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Which stop gap fighter would you prefer for TurAF?

Which stop gap fighter for TurAF?

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My understanding on military subject is very limited --- I think, F-16 was past and I learn from this forum that Turkey makes components of F-16 (with us permission) -- yes it just doesn't consist of fighter jets, but isn't Turkey moving away from 99% very fast, their defense industry is making progress at a very fast pace.
My dear brother, here people try to create an image as if US -Turkey-NATO relationship were collapsed and We didnt buy anything from US.
İndeed TurAF has just ordered AMRAAM missiles and no problem.
Nonetheless USA supply other military components to Turkish Army.

Those people who seem to be enemy of USA will be lick american asses in case of a threat to them. Pragmatizm suckzzzz in east.

So it wont be a dream having F15 X if TurAF requests.
Why not? İt subjects to Türkiye's desire.
My dear brother, here people try to create an image as if US -Turkey-NATO relationship were collapsed and We didnt buy anything from US.
İndeed TurAF has just ordered AMRAAM missiles and no problem.
Nonetheless USA supply other military components to Turkish Army.

Those people who seem to be enemy of USA will be lick american asses in case of a threat to them. Pragmatizm suckzzzz in east.

So it wont be a dream having F15 X if TurAF requests.
Why not? İt subjects to Türkiye's desire.
If it's just a stop gap arrangement, wouldn't it be better, if Turkey purchase more F-16, as the infrastructure is already in place?
If it's just a stop gap arrangement, wouldn't it be better, if Turkey purchase more F-16, as the infrastructure is already in place?
İ dont know ,i am not a specialist either pilot despite the fact that you can see a specialist in every corner of this forum.
But F15s are main dog fighters in the USA. İt is created to be a dogfighter.
F16 is also good fighter but f15 has different role.
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TurAF was active over mediterrian for 7 hours with 16 F16s, 3 kc 135, one peace eagle and one cargo plane!!!

Nowadays importance of air superiority fighters must be understood.

F16s with aerial refueling tankers are really great and operational but what if TurAF had F15 with doubled range and tripled air-to-air missiles. Dont forget in case of combat refueling tankers would be first easy targets of enemy's airforce.
Also one F16 carries 2 AMRAAM and 2 Sidewinders.
I cant imagine how would enemy's air force would act if TurAF had F15 X with 22 AMRAAM s :p:


Also having some indigenous B1 lancers wouldn't disturb Turkiye's budget.
With the RCS of F16 ,B1 lancer can deliver 35 tonnes bomb or 20 cruise missiles in 5000km range to anywhere. B1 avoids enemy SAMs like F16.

I would really love to have 50 F15X nowadays. Then you would reign your naval territory and save your interests.
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Actually in the recent days, I've started to think that F/A-18 Advanced Super Hornet would be great too; but I'd prefer the Eurofighters

TurAF was active over mediterrian for 7 hours with 16 F16s, 3 kc 135, one peace eagle and one cargo plane!!!

Nowadays importance of air superiority fighters must be understood.

F16s with aerial refueling tankers are really great and operational but what if TurAF had F15 with doubled range and tripled air-to-air missiles. Dont forget in case of combat refueling tankers would be first easy targets of enemy's airforce.
Also one F16 carries 2 AMRAAM and 2 Sidewinders.
I cant imagine how would enemy's air force would act if TurAF had F15 X with 22 AMRAAM s :p:


Also having some indigenous B1 lancers wouldn't disturb Turkiye's budget.
With the RCS of F16 ,B1 lancer can deliver 35 tonnes bomb or 20 cruise missiles in 5000km range to anywhere. B1 avoids enemy SAMs like F16.

I would really love to have 50 F15X nowadays. Then you would reign your naval territory and save your interests.
1) In a real combat scenario; none of those F-15s would fly with 20 or so amraams. Maybe you wouldn't know but Air to air missiles are produced in limited numbers. We only have 2 amraams per each F-16s in our inventory and even the USAF has 3000 or so air to air missiles in their inventory. So, you wouldn't see a fighter with many A2A missiles in a wartime scenario...
2) You want indigenous B-1 Lancers!?!? This is the part where you lost your realism.
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Telling UsAF has 3000 AMRAAMs :)))
questioning my realism. Yav he he .
USA might have those quantity of nuclear warhead!
TurAF has almost this quantity of Air to Air missiles.
Moreover the person confused between FA/18 and EF which are totally comparable and have same roles . Aynısı zaten hepsi uçuyor.

Actually in the recent days, I've started to think that F/A-18 Advanced Super Hornet would be great too; but I'd prefer the Eurofighters

1) In a real combat scenario; none of those F-15s would fly with 20 or so amraams. Maybe you wouldn't know but Air to air missiles are produced in limited numbers. We only have 2 amraams per each F-16s in our inventory and even the USAF has 3000 or so air to air missiles in their inventory. So, you wouldn't see a fighter with many AAMs in a wartime scenario...
2) You want indigenous B-1 Lancers!?!? This is the part where you lost your realism.
1. Not really. Fighters can carry more A2A missiles than two depending on the mission, the enemy and the circumstances. But you're right in the sense that most of the pictures he's sharing are meant for show and postcards.
2. No. That's not the part he lost his realism. He didn't have any realism to begin with from the get go.
If it's just a stop gap arrangement, wouldn't it be better, if Turkey purchase more F-16, as the infrastructure is already in place?

No. When Turkey bought F-16s, the sole purpose of her air force was to delay Soviets long enough until the arrival of USAF and other related US commands. That being said, Turkish doctrine changed so much as did Turkish geopolitical goals since those days. What THvKK needs more than anything is a plane that can reach anywhere in Eastern Mediterranean with minimal aerial refueling.

This is why F-35s could've been such a sweet ride for us. A stealth strike aircraft able to reach gigantic distances and carrying local munitions such as SOM-J would be a match made in heaven for Libya and Syria, especially for SEAD missions to clear the road for UAV swarms. I don't think anything on the list above can offer neither the range nor the reach F-35 offers.
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Why not? İt subjects to Türkiye's desire.

Welcome back my unrealistic friend ... you once again missed the most important points:

It does in no way subjects to Türkiye's desire only, it subjects to politics and money and here it is a dramatic difference if you buy a few more AAMs with money you have and that does not change any strategic balance or if you want a high-end fighter which has indeed consequences to the strategic balance in that region with money don't have.

Best and take care.
Welcome back my unrealistic friend ... you once again missed the most important points:

It does in no way subjects to Türkiye's desire only, it subjects to politics and money and here it is a dramatic difference if you buy a few more AAMs with money you have and that does not change any strategic balance or if you want a high-end fighter which has indeed consequences to the strategic balance in that region with money don't have.

Best and take care.
I was hardly decided how to reply to a chinese dragon which had attacked hysterically my personality and my country.
Then i realised that neither intelligent humiliation nor swearing would tame a chinese dragon. I find this conversation more terrible than your attitude.
You have been ignored.


Be advised they can sting any fake dragon.
I was hardly decided how to reply to a chinese dragon which had attacked hysterically my personality and my country.
Then i realised that neither intelligent humiliation nor swearing would tame a chinese dragon. I find this conversation more terrible than your attitude.
You have been ignored.


me a Chinese Dragon ... You are indeed only funny. :rofl:
me a Chinese Dragon ... You are indeed only funny. :rofl:
Not as much as your horns .
Horned creature or whatever dont disturb my topic. You must have realistic and serious business , go and turn back your life. Here just unrealistic stuff . Just ignore the topic as i am about you to do.
Not as much as your horns .
Horned creature or whatever dont disturb my topic. You must have realistic and serious business , go and turn back your life. Here just unrealistic stuff . Just ignore the topic as i am about you to do.

Don't get me wrong and really no offence in mind, but my point is that so far you ignored all arguments, You proposed so stupid ideas as feasible like converting the Hurjet into a VSTOL fighter, to get F-15X and that all my "Turkey's desire" and in the final stance each time end with "go away", "that's my thread", "you are a against Turkey", "you are a horned creature" and so on ... IMO nether a sign of being rationale nor mature.

In fact all proof for a fan-boy at best, who's neither able nor will nor able to discuss with arguments but only to hear an echo of his own wishes.

Therefore, You are in no way to demand anything here in this forum, this is NOT your thread and I will continue with my arguments as long as I want.
No. When Turkey bought F-16s, the sole purpose of her air force was to delay Soviets long enough until the arrival of USAF and other related US commands. That being said, Turkish doctrine changed so much as did Turkish geopolitical goals since those days. What THvKK needs more than anything is a plane that can reach anywhere in Eastern Mediterranean with minimal aerial refueling.

This is why F-35s could've been such a sweet ride for us. A stealth strike aircraft able to reach gigantic distances and carrying local munitions such as SOM-J would be a match made in heaven for Libya and Syria, especially for SEAD missions to clear the road for UAV swarms. I don't think anything on the list above can offer neither the range nor the reach F-35 offers.
Thanks for the explanation.
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