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Why 1962 will not be repeated

Well that says it all. Now Ashokbhai if i got baited by this indian and started slagging of all indians that would be very unfair so I wont. However why all this personal insults. Why are you so wound up. Was it because I suggested peace in our neighbourhood? was it cos i said that india cannot stand up to china in a war in the forseeable future? what is it that irks you so much?
I asked a question in my post ; Do you know who Claude Arpi is and what he writes about ? A very pertinent question. Someone who generalizes with a sweeping statement about India sucking upto Western interests based upon the name of the author when it has been Pakistan in the American bed until recently is sheer clumsiness and incompetence upon your part. I don't care a quid of your statements about India and China and war and peace and neighborhood since you are incompetent on those counts too. All i am asking is, read, assimilate and ponder before generalizing about the author. I have had the good fortune of listening up close to him and know his credibility. The question is, do you know about what he stands for ?
Everytime you post i see a sexual reference. Were you not the gentleman that was enquiring about homosexuality views on here a few days ago and when someone asked if you were gay you disappeared for a couple of days? :azn:

On topic - Ashok bhai i am in complete agreement with your mindset and hope and pray for peace in our lands!

I posted a thread about gay rights= human rights( started it) and were you not the one who said you had same sex partner? because if you think you can throw out the lies of " dissappeared for a few days or always puts a sexual reference" then surely I can make my statement. ?

try not reach down to the lowest class of posting too fast now.
I asked a question in my post ; Do you know who Claude Arpi is and what he writes about ? A very pertinent question. Someone who generalizes with a sweeping statement about India sucking upto Western interests based upon the name of the author when it has been Pakistan in the American bed until recently is sheer clumsiness and incompetence upon your part. I don't care a quid of your statements about India and China and war and peace and neighborhood since you are incompetent on those counts too. All i am asking is, read, assimilate and ponder before generalizing about the author. I have had the good fortune of listening up close to him and know his credibility. The question is, do you know about what he stands for ?

No no I dont its really difficult to put a name into google lol.

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 PM ----------

I posted a thread about gay rights= human rights( started it) and were you not the one who said you had same sex partner? because if you think you can throw out the lies of " dissappeared for a few days or always puts a sexual reference" then surely I can make my statement. ?

try not reach down to the lowest class of posting too fast now.

wtf is wrong with you mate this is completely off topic. If you are gay thats a matter for you. You dont have to share it with us. Back on topic we need to find ways to feed all the people in our neighbourhood than enter an arms race I think.
I think I have realised that you lot are upset by me cos I think China is stronger than India. Im sorry to bring you into reality.

what you dont get through is that we are not angry at you, rather we are amused that you come running playing china's defense counsel, using the meme that you care about india and the region and are about peace when when when you make statements like this one below . you think you are being coy but it is amusing and not fooling us :D

"what would be wrong with china haveing a few bases in countries that are friendly near its borders whats the big deal. a base in bangladesh, srilanka and pakistan why not if it suits the host country?"

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

wtf is wrong with you mate this is completely off topic. If you are gay thats a matter for you. You dont have to share it with us. Back on topic we need to find ways to feed all the people in our neighbourhood than enter an arms race I think.

posting a topic about gay rights does not make me gay. yes that is your madarassa education talk...
I asked a question in my post ; Do you know who Claude Arpi is and what he writes about ? A very pertinent question. Someone who generalizes with a sweeping statement about India sucking upto Western interests based upon the name of the author when it has been Pakistan in the American bed until recently is sheer clumsiness and incompetence upon your part. I don't care a quid of your statements about India and China and war and peace and neighborhood since you are incompetent on those counts too. All i am asking is, read, assimilate and ponder before generalizing about the author. I have had the good fortune of listening up close to him and know his credibility. The question is, do you know about what he stands for ?

Asking such poignant questions of him?- I would say refrain from going over his mental capacity.
what you dont get through is that we are not angry at you, rather we are amused that you come running playing china's defense counsel, using the meme that you care about india and the region and are about peace when when when you make statements like this one . you think you are being coy but it is amusing and not fooling us :D

"what would be wrong with china haveing a few bases in countries that are friendly near its borders whats the big deal. a base in bangladesh, srilanka and pakistan why not if it suits the host country?"

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------


posting a topic about gay rights does not make me gay. yes that is your madarassa education talk...

Jay my dear boy what is wrong with china having bases abroad. I would even hope that one day China india pakistan are on such good terms that we have bases on each others countries. Look america has bases in UK. So what? I hope our armed forces work together rather than plan actions against each other.

If you want to discover and or explore more about homosexuality thats a matter for you. But I think there are other forums where you would probably find more fruitful than pakistani defence forum

I would not dream of fooling you. It seems to me you manage to do a good job of that yourself. But tell me why are you angry and cynical were you bullied and or abused as a child?

If I was to be defence counsel I would want to be counsel for the neighbourhood. I like India jay whats the matter with you.

Oh and I went to a school that is recognised as one of the best in england lol

---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

Asking such poignant questions of him?- I would say refrain from going over his mental capacity.

Whats the matter Jay? cant handle it here on pdf? you have to resort to going off topic or getting personal? looking for allies to help you. Not man enough to take me on? eh back on topic peace in our region not arms race
The thread has become a place for bs, you BS me, I'll BS some one, and the endless chain gets fed with more links.
Those of us who point at each other and say "you are the reason that we are like this" have you ever thougt where each of us could be gone wrong and what can be made to improve our relationship.
Embrase Life and Not Death" so work for peace and never think of bombing each other from the face of the planet
they can try to pull of a 1962 but we'll be sure to f**K them up Nehru was a retard not to mention in 62 the IAF was not used and we had less than 1 division to guard both fronts when they attacked with 80,000 troops the Indian army III and IV corps are stationed in NE totaling 9 mountain divisions China knows they can't pull of another 1962 thats why they haven't tried and if they do try i'll be sure to head back to the motherland and bust some communist craniums in the process ;)
Western propaganda to butter up indians to buy more kit of french and serve western interests in my opinion

anything but Zaid Hamid is propaganda to you but your entitled to your opinion albeit people with half a mind would laugh at this post
I don't think '62 will be repeated. China is many times larger than India in every meaningful sense, economically, militarily, especially technologically.

And while India throws a petty little tantrum and makes alot of fuss when Pakistan buys AAM missiles from Brazil, or any weaponry from the west essentially, but even they don't make any noise when China provides Pakistan similar equipment(see how much noise was made when we bought Piranha missiles from Brazil, compared to India's largely mute response at the much deadlier BVR SD-10B package from China) And China has already had it's way in most things, what else would they want to go to war with India for. China and India have very different philosophies. For example, India does a huge publicity stunt out of their decision to move some Su-30 squadron to China's border region - they have their media make a big deal out of it, television crews tag along and they make it out to be some huge frakkin' deal. China on the other hand doesn't even issue a public statement, it just quietly makes it's counter-moves and only later on do the western media cover the fact that China has also moved more military presence into India's north.

China is much more subtle, using the western media to primarily report their activities, their media only takes a secondary role. It's grander and more elegant when you don't have to go out of your way to make a huge fuss to get others to notice how hardcore you are, it's much more hardcore when you hear it from others. One actually comes across as somewhat insecure, making some huge fuss over little things, trying to be an attention-wh*re hoping others notice.

At the end of the day, the ground reality is that China can afford to move a much larger military presence than India, given that they manufacture can manufacture as many J-11s, J-10s, or in the end, even J-20s as they want, and move them anywhere. You can claim to make your own SU-30s too, but then Russia comes along and doubles the price to close to 100 mil US$, and India quietly has to take it. I hope the LCA/MCA/AMCA/etc manage to free India from that, sometime in the future.
Here is the short from China's defense counsel Pakistan here

When US threateans any of its puny arse countries- " America we will destroy you! you have think 10 think times to taken on our great muslim armies- we have nukes , Nukes I say!"

When it comes to India- the mighty china which 1/50th the power of the US - " Yeah you yindoos don't know how big and tough China is ? They will wipe you out!! "
I don't know why 1962 is a such big deal for India.

We were dirty poor at that time and got embargoed by both USA and USSR.

Meanwhile we had some major supply issue, so we cannot pull out our best.
Here is the short ...

Get a reality check man. Or a (medical) check-up, both will do. Which "defence counsel" is this from... When has Pakistan ever said we'll "destroy" America. Our nukes are a deterrent that prevent adventuristic thinking, both for the Americans and the Indian.

Western sources also acknowledge this. Here's Webster Griffin Tarpley, an American author who's written almost a dozen books:

The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan is merely a pretext, a cover story designed to provide the United States with a springboard for a geopolitical destabilization campaign in the entire region which cannot be publicly avowed. In the blunt cynical world of imperialist aggression à la Bush and Cheney, a pretext might have been manufactured to attack Pakistan directly. But Pakistan is far too large and the United States is far too weak and too bankrupt for such an undertaking. In addition, Pakistan is a nuclear power, possessing atomic bombs and medium range missiles needed to deliver them. What we are seeing is a novel case of nuclear deterrence in action. The US cannot send an invasion fleet or set up airbases nearby because Pakistani nuclear weapons might destroy them. To this extent, the efforts of Ali Bhutto and A.Q. Khan to provide Pakistan a deterrent capability have been vindicated. But the US answer is to find ways to attack Pakistan below the nuclear threshold, and even below the conventional threshold. This is where the tactic of exporting the Afghan civil war to Pakistan comes in.

Tarpley.NET - Obama's War on Pakistan

While the US corporate media completely ignores this guy, he gets regularly interviewed by RT of Russia and various European media, and the depth of his political insight and views are widely respected there.

So no, China doesn't need to wipe India out, it's only India that's making all this fuss about it. And America isn't really wiping Pakistan out. Nor is Pakistan wiping the US out. So you're essentially wrong on everything you're saying here. Have fun:yahoo:.
Get a reality check man. Or a (medical) check-up, both will do. Which "defence counsel" is this from... When has Pakistan ever said we'll "destroy" America. Our nukes are a deterrent that prevent adventuristic thinking, both for the Americans and the Indian.

Western sources also acknowledge this. Here's Webster Griffin Tarpley, an American author who's written almost a dozen books:

Tarpley.NET - Obama's War on Pakistan

While the US corporate media completely ignores this guy, he gets regularly interviewed by RT of Russia and various European media, and the depth of his political insight and views are widely respected there.

So no, China doesn't need to wipe India out, it's only India that's making all this fuss about it. And America isn't really wiping Pakistan out. Nor is Pakistan wiping the US out. So you're essentially wrong on everything you're saying here. Have fun:yahoo:.

I don't what is more amusing watching, the threats your countrymen issue if American dares to attack it, Iran, Iraq( back then), Afghanistan or watching you have guys have ZERO national identity and piggy back off china's laurels. The fuss you speak off is a matter of a free media- A free media that in your country is no different and makes a fuss about India daily.

After all what is the bane of your argument? That free media hypes things? And what’s the alternative? To be treated like dogs in cage, give up our freedoms - where the govt tells you what media you are allowed to consume? If so- you may have sold your soul to the dog in a cage theory- India follows the philosophy of " live free or die trying". Oddly enough Pakistan would not have been borne had that attitude not prevailed among Indians during the british raj.

Think 10 times before you raid us, Kayani warns US
Its totally true but we have to start development in those areas because people there also thinks that GOI cares more about Chinese than there own people (Arunachalese). We need to reciprocate, people of Sikkim and Arunachal are fighters like Gurkha but we don't have a separate rifle for this. I we need a Arunachal and Sikkim rifles. We need to open trade routes via Myanmar and Bangladesh. We need an international airport in Sikkim.

As far as Chinese invasion is concerned, i don't think its possible now. India has a lot of mountain division to stop China and now new mountain division and a strike corps will make it impossible for China. But even if they do attack India and even successful in capturing Arunachal and Sikkim, they cannot maintain their control and they will have to leave those areas by winter same as hat happened in the previous Indo-China war. China cannot keep these areas even if they win.

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