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Why all the Violence in Jammu-Kashmir Has Suddenly Stopped???

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I would not say because peace mainly returned to the valley because of demonetization, but it could have accelerated the process. The main reason is government crackdown on anti social elements who fueled the unrest.
its has very little direct effect... you can say people are busy collecting money from bank and got no time for stone pelting... thats a very convoluted way to take credit...
govt crackdown is main reason as you said.. and the protest lost steam after a few months... it has always been like this... check previous years... you can also give credit to trump if you wish.. lol
Why all the Violence in Jammu-Kashmir Has Suddenly Stopped???
November 13, 2016

The unemployed and uneducated youth in Kashmir have a source of income there. All they need to do is to present themselves as “Freedom Fighters” of Kashmir. Then they have to perform some thrilling and adventurous activities. They get paid accordingly! A fun-filled job for the youth. More so for school-going children. There is a risk of injury of course. But who cares when the blood is hot and money is easy?

Their Rate-Card is fixed. For throwing stones at the Indian Army Jawans, Rs 100 to Rs 500 per day. For stealing their weapons Rs 500 per weapon. For Grenade stealing and lobbying Rs 1000 per Grenade. But suddenly these brave Stone Pelters seem to be jobless. To be precise, since the historic move of Demonetization by our PM Modi , these misguided Kashmiri youth have lost their daily wages and daily thrilling experiences.

These agitations in Kashmir are staged by separatists like Syed Geelani, Yasin Malik Sheikh Yaqoob and so on. The payments are to be made on a day to day basis to the poor young Stone pelters. Suddenly they are unable to pay these young kids. With no monetary returns, these young kids discover that they are no longer the ‘freedom fighters’ of Kashmir.

The investigating agencies have found a steady flow of money into Kashmir through Hawala channels of Pakistan. According to the report from Ministry of Home Affairs and few probing agencies, Crore of rupees have been smuggled to Jammu and Kashmir in gas cylinders. All of a sudden, PM Modi announces Demonetization. The crores of money stashed in Hawala Channels suddenly cease to be money. It becomes a pile of papers. Separatists are clueless, their funders speechless and as a result the stone pelters jobless. PM Modi kills three birds in one stone called ‘Demonetization’! As it turns out, PM Modi plays a Stone Pelter to this trio.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police has reported to New Delhi that separatists are bewildered by this crisis of Demonetization. The black money supplied by Pakistan through Hawala channels to Pro-Pakistan Separatists is in 500 and 1000 denominations. On 8th November , late evening PM Modi’s announcement of Demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee notes was heartily applauded by Indians. But it surely sent a chill down the spines of all anti-national people. Separatists are panicked beyond limit as their source of income has dried up all of a sudden. Surprisingly (or not so) ,many politicians from Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and Paid Media are whining in the same tunes of these separatists.

It is stated by Top Intelligence officials that the backbone of the network of separatists is badly broken with the stoppage of funds from last few 3-4 days. With all the piled black money of Hawala discarded, Kashmir Agitation agenda of Separatists will have to be postponed. The Hawala Channel needs to recuperate from the shattering loss and build back their network of black money slowly. The process of recovery is going to take at least 4 to 5 months. Separatists have to keep their activities on hold.

And in the meantime we Indians are happy! PM Modi’s Demonetization has not only destroyed black money in the country, but it also has spared our Jawans in Kashmir of getting hit by a hurling stone!

Jyothi Suparna Chincholi

@WAJsal - ICYMI bro. All these months i kept shouting from the roof top that our youth in Kashmir was being mislead. The truth is art 370 alienated kashmir from rest of India. Corporates hesitated from entering Kashmir and employment took its toll on the youth.
After demonetisation, its article 370 next. It will be abolished soon. Inshallah!
Well miss, if this had all been this simple it would have been resolved long ago! Money is not a problem from Indian government as per various claims and if it was just about that 100 Rs/day the problem there would not have been bloodshed. I mean, if this really was the case, it is criminal on par to Indian government not to have resolved this earlier. However, in their favor, IT IS NOT.

The problem remains Levina, that WE are not understanding the problem. What I see here is the same old blame game. The will to accept one’s own mistakes is missing and frankly that would be the FIRST step towards resolving the problem. I said that when the chest thumping regarding some “surgical strikes” was going on that ok, now with the “launch pads” destroyed if God Forbade anything messy happens in India then we should not be blamed for it. Same is the case here, IF what you said is true, the next Kashmiri protest won’t be funded right? It will be on their own accord. Now we both are here and we both know that this will happen, AGAIN, and will keep on happening unless all three involved parties sit and sort out the problem somehow! Till then, you and myself will sit in our offices debating on this via out 80000 Rs laptops while kids will shed blood in the streets, for freedom, or, allegedly for 100 Rs, blood nonetheless.

:lol:Anyways, the youth shouldn't be labelled as sold out in future if they continue to resist. As apparently the uneducated youth is out of their source of income.
I would like to think that the Kashmiris shouldn't be blamed for any violence, as apparently they are only protesting against injustices and it is rather the Indian armed forces that is using force. One is ignoring this factor before blaming the locals.

Again i would like to go back to the point i made yesterday: why don't Indian sympathize with poor Kashmiris getting killed? And why are they so blind to not see that it is the armed forces that is using force on Kashmirs not the other way around.
I think @Joe Shearer or @scorpionx , would be the only people i have seen condemning the use of pallet guns. On the contrary Indian members enjoy this. Say if a 8 year old child becomes a victim to this barbaric act, how can you not expect his father or brother to not pick up arms? And apparently they will be labelled as terrorists, most of the times injustices lead to the rise of insurgency.
Trust me, this is NOT the worst!!
I myself have seen people, on this very forum celebrating the killings. You talk about sympathy? I have seen members here saying that the killings are not their concern, not their problem. Kashmir is an integral part to them but the killings of innocent civilians is something they can not only live with but live with it perfectly happy and in peace!! Celebrate even.

I am not saying that ALL of the Indian members are like that but there are many and i have come across quite a lot on this forum alone.

For those who didn't know i think Burhan Wani was actually a patriotic Indian, who wanted to play for Indian cricket team. No one in India will condemn the act that led him to take up arms. Is the Indian public really that blind.
Use force as much as you like, won't change a thing. Will rather destroy a generation as agreed upon by hellfire. Anyways, another generation of Kashmiris suffering and when will we learn from history.
You really think that people won’t know such basic things about a person they all are talking about? It is just that the media will never highlight these things as they are against the mind set the want to create and the image they want to portray!! For them, it will ALWAYS been some barbarians crossing over from the west!

Another generation of Kashmiris were thrown out of their houses overnight. Those who stayed back were killed. Why don't you sympathize with Kashmiri Pandits bro?
ANY sensible human will sympathize with them miss. At least i with all my nonsense do!! What is wrong is wrong no matter who does that. However two wrong do not make one right.

One step at a time...
Present govt in kashmir and center seem serious about taking Kashmir forward. 5 years from now Kashmir would have undergone a change.
So for 5 years you are ok if masses are killed and tortured? I dont think so! You cannot be from what little i know about you.

I can wait 5 years.
Well i cannot!!
You also can only wait for 5 years because it is not you who will be facing those attrocities in those 5 years. Furthermore, for things to settle down in 5 years we still has to start yesterday anyway.

Correction: There's no difference between Indians and Kashmiris. Let me reiterate, Kashmir is an integral part of India.
Personal point of view. You will find people even in India who wont agree with you. For MANY, Kashmir and Indian are the same thing, not Kashmiries and Indians. There is a difference.

I condemn it too.
But to control a violent mob either pepper spray is used or pellet guns. Ask America.
Not an example to follow i would say. Let us try to learn some good and better things from the western world rather than the bad ones. ( I always say that we in Pakistan seem to be learning all the bad things from them and leaving out the good parts). There is plenty of good to learn from them rather than picking up such things.

My heartfelt condolences to his family. But the guy was misguided.
What would you do with a guy who teams up with anti-nationals?
Perhaps LISTEN to the reasons?

This pic is definitely not of an innocent kid>>>
but of an innocent kid who was left with no other choice facing the oppression and occupation but to turn violent!


its cyclical in JK, last big uprising was in 2010. Also usually it peaks during summer, winter is not a good time to strike..
absolutely nothing to do with demonetization....

Not a very smart suggestion sir. If India had that kinda money we would have eradicated poverty first. Btw why should India pay Indians to chant "long live India"? Lol
mmmm because a certain kind you try to call Indians are not accepting this,,, allegedly because of money being offered.

I know it will not make sense to ANY INDIAN .... so I am out of this "SENSELESS" thread based on a "SENSELESS" article ...
It is easy for us to opt out of such debates, online threads that is!! The problem is with those innocents facing pellet guns in real time. Who have been oppressed for decades. It is their home they want it back and wont opt to move out sir.

Agree with everything else you said, just wanted to point this out. Not that you do not know this already. :)
After reading the title i had this gut feeling that they're gonna give this exact reason sigh well as someone has said this is just another feel good article.
Dream on! :)

That's exactly when social media sites like FB and twitter became popular in India.

Something is better than nothing!
It is the aam admi who bribes and who expects bribes.
Btw why do you think Modi announced this in middle of the night? Why such urgency?
I'm so sure you're not smarter than those who run this country.
You dont get it Levina? :(

It is NOT A DREAM!! It is a nightmare!! Try and feel it being a human for once and not an Indian or Pakistani!! IT IS NOT A DREAM!! Just like it is not a twitter war or a facebook fan page for many! It is the real! We who jump up on a paper cut find it easy to DEBATE and DISCUSS the plight of those people! It is a hobby to us.

After reading the title i had this gut feeling that they're gonna give this exact reason sigh well as someone has said this is just another feel good article.
Feel good for who? for us? sitting in our offices and lounges playing "experts"? For @Levina ? for me? so we can sit upright in our comfy chairs that we have won and argument? For you or @WAJsal so that they can tell there friends at college/university about this? For @Joe Shearer because the country he served is all glorified? We feel good about such lies because it makes us win an argument? on an ONLINE forum for God's sake!!! Not just this one article put plenty others like this as well.

This is an absolute BS article, hiding the facts and telling the lies, lies that have prevented the people from resolving this matter, lies that even stops people from realizing that this matter needs to be resolved.
Not stopped. Taking a break for the harsh winter.
In the last few months, around 30 schools have been set afire in the Valley. This is a tried and tested tactic of separatists. This is a tactic adopted again and again in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. Between 2007 and 2009, the Taliban torched more than 200 schools there.

A Unicef report reveals that this ordeal isn’t just limited to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Owing to the barbarian deeds of the Boko Haram, one million Nigerian kids could not go to school.

Separatists want to foist illiteracy, poverty and callousness on people so that the flames of dissatisfaction can be stoked conveniently.

The signals from Kashmir are clear. The separatists are preventing children from going to school so that they can use them for their own designs. School-going children nurture dreams of a rosy future: they don’t throw stones at the Army.

But now:

Kashmir: Board exams begin in the Valley after 4 months of unrest

Despite 30 Schools Being Burned Down In Kashmir, Over 1 Lakh Students Scheduled To Take Exams This Monday

Markets coming back to life, banks witness rush in Kashmir
The Kashmir issue is almost dead and gone, the Hartals and strikes have already created a lot of frustration against Hurriyat and their cohorts. After getting the protest leaders arrested, and cutting of any possible funding the last ditch effort was burning of schools, which has also now failed as students are coming out in force defying the Hurriyat for the exams.

Kashmir terrorism has failed and is on its death bed
Please read the OP once again to know the reason why he picked up arms.
This is why he picked up arms, like the rest of Kashmiris picking up arms or stones. Condemn this and stop this, maybe just maybe Kashmiris will forget the past.
"Burhan fled from his home on 16 October 2010 and became a militant at the age of 15. He had reportedly decided to join the militancy due to an incident in which security personnel beat him up, along with his friend and Khalid, according to his father and his friend who claimed to have been accompanying him when the incident occurred. He joined Hizbul Mujahideen in 2011, and was popular on social media."
Just how?
Their houses are either destroyed or occupied. If you think they will live in ghettos then you've got it wrong.
Its too late for pandits to return to Kashmir. But we can still save the rest of Kashmiris.
If you are going to ask me such a complex question, i would say it's not fair for someone my age. But for the arguments sake, i would say believe in what you say...Since Indians believe it is just a small number of people who want freedom. Shouldn't be a big problem getting them back. Kashmiris cannot be saved militarily, find a political solution.
such a nice tactic ... why India does not employ it & make Kashmirs chant long live India for 100 days in a row ....
Sarcastic comment. Even you know paying and other accusations are just drama. Has one forgotten the Ajit Doval tactic, as per him, 'terrorists are mercenaries and would work for the highest bidder'. I wouldn't tend to believe that Pakistan can pay Kashmirs more than the Indians can.
Trust me, this is NOT the worst!!
I myself have seen people, on this very forum celebrating the killings. You talk about sympathy? I have seen members here saying that the killings are not their concern, not their problem. Kashmir is an integral part to them but the killings of innocent civilians is something they can not only live with but live with it perfectly happy and in peace!! Celebrate even.

I am not saying that ALL of the Indian members are like that but there are many and i have come across quite a lot on this forum alone.
Exactly, very sad to see such comments.

For those talking about low literacy rate and no source of income for the locals, have you no idea of the resources Indian government spends on just Jammu and Kashmir? If only the resources were spent on the right places rather than killing them. I can't say that killing a number of Kashmiris will save them, especially if they are children. Even if they are throwing stones. Two wrongs don't make a right. Anyways like i said before this has happened before and it might even happen again, when will we learn from history.

After reading the title i had this gut feeling that they're gonna give this exact reason sigh well as someone has said this is just another feel good article.
I don't mind the delusion. As long as they believe what they and don't label any future protests as a bought crowd. I hope they remember this thread.

Ppl of Kashmir are done with violence, what you see is mere paid agitation. This too will die down soon.
'Paid agitation', 'small crowd'. What's with the curfew and banning internet for so many days. what desperation to handle a bunch of people.
It is easy for us to opt out of such debates, online threads that is!! The problem is with those innocents facing pellet guns in real time. Who have been oppressed for decades. It is their home they want it back and wont opt to move out sir.

Agree with everything else you said, just wanted to point this out. Not that you do not know this already. :)

I agree with but I think you will agree with me that these type of threads by some VERY EXPERIENCE & SENIOR members are opened with a certain PURPOSE so the so called debate in those threads are actually nothing but serve their purpose & lengthen the 'unnatural' life of that purposeful thread ....

therefore I just indicated the very basic flaw of the core argument of this thread & moved on
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I agree with but I think you will agree with me that these type of threads by some VERY EXPERIENCE & SENIOR members are opened with a certain PURPOSE so the so called debate in those threads are actually nothing but serve their purpose & lengthen the 'unnatural' life of that purposeful thread ....

therefore I just indicated the very basic flaw of the core argument of this thread & moved on
Not sure why it is showing as it you were replying to some other member rather than me post is mine. A glitch may be.

Anyway, i understand what you are saying and agree with it.
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Not sure why it is showing as it you were replying to some other member rather than me post is mine. A glitch may be.View attachment 351841
Anyway, i understand what you are saying and agree with it.

How .... just how ....... :o:

btw manually I amend that glitch ....
This is why he picked up arms, like the rest of Kashmiris picking up arms or stones. Condemn this and stop this, maybe just maybe Kashmiris will forget the past.
"Burhan fled from his home on 16 October 2010 and became a militant at the age of 15. He had reportedly decided to join the militancy due to an incident in which security personnel beat him up, along with his friend and Khalid, according to his father and his friend who claimed to have been accompanying him when the incident occurred. He joined Hizbul Mujahideen in 2011, and was popular on social media."

So he went one step ahead and killed a Sarpanch in cold blood, doesn't really help with generating Sympathy..

If you are going to ask me such a complex question, i would say it's not fair for someone my age. But for the arguments sake, i would say believe in what you say...Since Indians believe it is just a small number of people who want freedom. Shouldn't be a big problem getting them back. Kashmiris cannot be saved militarily, find a political solution.

There is barely anyone who wants freedom, that is why Hurriyat,Pakistan and LeT has tried to make this an issue of Religion. Several protesters are paid while others are simply there because they are intolerant of any other sect or riligion. Even Shia's and Sufi's are looked down upon in the valley...

Sarcastic comment. Even you know paying and other accusations are just drama. Has one forgotten the Ajit Doval tactic, as per him, 'terrorists are mercenaries and would work for the highest bidder'. I wouldn't tend to believe that Pakistan can pay Kashmirs more than the Indians can.

Those comments were made before he even thought he would get the NSA post. Even otherwise, it is a bad bad idea to radicalize your own population to hurt someone else. It never ever helps..

For those talking about low literacy rate and no source of income for the locals, have you no idea of the resources Indian government spends on just Jammu and Kashmir? If only the resources were spent on the right places rather than killing them. I can't say that killing a number of Kashmiris will save them, especially if they are children. Even if they are throwing stones. Two wrongs don't make a right. Anyways like i said before this has happened before and it might even happen again, when will we learn from history.

Your loyalty to So called "freedom fighters" have made you blind to the reality. The folks being killed are stone pelter's, they are out there for a single purpose, to cause physical harm to the security forces and engage in violence. Such people would be treated similarly even in Pakistan. Meanwhile your "freedom fighters" have been busy burning schools which has failed in a rather EPIC way in every conceivable manner.

I don't mind the delusion. As long as they believe what they and don't label any future protests as a bought crowd. I hope they remember this thread.

'Paid agitation', 'small crowd'. What's with the curfew and banning internet for so many days. what desperation to handle a bunch of people.

Vast majority of this is paid agitation, Which is why your barely see any agitation right now. Crowds spontaneously pop up after a terrorist is killed and then they go back home in a few days. The violence that follows is always paid crowds.
My friend in there cites a very different reason, and clearly not linked to demonization. The violence had died down due to targeting leadership and arresting any dissenting people. There is a exponential list of missing persons in Kashmir since Wani.
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