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Why 1962 will not be repeated

As far as Chinese invasion is concerned, i don't think its possible now. India has a lot of mountain division to stop China and now new mountain division and a strike corps will make it impossible for China. But even if they do attack India and even successful in capturing Arunachal and Sikkim, they cannot maintain their control and they will have to leave those areas by winter same as hat happened in the previous Indo-China war. China cannot keep these areas even if they win.

LMAO you talk like China didn't have any counter-measure against Indians divisions near Chinese borders...I don't know exactly PLA forces in Tibet...but one thing for sure we speed up the built of Tibet Road, rail and infrastructure for better military logistic support, when we decide to capture Arunachal and Sikkim, we will keep it for ever...definitely not as 1962 that we have to retreat after capturingr Tawang
I don't think '62 will be repeated. China is many times larger than India in every meaningful sense, economically, militarily, especially technologically.

And while India throws a petty little tantrum and makes alot of fuss when Pakistan buys AAM missiles from Brazil, or any weaponry from the west essentially, but even they don't make any noise when China provides Pakistan similar equipment(see how much noise was made when we bought Piranha missiles from Brazil, compared to India's largely mute response at the much deadlier BVR SD-10B package from China) And China has already had it's way in most things, what else would they want to go to war with India for. China and India have very different philosophies. For example, India does a huge publicity stunt out of their decision to move some Su-30 squadron to China's border region - they have their media make a big deal out of it, television crews tag along and they make it out to be some huge frakkin' deal. China on the other hand doesn't even issue a public statement, it just quietly makes it's counter-moves and only later on do the western media cover the fact that China has also moved more military presence into India's north.

China is much more subtle, using the western media to primarily report their activities, their media only takes a secondary role. It's grander and more elegant when you don't have to go out of your way to make a huge fuss to get others to notice how hardcore you are, it's much more hardcore when you hear it from others. One actually comes across as somewhat insecure, making some huge fuss over little things, trying to be an attention-wh*re hoping others notice.

At the end of the day, the ground reality is that China can afford to move a much larger military presence than India, given that they manufacture can manufacture as many J-11s, J-10s, or in the end, even J-20s as they want, and move them anywhere. You can claim to make your own SU-30s too, but then Russia comes along and doubles the price to close to 100 mil US$, and India quietly has to take it. I hope the LCA/MCA/AMCA/etc manage to free India from that, sometime in the future.
wow go super China!
that 100 mill per MKI are for improbed varients that will not be made in India but are for the strategic forces. ie dropping nukes.
also, the India media does what it can to sell papers. They ridicule India as well or have you forgotten that? they denounce Pakistan, China, the US , RUssia and mostly India itself to sell what they can. Its called business. Incase of China, everything is PR value and the media is just another mouth piece of the CCP.
BTW, if Pakistans media more often questions Pakistans intentions on issues perhaps there will be greater hope for Pakistan. It is the medias job to feed you what you want from hot and spice to everything nice. At the end of the day you make up your own mind. If you lived in the Americas you'd understand the importance of FOX and CNN.
Not to put Pakistans media on the same level as NK or China. Pak media has highlighted the 26/11 attacks and has denounced its own politicians albiet at being taken to court for it....Which is good because that what they are suppose to do. Spread fear onto people that rule Pakistan and spread awarness on issues. China will have the biggest problem with the media since the Internet can not be censored not matter how hard China tries, the Chinese will find a way around.
Aryan B, why do you think India has the worst intentions for Pakistan? Because we have Kashmir? We went to war to liberate Bangladesh from Yahya and his buddy Nixon while the Chinese stayed on border aiming?
India has nothing to gain except Kashmir. And its not worth it, even if Pakistan doesn't use its nukes. India has its own problems and India doesn't want to rule over Pakistan EVER! They had the chance before Pakistan didn't have nukes. India had nuclear weapons since 1974. Pakistans internal problems and strife is concern for India like how Afganisthan's taliban is now a concern for Pakistan.
I very much doubt that India is the aggressor nation. The UN doesn't seem to point fingers at India often even when China and NATO had 4 of the 5 seats. Its nuclear weapons in the first place seem to be centered around China not Pakistan.
You admit that every nation has problems but India's hands are a lot cleaner than Pakistans, China's or United States. We did not create a Kim Jong ill or support Yahyas genocide, or the US war in Vietnam. Some how India works, and if for Pakistani's thats a threat, than you have to be really one sided to believe it.
India may have similair interests in the realm of mutual collabration with the US but no way are we an ally of NATO or the US.
India's Brahmos cruise missiles can be used against China or Pakistan but it was soley built knowing that this was the best way to defeat a CBG. Thats why the Soviets designed it for. Now India is tested a hypersonic varients and so forth. Do you really think India needs hypersonic cruisemissiles for the likes of PLAN or Pakistan?
A Indian general once said that the biggest threat to India is not Pakistan or China. But the sole superpower in the world. If India can detter the United States we can detter Pakistan and even China.
Also, India doesn't need to match China Force for force...its impossible and not needed. India has a strategic advantage over China thanks to the close proximity with China's Tibetan border.
This is also the reason why Pakistan is supported by China. If the PLA can not inflict heavy damage to India, than let Pakistan do it.
They had the same strategy in Veitnam and Korea. Fight to the last Korean or Veitcong,

---------- Post added at 01:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ----------

LMAO you talk like China didn't have any counter-measure against Indians divisions near Chinese borders...I don't know exactly PLA forces in Tibet...but one thing for sure we speed up the built of Tibet Road, rail and infrastructure for better military logistic support, when we decide to capture Arunachal and Sikkim, we will keep it for ever...definitely not as 1962 that we have to retreat after capturingr Tawang
if you don't know military logistics than why are you making such claims? Do you think the Indians don't have more helecopters or infastructure on there side? A better question would be, does India even need the infastructure when the equipment is already there?
If you want to envision a Sino-Indo border war than you have to think large scale Kargil. Thats what its like. You go back to your ponies and unicorn dream.

Good God... you're relying on sources like these?! The Indian media guys report all sorts of trippy stuff. The other day, I was reading something on the Indian media that made a compelling case to the effect, that India's nuke tests were essentially a bust that Bollywood glossed over(even had a senior nuke scientist asserting that was true). Guess India's nuke tests were a bust just like India's missiles that tend to fall back? The Indian media says so, so it must be true.

The US has repeatedly asserted that it wants to work with Pakistan on various things, that it doesn't want to be Pakistan's enemy. So the good General just jumped out of bed and decided to publically tell the US not to attack Pakistan!? Come back when you have something that has atleast some basis in reality.
@Jatt I agree that the Indian media has to do what it can to sell newspapers, Fox and CNN do that too(sell advertisements). Media control is pretty important, you can't follow the US line. The "twitter revolutions", where people are replacing decades-old US puppets(who would have died in a few years anyways, most were 80+ years old) with new US puppets, with US support and funding...

And India does have helicopters on it's side, but China *makes* it's helicopters. As well as alot of the other stuff needed to combat in that area. And, given that they trumped the opposition in that area in 1962 despite not being as well-equipped as they are now, doesn't that sound like a valid point supporting the fact that they shouldn't be trivialized, and are a formidable force?
pakistanis and chinese members always think that beating india will be a piece of cake,if you think that way then either you are watching too much zaid hamid or you are delusional,wake up to the reality having military twice as big and gdp 4 times bigger doesnt mean it will be easy to beat another country,its not 62 i agree even if china is far richer and powerful from what it was in 62 then even india is more rich and powerful than what it was in 62
@Jatt I agree that the Indian media has to do what it can to sell newspapers, Fox and CNN do that too(sell advertisements). Media control is pretty important, you can't follow the US line. The "twitter revolutions", where people are replacing decades-old US puppets(who would have died in a few years anyways, most were 80+ years old) with new US puppets, with US support and funding...
So you agree with me that the India media does its job not just the GOI's? It does what it needs to and India can choose what read and most importantly rant about anything they want. Good or bad. So stop blaming the Indian media. Thats what you did in your earlier posts.
And India does have helicopters on it's side, but China *makes* it's helicopters. As well as alot of the other stuff needed to combat in that area. And, given that they trumped the opposition in that area in 1962 despite not being as well-equipped as they are now, doesn't that sound like a valid point supporting the fact that they shouldn't be trivialized, and are a formidable force?
So does India, the Chinese have domestic production of European helecopters thanks to commercial sales. But does it matter? Do you think any future conflict would last years that a production rate of 10 unites per year would make a difference? Its a new age. The only thing you need to replace is bullets and ammo. Did local production make a difference in any Indo-Pak war? BTW WWII is a different age and a different story.
1962 the Indian side was ill prepared if at all. Krishna Mohanen was sacked for the 1962 if you remember correctly and he even tried to oust Sam at the time!
But if you read up on 1962 the Chinese did not do well in Akasi Chin and the Indians pulled back even further in 1965 when Pakistan attacked. NEFA they did better by using WWII routes established for getting Chinese soldiers trained on India soil back to China. Repeated the same steps is not good. Once winter stepped in the PLA moved back...that and 2 regiments were heading to NEFA and that in no way would allow the PLA to win anything. It was a political retreat to declare victory by showing number of POW and kills. No land. The PLA general in charge said that the Indians would fight to the bitter end and most did despite being tactically out maneuvered. I could give you complete history but I would recommend you read some entries on this blog instead or get a book.
As far as today is concerned, the Indian side has more bases, helecopter landing pads and airbases closer to the border at lower altitudes than the Chinese in the Tibetan plateau. The majority of PLAAF airbases are located to the east in Chengdu a reasonable distance away from the border.
For the Chinese its not what they can get to Tibetan border if there is war but what they have. Having a railway only means you have peacetime support for troops.
PLA outposts will have AA guns and light artillery. The Indians can move their artillery in closer and strategic vantage points but more importantly they have the advantage of moving around compared to the PLA would have limited options for support.
PLA will stick to their peaks like the Pakistanis in Kargil. Assuming its India attacking. Vice versa if China attacks.
Game changer will be air support in terms of logistics and who can drop more iron bombs at the front line, ie Kargil.
Its not going to be easy to drop bombs at high altitudes or even easy to fly, but i'm betting the Indians air force can do more than the PLAAF who probably will have trouble providing air defence for the PLA. Good thing for the PLA that they have their own airdefence.
Even if the PLAAF has more aircraft, or the PLA more troops, the Tibetan plateau limits the logistics. This is why India does not need to match China force for force.
India's GDP is 10 years behind China's and its defence budget is just as smaller if not smaller. But the logistics problem related to holding Tibet is a godsend to India. A natural buffer zone.
These internet warriors from both side make me sick.
Do you guys ever think of the men who put their lives above all to make sure that we enjoy freedom in our respective states be it China, India or Pakistan.
But internet warriors have no meaning for the soldiers life, we just provoke each other with words over the internet.
Be prepared for a war, but do not seek one. Let Peace prevail
Indians are way out of their league comparing against PLA. PLA can simply deploy its railgun to the border and rain shells on New Delhi PM's office directly. Or it can choose to use rocket artillery (slightly more expensive). Or it can choose to use short-range ballistic missiles (even more expensive). Or it can choose to use cruise missiles (the most expensive).

Indians are way out of their league comparing against PLA. PLA can simply deploy its railgun to the border and rain shells on New Delhi PM's office directly. Or it can choose to use rocket artillery (slightly more expensive). Or it can choose to use ballistic missiles (even more expensive).


Rocket artillery slightly more expensive than railgun? Do you have your head screwed on right?
Listen Jay I am sorry if I have offended you you on another thread. let me make it absolutly clear I have no problems with gays or gora wannabes. Now back on topic why do you have so much hatred in you young man? It will eat at you. We need peace. Do you not understand we need peace and need to feed our people and make them have oppurtunities etc, please read all my comments and maybe you would act diferently

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Calm down Jay. make love not war. I dont mean love me btw. Back to topic war and weaponisation is futile.

Mann............ You are a nice guy.:tup:
But most chinese dont like you viet very much and stop trolling in every thread this aint got anything to do with a irrelavant country called vietnam.

vietnam a irrelevant country :disagree:

chinese always dream of making the US piss in their pants, but the viets already proved that they can do :cheers:

Hail Vietnam :enjoy:
Indians are way out of their league comparing against PLA. PLA can simply deploy its railgun to the border and rain shells on New Delhi PM's office directly. Or it can choose to use rocket artillery (slightly more expensive). Or it can choose to use short-range ballistic missiles (even more expensive). Or it can choose to use cruise missiles (the most expensive).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

and you think we will let Beijing go free

---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

These internet warriors from both side make me sick.
Do you guys ever think of the men who put their lives above all to make sure that we enjoy freedom in our respective states be it China, India or Pakistan.
But internet warriors have no meaning for the soldiers life, we just provoke each other with words over the internet.
Be prepared for a war, but do not seek one. Let Peace prevail

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
vietnam a irrelevant country :disagree:

chinese always dream of making the US piss in their pants, but the viets already proved that they can do :cheers:

Hail Vietnam :enjoy:

we kicked your assss in less than 2 weeks in 1962, today we can do it for less than a week, you india never a match for china.
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