of all British children with “recessive disorders”.”

Update: As Bartholomew has pointed out below, the real problem comes from generations of marrying one’s cousins. This should not negate the minister’s warnings however, as it is directed at those who are prone to marry their cousins, thus continuing the cycle of babies who are being born with increased chances of disabilities.

Source: Pickled Politics
Depends on whether the males are from the same family or not. If they are not, then the chances of any congenital abnormality is very limited, but if even the males are from the same family, then the chances are very much higher.

So you are telling me that marrying across your mom's family side is less dangerous than dad's family side? If that is what you are saying, then you are wrong my friend. Basically both practices tantamount to inbreeding or incest.
Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] worked for Khadijah right? And later they got married.

Why is it wrong to 'date' then? What's wrong if you like a co-worker/friend? Or if you date [Date is nothing but eating out or socializing together] them? I can understand if you are against Pre-marital sex, but what's with clubbing dating and promiscuity.

Well, most Pakistanis won't agree to much intermingling of different genders. Try not to impose your views on others.
A minister has rightly highlighted the issue of the dangers of marrying one’s cousin, a practise especially prevalent amongst those of Pakistani origin in the UK:

“A government minister has warned that inbreeding among immigrants is causing a surge in birth defects – comments likely to spark a new row over the place of Muslims in British society.

Phil Woolas, an environment minister, said the culture of arranged marriages between first cousins was the “elephant in the room”. Woolas, a former race relations minister, said: “If you have a child with your cousin the likelihood is there’ll be a genetic problem.”

Medical research suggests that while British Pakistanis are responsible for 3% of all births, they account for one in three British children born with genetic illnesses

This is a problem derived from Pakistani cultural norms, as the minister points out. Sadly, many in the media have chosen to once again make this a Muslim issue; it is not, it is a cultural issue. Those Pakistanis just happen to be Muslims. It is a great shame that the media cannot report such things nowadays without having to crowbar in ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ into the title. One might put it down to ignorance, but in fact it is down to sensationalism. ‘Muslim’ sells papers.

This inbreeding trend is a real problem, and can only be solved by those of Pakistani descent themselves, even if doctors and other professionals highlight the dangers of inbreeding at every opportunity. Making it a ‘Muslim’ issue will only harden the hearts of those who will suffer most, as their siege mentality with regards to their religion will be reinforced.

Labour MP Ann Cryer, who often talks a lot of sense, supported the minister:

“The call for action was also supported by Labour MP Ann Cryer who raised the issue two years ago after research showed British Pakistanis were 13 times more likely to have children with recessive disorders than the general population. Mrs Cryer, who represents Keighley in West Yorkshire, told the Sunday Times: “This is to do with a medieval culture where you keep wealth within the family.”

“I have encountered cases of blindness and deafness. There was one poor girl who had to have an oxygen tank on her back and breathe from a hole in the front of her neck,” she added. “The parents were warned they should not have any more children. But when the husband returned from Pakistan, within months they had another child with exactly the same condition.”

Research for BBC2’s Newsnight in November 2005 showed British Pakistanis accounted for 3.4% of all births but have 30% of all British children with “recessive disorders”.”

Update: As Bartholomew has pointed out below, the real problem comes from generations of marrying one’s cousins. This should not negate the minister’s warnings however, as it is directed at those who are prone to marry their cousins, thus continuing the cycle of babies who are being born with increased chances of disabilities.

Source: Pickled Politics

Such a nice article, thanks bro! :cheers:
Well, most Pakistanis won't agree to much intermingling of different genders. Try not to impose your views on others.

I am not imposing my views, I am discussing. Plus, if intermingling of gender is so bad, then what Khadijah and Prophet Muhammad[PBUH] did is also wrong. Correct?

You are in Illinois? Are you working or studying? If you are working in a decent company, you would have known that male-female interaction can be kepy REALLY formal and polite in these parts =)
Depends on whether the males are from the same family or not. If they are not, then the chances of any congenital abnormality is very limited, but if even the males are from the same family, then the chances are very much higher.

If a family keeps on marrying within the family, then the same genes are circulating within the blood and the chances for a recessive type of gene to become dominant are very much high. Usually, when these recessive genes become dominant, they give rise to various genetic abnormalities.

As for why we keep marrying our cousins, well the main reason is that most of the people want to keep the wealth within the family, and also some think that their own clan/tribe is better then the others and hence, more marriages take place within the family.

Another reason is that Islam allows it, but to understand that we need to understand the environment of Arabia at that time. Muslims were very few in number, and many died due to wars and whatnot. Marriage was purposely encouraged and was allowed to take place with someone within the family, so that the number of muslims could grow. Its not an obligation, but its allowed.


what r u saying?????????????/
how can recessive allele become dominant..............
plz.....explain better to clear the confusion...........
well it is a crime in islam to marry with kids until they are 18 than only you can marry with your moms brothers daughter no harm in it but she must be 18 not a kid it is a hilarious crime some how in cities in pakistan this is getting lower and lower with education but in villages this is still happening but now at a lower rate but in india i really dont know about it in rajhistanh ratio is bit much higher but in pakistan it is getting lower and lower but stilll it is happening in pakistan
So you are telling me that marrying across your mom's family side is less dangerous than dad's family side? If that is what you are saying, then you are wrong my friend. Basically both practices tantamount to inbreeding or incest.

I am not saying that marrying across your mother's side is less dangerous then marrying on your father's family side. I was just answering Webmaster's question.

Both can cause congenital abnormalities equally if their is excessive marriage within the same family.

Basically both practices tantamount to inbreeding or incest.

Well, thats your point of view, but we tend to think of it as something else. As i said before, inter-family marriages are allowed in Islam, and as to why they take place in Pakistan, well, i have already answered that question in my previous post.

One more thing, don't measure the whole eastern world by the same measuring yardstick that you use for the west. We have our own culture, our own set of norms, and our own moral and ethical values. It won't be fair to judge us by their standards just as it would be unfair of me to judge the west by our standards.

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I am not saying that marrying across your mother's side is less dangerous then marrying on your father's family side. I was just answering Webmaster's question.

Both can cause congenital abnormalities equally of their is excessive marriage within the same family.

Well, thats your point of view, but we tend to think of it as something else. As i said before, inter-family marriages are allowed in Islam, and as to why they take place in Pakistan, well, i have already answered that question in my previous post.

One more thing, don't measure the whole eastern world by the same measuring yardstick that you use for the west. We have our own culture, our own set of norms, and our own moral and ethical values. It won't be fair to judge us by their standards just as it would be unfair of me to judge the west by our standards.


Arre baba! I am also from Pakistan :( Racially, I am a Pakistani. But I am not so enlightened regarding these matters.
I am not saying that marrying across your mother\'s side is less dangerous then marrying on your father\'s family side. I was just answering Webmaster\'s question.

Both can cause congenital abnormalities equally of their is excessive marriage within the same family.

Well, thats your point of view, but we tend to think of it as something else. As i said before, inter-family marriages are allowed in Islam, and as to why they take place in Pakistan, well, i have already answered that question in my previous post.


wound healer....
why is it less risky on the mothers side...care to explain.....
n u didnt answer to my previous query....
what r u saying?????????????/
how can recessive allele become dominant..............
plz.....explain better to clear the confusion...........

A recessive allele can and does become dominant when the same recessive gene is present in the other sex chromosome.

For example, suppose a defective,recessive gene is present in the "X" chromosome of the female, and the "X" chromosome of the male also has the same defective, recessive gene, then this defective recessive gene becomes a defective,dominant gene in the new zygote(new baby).

Similarly, if there is a defective recessive gene on the "Y" chromosome of the male, and it combines with the "X" chromosome of the female of the same family, then this defective gene will become dominant in the new child.

I hope i have cleared some of the confusion. For further understanding, kindly read "Mendel's laws of Genetics". That will give you a clear, better explanation.

One more thing, don't measure the whole eastern world by the same measuring yardstick that you use for the west. We have our own culture, our own set of norms, and our own moral and ethical values. It won't be fair to judge us by their standards just as it would be unfair of me to judge the west by our standards.

Also, I am not assessing by the moral yardstick, I am assessing by the scientific yardstick.
well it is a crime in islam to marry with kids until they are 18 than only you can marry with your moms brothers daughter no harm in it but she must be 18 not a kid it is a hilarious crime some how in cities in pakistan this is getting lower and lower with education but in villages this is still happening but now at a lower rate but in india i really dont know about it in rajhistanh ratio is bit much higher but in pakistan it is getting lower and lower but stilll it is happening in pakistan

Underage marriage is a TOTALLY different thing. I am talking of intra-family marriage.
I'm personally against cousin marriages but they seem to happy alot esp in the pakistani and arab community better to marry outside your own gene pool and you can extend your family and make new relations this way also.
A recessive allele can and does become dominant when the same recessive gene is present in the other sex chromosome.

For example, suppose a defective,recessive gene is present in the \\\"X\\\" chromosome of the female, and the \\\"X\\\" chromosome of the male also has the same defective, recessive gene, then this defective recessive gene becomes a defective,dominant gene in the new zygote(new baby).

Similarly, if there is a defective recessive gene on the \\\"Y\\\" chromosome of the male, and it combines with the \\\"X\\\" chromosome of the female of the same family, then this defective gene will become dominant in the new child.

I hope i have cleared some of the confusion. For further understanding, kindly read \\\"Mendel\\\'s laws of Genetics\\\". That will give you a clear, better explanation.


wound healer...
may be u r confused..........
a recessive allele cannot be dominant......it can only effect on the visible trait....phenotype(dominant trait)......
like u r saying.....

suppose a defective,recessive gene is present in the \\\"X\\\" chromosome of the female, and the \\\"X\\\" chromosome of the male also has the same defective, recessive gene, then this defective recessive gene becomes a defective,dominant gene in the new zygote(new baby).

this is homozygous recessive......not dominant......

i\'m saying that....dominant trait means the visible trait,phenotype....

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