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Why China and Japan don't get along

as of today, the regime in japan still refuse to publicly admit the crimes committed by its UNIT 731.

as of today, the people of japan in general refuse to acknowledge the Nanjing Massacre in which 300000 civilians and POWs were killed by the japanese army.

The level of cruelty of unit 731 far exceeded the worst Nazi offences. The worst part is that the Allies acquitted the head scientist because he provided useful biological data that he acquired by experimenting on Chinese people. If I could go back in time I'll make that jerk go through what he did to other Chinese people! :angry:
The level of cruelty of unit 731 far exceeded the worst Nazi offences. The worst part is that the Allies acquitted the head scientist because he provided useful biological data that he acquired by experimenting on Chinese people. If I could go back in time I'll make that jerk go through what he did to other Chinese people! :angry:

Unit 731 was a living nightmare. :angry:

To the Imperial Japanese officers, Chinese people were less than animals.

I've read some real horror stories about Unit 731, but I'm not going to post them here because they are too graphic.
The level of cruelty of unit 731 far exceeded the worst Nazi offences. The worst part is that the Allies acquitted the head scientist because he provided useful biological data that he acquired by experimenting on Chinese people. If I could go back in time I'll make that jerk go through what he did to other Chinese people! :angry:

You have MacArthur to thank for that and he was pretty chummy with Emperor Hirohito. Immoral on top of being an incompetent general, egomaniac and one of the worse soldiers in American history. This not just me saying this.

Douglas McArthur, worst general in U.S. history - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense
Recent Japanese demonstration in "protest" of the Diaoyu incident:





This poor dude forgets Pearl Harbor history.... :angry: :devil: :disagree:
It was kind of destined to happen one way or another; Japan was against Britain and France, while US was more allied towards them. It just seems that eventually the two giants would collide.

BTW, it was after US stopped supplying Japan with oil but kept on giving the Allied Powers enormous amount of supplies that Japan attacked.
The level of cruelty of unit 731 far exceeded the worst Nazi offences. The worst part is that the Allies acquitted the head scientist because he provided useful biological data that he acquired by experimenting on Chinese people. If I could go back in time I'll make that jerk go through what he did to other Chinese people! :angry:

Its really Pathetic if west acquitted him didn't chinese gov. at that time protested against this acquittal
Its really Pathetic if west acquitted him didn't chinese gov. at that time protested against this acquittal

The Chinese civil war was occuring at the time. Both sides were too busy fighting for control of China than seeking proper reparation for the suffering of the Chinese people. I believe that both the CCP and the KMT should shoulder the responsibility for this equally.
If these Japanese "ultra-nationalists" hate China so much, they should stop using our Han characters to write their language, and they should also stop using chopsticks. :azn:

Ultra-nationalists like these probably thinks that Japan invented Chinese characters and chopsticks and exported them to the "inferior" China. Funny how he is trying to look "Western" by dying his hair.
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