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Why do Asians have double standards for themselves?

The reason Obama if living in east Asia will never succeed is because he is a dumb **** not because he's black. Plus there's no affirmative action like the stupid west that put dumb people as leaders to meet gender and racial quotas. That's why we strive and UK is going downhill.

Being humble is great, I believe that but when someone is trying to step in you, you have to stand up or you will seem to be weak in the west.

Lool you mean the U.S president is dumb? :cheesy: Your jinping must be veryyyyyy smart then. :lol:
Anyway, as I said, it doesn't matter whether a person from a foreign race is dumb or not, even if he is the most intelligent, skilled, competent, enthusiastic, smartest person in the world he will NEVER EVER be considered CHINESE, JAPANESE, KOREAN etc, its mostly a question of race not skills, unlike we in the west who look more at what a person can bring/add/contibute to our country, irregardless of race. Reason you have never seen any foreign race person holding official governmental positions in China, Japan, Korea and other east Asian countries, its not because all foreigners in China are dumb, its because they are of the sane race gull stop. No argument about that. The hell even those who are born in China or from a Chinese citizen (half Chinese, mixed) are still not accepted as Chinese citizens, sane with Japan. Is it also because they are dumb? :rofl:
Lool you mean the U.S president is dumb? :cheesy: Your jinping must be veryyyyyy smart then. :lol:
Anyway, as I said, it doesn't matter whether a person from a foreign race is dumb or not, even if he is the most intelligent, skilled, competent, enthusiastic, smartest person in the world he will NEVER EVER be considered CHINESE, JAPANESE, KOREAN etc, its mostly a question of race not skills, unlike we in the west who look more at what a person can bring/add/contibute to our country, irregardless of race. Reason you have never seen any foreign race person holding official governmental positions in China, Japan, Korea and other east Asian countries, its not because all foreigners in China are dumb, its because they are of the sane race gull stop. No argument about that. The hell even those who are born in China or from a Chinese citizen (half Chinese, mixed) are still not accepted as Chinese citizens, sane with Japan. Is it also because they are dumb? :rofl:

Foreign face, Chinese heart - Global Times

Li Yizu is not a typical Chinese man. For a start, he doesn't look like one.

Ever since he was a child, he has been singled out for his chiseled facial features, blue eyes and blond hair.

In 1938, a year after Japan initiated its full-scale invasion of China, a Caucasian woman of unknown nationality gave birth to him in a Christian hospital in Tianjin. Then without a word, she vanished from his life.

His foster mother, a woman from Shandong Province, raised him during the turmoil of the war and later sent him to college in Beijing in the late 1950s.

For the next 50 years, Li worked as a geologist in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, traveling through mountains and steppes to find mineral deposits.
You're referring to feudal Japan, which had a specific social class system. But answer me this, Sir, how is this any different to feudal age in Europe, which also had a class system. Serfs and Peasants were disposable, above them were the knights, above them were the nobility, and above that the royal families. How was this any different ?
The genesis of European feudalism is found in the bones of the collapse of the Roman Empire, when people sucked up to any strong man that could offer them protection and ensure a livelihood. This established a reciprocal relationship between lord and peasant and so on all the way up to the king. The lord had obligations to his peasants that he had to live up to and often violations of such would be addressed in a king's court. Knights were employees of secular or ecclesiastical lords. It was a very imperfect system with many flaws but I've never read anywhere that a knight or lord had the right to cut down any peasant on a mere whim.
The genesis of European feudalism is found in the bones of the collapse of the Roman Empire, when people sucked up to any strong man that could offer them protection and ensure a livelihood. This established a reciprocal relationship between lord and peasant and so on all the way up to the king. The lord had obligations to his peasants that he had to live up to and often violations of such would be addressed in a king's court. Knights were employees of secular or ecclesiastical lords. It was a very imperfect system with many flaws but I've never read anywhere that a knight or lord had the right to cut down any peasant on a mere whim.


Japanese feudal society was based on a strict moral code known as Bushido. Men of elevated classes , per se those of the Samurai class, were instructed and instilled to show 'Gi' , which means rectitude, integrity towards those who were lesser than they. Another aspect of bushido taught all to show 'Jin', which means benevolence, mercy, kindness. Lastly, another tenet of Bushido emphasizes people to show Makoto --- which means sincerity, literally "truth in in word and action".

Japanese , who practice Zen Buddhism , understand the saying "All are equal under Heaven", and thus, a man (even if he be birthed from a higher class) fails to observe these moral codes may be considered an impure, unrighteous under Heaven and experience subsequent withdrawal of Heaven's mandate.

Japanese feudal society was based on a strict moral code known as Bushido. Men of elevated classes , per se those of the Samurai class, were instructed and instilled to show 'Gi'...thus, a man (even if he be birthed from a higher class) fails to observe these moral codes may be considered an impure, unrighteous under Heaven and experience subsequent withdrawal of Heaven's mandate.
So a samurai who cut down a peasant on a whim was only subject to Heaven's rebuke and no temporal court or master?
So a samurai who cut down a peasant on a whim was only subject to Heaven's rebuke and no temporal court or master?

Doing so was considered shameful , and only those of low moral character did so. For Samurais, where honor was greater than life itself, striking down innocent farmers, artisans for fun was the epitome of loss of honor , a disgrace. If the Daimyo heard such a thing, then he would order the offending samurai to commit seppuku to rectify the situation.

And, the Samurai would.
Doing so was considered shameful , and only those of low moral character did so. For Samurais, where honor was greater than life itself, striking down innocent farmers, artisans for fun was the epitome of loss of honor , a disgrace. If the Daimyo heard such a thing, then he would order the offending samurai to commit seppuku to rectify the situation. And, the Samurai would.
What's your favorite samurai movie?
Nobody considers East Asians inferior. They are considered superior if anything.
The attitude Japanese, Chinese, Koreans etc have towards Africans, South Asians, Southeast Asians, Middle Easterners and other groups is far more discriminatory than Western attitudes towards East Asians. In these countries race and nationality are inherently bound together in a highly ethnocentric way which isn't the case any more in Europe and North America

Sometime around WWII there was a tendency in Japan at the high of Pan-Asianism to even look down on all whites. They consider all non-Monglioniads inferior. After WWII this part has be hidden by mainstream history guided by US occupation troop's civil reinstate efforts. Until this part uncovered the wedge btw Asian naitions won't disappear. Few people understand the planted mistrust will have such a foresight for the undergoing strategic rebalance of US foreign Asian policy. You have to understand that the Anglo American indeed are smart people overwit Chinese or Japanese, of course we see the same is playing long serials in South Asia too.
Kurosawa's 7 Samurai ! I also like the American classic starring Yul Brynner " Magnificent 7".

What about you?
7 Samurai. I haven't seen Mag 7 because that's essentially the American version, isn't it? Why bother with an imitation, Kurosawa is my favorite movie director.
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