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Why do Asians have double standards for themselves?

Wow....you said it all Bros. Couldn't agree more with you. The truth is that east asians are rather racist/look down on blacks,Africans, even on south asians and other poorer south east asian countries etc. Their attitude as you said is wayyyyyy more discriminatory towards these groups than anything we westerners have against east asiansasians. So before they start blaming the 'evil/racist' west , they have to first introspect among themelves deeply. After all, despite what many say, we are still the most welcoming/tolerant region/people compared to East Asians who regard their nation as a single race, any other races who fall outside that is unacceptable to them. How many foreigners have you seen who hold high positions in Chinese, Japanese, Korean governments? No matter how skilful, smart, hard working, intelligent, innovative etc you are, you will never get any high ranking post in their government noe will you ever be considered to be part of them. I'm sure if Barack Obama was living/grew up(he partly though) in east Asia, he will never have been even a little local government official much less president. Lool:lol:Lool

In shORT east Asians are more racist/resentful towards others than us, they look and respect only western/whites (simply because we have been quite advanced/powerful/dominant for so long). I don't even want to mention Russian s, since they are even more racists towards others especially towards blacks, and central asians/south asians(I personally know this), so senheiser I recommended you shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:D


Why do many overseas East Asians either lack confidence in themselves or only gain confidence after abandoning their own culture (there's examples on this very forum).

...They are uncomfortable to answer because they may reveal one's own hypocrisy or lack of confidence. But I think these are important questions to ask.

I have a hypothesis, but let's first see what you guys think.
The best answer I've read was that for hundreds of years Japan was a culture where peasants could be sliced up at the will of any samurai who perceived offense. In China, between warlordism, civil war, and Mao's killer collectivization the situation hasn't much better within the past hundred years, has it? And when China finally did open up the Westerners were sucked up to and given leeway so they could introduce no economics, technologies, and industries into the country. Thus East Asians found it easier to "open up" outside their home culture or by associating with foreigners.
Nobody considers East Asians inferior. They are considered superior if anything.
The attitude Japanese, Chinese, Koreans etc have towards Africans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, Middle Easterners and other groups is far more discriminatory than Western attitudes towards East Asians. In these countries race and nationality are inherently bound together in a highly ethnocentric way which isn't the case any more in Europe and North America

Racism (malicious hate where ppl hunt others down and beat them up for their race) is almost non-existent in East or Southeast Asia. Can't say the same for North America at least where racist thugs killed Vincent Chin and the KKK exists. Now "racism" as the stereotyping of others based on race, does exist, but it is almost always due to ignorance, not malice.

Foreigners don't get high positions in East Asian or Southeast Asian countries because these countries are not countries of immigrants.

Maybe not in the UK, but look at the stereotypes of Chinese in the US:

No innovation study robots
Super strict parents
Bad English
Bucked teeth
Gambling addicts
Men are unmasculine, women are oppressed

The best answer I've read was that for hundreds of years Japan was a culture where peasants could be sliced up at the will of any samurai who perceived offense. In China, between warlordism, civil war, and Mao's killer collectivization the situation hasn't much better within the past hundred years, has it? And when China finally did open up the Westerners were sucked up to and given leeway so they could introduce no economics, technologies, and industries into the country. Thus East Asians found it easier to "open up" outside their home culture or by associating with foreigners.

Uh, I wasn't talking about Asians in Asian countries lol, but in the West.
I guess we won't mind the mistrust as, ideally, we should not be in the position of begging for their trust. We should be in the position of strength and self-confidence. "Yellow Peril" still reflects (legitimate or not) a real fear, which is preferable over being belittled, ridiculed or abused.

I guess that (a healthy dose of arrogance) is what separates a great power from a pushover. Russia's national account might not be perfect, but, it has that essence to move and and keep dignity. Now, in the case of China, Japan or other East Asian nations, we may be rich or poor, but, as @FairAndUnbiased , proves, there is a sense of a lack of confidence.

I like it when I read news about the "arrogant" or "aggressive" Chinese, which must be part of the national psyche in East Asia, to be only complemented by wisdom, patience and prudence. People must respect is not because we are extremely good and humble, but because we are strong and good.

A thorough change of understanding is needed in Taiwan. It starts with the media and politicians and trickle down to the general population. I find people just too submissive to the West.

If China is to lead the pack and derive confidence and a healthy dose of arrogance from its material strength, the politics and media must first reflect those traits. With Mr. Xi as President, I see China's politics to be confident and strong, taking action when necessary irrespective of what others might think or feel.

Exactly. It is always better to be arrogant, even if wrong, and at least be able to claim prestige, than to be self hating, and never even try. Then you wonder why you're looked down on and nobody gives you credit for anything and you're stuck as a code coolie while the whites around you that you know can't code for sh!t are upper management. Then you attribute it to some stupid *** self hating reason like "creativity" or something.

Having confidence by itself gives you prestige. That's why Russia and India still have some prestige, while Vietnam has absolutely zero prestige: Russia and India, no matter what, at least have some confidence in at least their own culture, while Vietnamese have zero confidence in even their own culture and language. Even their vicious attacks against Chinese is only because they lack true confidence: notice how they never, ever compare Chinese and Vietnamese, only Chinese and Japanese or American. That implicitly says that Chinese are equal and comparable to Japanese and Americans. It is like how people compare Kobe Bryant to Jeremy Lin and talk shit about Jeremy Lin, while they themselves are fat losers that eat Cheetoes and drink Mt. Dew on a couch. They recognize deep down that both Kobe and Jeremy are on a different level than they are. You can see how much confidence Vietnamese actually lack when they talk about grand alliances or TPP.
Double standards of Asians? Articles made be westerners’ narrow mind
They don’t really understand Oriental culture. Humbleness and modesty is core in Confucian theory, and it regards humbleness and modesty help people grow since normal one is far away from being a sage so is our social system.
In this way I can not help thinking it is funny to see that the westerner declared that their system is ultimate system which does not need to improve any more, on the other hand you can see so many overconfident white guy in US school yards but their scores are far lower than their humble eastern classmates.
We don’t say “I love you, thank you”, we just do it. Every good festival, we go to home to spend good time with our family no matter how difficult the trip is, how busy we are. We don’t mail cards but stay together.
Isn’t it double standards that the westerns say “love” millions a day, but suffering high divorce rate and lonely time in beadhouse.
Now turn to the point, Eastern deal differently to the western and the eastern is just because the eastern regard the western as another, it is common to see we will keep manners to a stranger but will not keep polite to our parents since it is not necessary. We don’t fake.
Western please wake up, It is time to stop indulging in such stupid self comfort, it is time to solve your own problems.
The best answer I've read was that for hundreds of years Japan was a culture where peasants could be sliced up at the will of any samurai who perceived offense. In China, between warlordism, civil war, and Mao's killer collectivization the situation hasn't much better within the past hundred years, has it? And when China finally did open up the Westerners were sucked up to and given leeway so they could introduce no economics, technologies, and industries into the country. Thus East Asians found it easier to "open up" outside their home culture or by associating with foreigners.

You're referring to feudal Japan, which had a specific social class system. But answer me this, Sir, how is this any different to feudal age in Europe, which also had a class system. Serfs and Peasants were disposable, above them were the knights, above them were the nobility, and above that the royal families. How was this any different ?

For comparative purposes:




The Kaizen principle is used in most german companies to improve the production and management.

Its implemented in most major corporations throughout industry, actually.
In the sports world, perception matters, Richard Sherman matters, because he is confident, but most importantly, he proves himself in the field of battle.

Geno Smith, Johnny Football talking trash is just stupid, nobody respects them more for it, they ridicule them for that.

If we are to use it in the real world example, does Philippine's constant threats about defeating China in a war when they have only 2 coast guard cutters and fishing boats make you respect them more or less.

We must remember at one point Sherman isn't known to anybody, he's not respected, he's looked at as a thug and a moron.

China faces this, we can be confident, but we haven't proven our army on the field of battle, and we haven't proven our economy to be unshakable.

Both could very well be true, and we are that damn good, but haters will hate, and neutrals will also have some doubt.

It is only through performance can we shake this.

The video shows HK people not saying the same thing to White people, Americans, Brits have earn the benefits of the doubt and even bias through their dominance and performance in every arena.

Many people in HK and Taiwan are heavily westernized, so it needs more time to get back.

Going back to previous China needs to be proven, and I don't think we need to do more than to win a war and pass America as the #1 economy in the world to completely annihilate any of that "doubt" they have for us.

If it doesn't anybody that still acts that way will be mere morons and will humiliate themselves.
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Wow , impressive. Japan's position is far more 'open minded' than Korea, China, and well most of Southeast Asia, lol. So for people who think Japanese are 'closed-minded' , they need to see some stats. Also, I'm really impressed to see Pakistan's results, very interesting !

As for Europe -- wow. Interesting to see these results, heck, even for most of Western Europe !


The video shows HK people not saying the same thing to White people, Americans, Brits have earn the benefits of the doubt and even bias through their dominance and performance in every arena.

I teach 2 classes this semester , one a stats class and the other developmental psychology class. My stats class has around 50 students, the development psych class is huge, i have about 120 kids and many are taking this as a prerequisites for various majors (I/O psych, Economics, Business, Pre-Med, Bio, Biochem, Neuroscience et al).

Top performers in these classes are Asians, specifically East Asians. Chinese, Korean, specifically. Its not generalization, just simple observations.
Going back to previous China needs to be proven, and I don't think we need to do more than to win a war and pass America as the #1 economy in the world to completely annihilate any of that "doubt" they have for us.

If it doesn't anybody that still acts that way will be mere morons and will humiliate themselves.

Yes, we need to prove ourselves.

Since the majority of people are mostly stooges, and they only follow the strongest.

No offense, but this is the reality.
Yes, we need to prove ourselves.

Since the majority of people are mostly stooges, and they only follow the strongest.

No offense, but this is the reality.

This proof shouldn't be deliberate or unnatural. It is a sign of inferiority complex to always try to prove yourself and to care about prestige unnaturally. That's such a loser beta nerd position to take. Just like in real life, professors don't address quacks directly or insult them, because they have absolute confidence in their superiority and don't deal with morons. Do what you need to, and everything follows. Nothing wrong in pointing out hypocrisy though. Professors don't address quacks, just point out the hypocrisy of their positions.
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