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Why China and Japan don't get along

Which is worrying. There may be some underlying factor which makes them think about taking those actions.

One also noticed that china paid increasingly heavy price in each subsequent conflicts.
Which is worrying. There may be some underlying factor which makes them think about taking those actions.

One also noticed that china paid increasingly heavy price in each subsequent conflicts.

That could be explained by the steady shift of military tech in Japan's favor. Unless they could magically neutralize all of China's DFs I don't see Japan expanding in the near future.
That could be explained by the steady shift of military tech in Japan's favor. Unless they could magically neutralize all of China's DFs I don't see Japan expanding in the near future.

Why does there exist an increasing advantage?
Or are the Japanese just good at picking out when we have our pants down?
Why does there exist an increasing advantage?
Or are the Japanese just good at picking out when we have our pants down?

Because the Japanese are intelligent, inquisitive, but above all as fierce at war as they are at learning.

During the first battle at Baijiangko the mighty Tower Ships of the Tang Navy crushed the Japanese bamboo sampans as if they were ants. What did the Japanese do after suffering such a humiliating loss? They learned from Tang China and borrowed extensively from the Chinese culture!

During WWII the United States brutally defeated the Japanese inch by inch, island by island. The whole conflict culminated in the dropping of the Atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Who is Japan's greatest ally now? The United States!
^^^ Weird. They can't learn from someone without taking a beating first? And then try to kill their teachers?:what:

Exactly. Now do you know why I lol so hard everytime an American suggest that we should "rearm" Japan? Some people never learn from history.
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