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Why are germans so anti Turk..

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Perhaps as many mentioned they get the less educated immigrants, and proximity to Germany could also be a factor in the immigration of the less educated, as opposed to the US, where it is more costly to travel.

Anyway I worked for a Turkish person, and I found them pretty well behaved, they have their mosques and never cause a riot every friday prayers. Very low key, like Jewish synagogue's.

The guys in that video look black. Actually I was in England few years back and Pakistani and Blacks were the top of the sht cake there. I don't see another ethnicity doing such barbaric things like what ****'s do like explained in this video:
UK: Pakistani parents found guilty of murdering daughter-CNN-IBN Crunch TV: IBNLive

I think you're lacking comprehension skills.

Where in my post did i single out Turks you moron? I also stated in my post that "Muslims and non-White immigrants overall have a bad reputation in Europe", are Turks the only Muslims in Europe??

stupid idiot, looks like i pi$$ed your @$$ off, maybe because you indulge in sh!t is that why you got so defensive? Guilty conscious?

and obviously the guy in the video i posted is black, i never stated he was otherwise you retard:lol:. Another sign of your lack of comprehension skills.

Now about your link, looks like your people ain't angels the way you aught them to be aye??

Honour killing death shocks Germany: Turkish dad stabs own 15-year-old daughter - News - Bild.de

Six Turks rape 17-year-old German girl on Turkish beach - Law - Panorama | Armenian news

Turkish children organised reign of terror at German school - Telegraph

Turkish gangs spark brutal heroin war | UK news | guardian.co.uk

I'll admit that Pakistanis in Europe commit a lot of crimes which is why i am in favor of deporting all of those Pakistanis who have a criminal record.

Maybe he should think second time before throwing dirt. Turks are much more doing well than Pakistani or Arabs on average. That is a fact.

Yeah, you're right, they are doing well, take a look :lol::

Turks Gang-Rape 13 Year Old Girl

Turkish gang jailed for heroin smuggling - News - The Independent

Turkish drug mafia conquers Europe | Armenia News - NEWS.am

Maybe he should think second time before throwing dirt.
Who's throwing dirt you retarded immature @$$wipe??

Look at the title of the thread: "Why are germans so anti Turk.."

My post was in reply to the title of the thread, therefore making it on topic which is well in accordance with the forum rules so as a advice grow up a little and when you're mature enough to understand and comprehend then come back and post.

I have criticized Pakistanis, Arabs, and others on their respective threads.
DF, no need to stoop down to his level, he isn't even respected by his fellow Turkish members. Don't let him change your perception of Turkish people.
DF, no need to stoop down to his level, he isn't even respected by his fellow Turkish members. Don't let him change your perception of Turkish people.

I'm just really not in the mood today, and here is this jackoff posting some really retarded comments without even comprehending the crux of my post, which BTW was completely on topic.

There should seriously be a age limit on this forum, otherwise immature scums will continue to join and post retarded comments due to their insecurity.

I don't really mind getting banned either, if i do that is. I do need a break from this forum.
I'm just really not in the mood today, and here is this jackoff posting some really retarded comments without even comprehending the crux of my post, which BTW was completely on topic.

There should seriously be a age limit on this forum, otherwise immature scums will continue to join and post retarded comments due to their insecurity.

I don't really mind getting banned either, if i do that is. I do need a break from this forum.

Yeah, I think he is some teenager learning to control his testosterone level, just report his post.
Its only because Turks are muslims and were just from a middle eastern country im an Ahiska Turk and everyone thinks im russian so i dont get discriminated
I'm just really not in the mood today, and here is this jackoff posting some really retarded comments without even comprehending the crux of my post, which BTW was completely on topic.

There should seriously be a age limit on this forum, otherwise immature scums will continue to join and post retarded comments due to their insecurity.

I don't really mind getting banned either, if i do that is. I do need a break from this forum.

ey i saw that video of that black guy slapping the white girl , show me one Turk who does something like that i swear ill hang my self , we will never attack girls or people like that like animals , to steal things , the drug business in europe 90% is done by kurds , while most turks will never do them , they will try to earn money '' helal para'' means helal money and we have a word that just shows it , its '' alnimizin teriyle kazandigim para'' the money i earned with my sweat on my forehead .
Defensive fox you are reported for your rudeness and offensive choice of words.

Nowhere did I use offensive words against you but you did.

The worst thing is that you freaked out when I showed you the truth about the matter and you started throwing mud on Turkish people. The links you provided about drugs and rape are mostly from Kurds since they are in that business. I advice you to stay polite.
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