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Where Men and Mountains Meet


Media Partner
Mar 4, 2017
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Global Village Space |
Pakistani media has not been able to create a name in documentary making, but this meticulously researched work – inspired and supported by FWO – was clearly an exception. Before the end of first week, more than a million had watched it, world-wide, on ISPR’s YouTube alone.

“Where Men and Mountains Meet” was clearly a passionate teamwork spread over several months between FWO, ISPR and a little known “Delirium Productions”. Producers had carefully selected several retired Army Engineers as narrators who were part of the original team as young officers – mostly as Captains – that had kick started the work on KKH in 1960’s and took it to completion in 1966 when Frontier Works Organization (FWO) was formally born on 31st Oct, 1966.

Michael Moore, world renowned documentarian and author, famous for blue planet’s highest grossing documentary Farenheit 9/11, had once written that first rule for making a great documentary is that “don’t make a documentary, make a film”. Makers of “Where Men and Mountains Meet” have imbibed the concept well.

So, their documentary sparks sudden elements of shock, surprise and intrigue amongst the viewers when it starts abruptly by brief comments from the narrators, one after the other, without identifying them without letting the viewers know who they are listening to.

Into the third minute of the documentary one hears voice of current DG FWO, Gen. Kamal Azfar, who speaks for little over a minute, in simple but crisp Urdu, setting the agenda when he explains that this “documentary film” has been made to remind the current generation of Pakistanis the challenges and sacrifices given by those who had worked on this ambitious project more than fifty years ago. Note that even DG FWO uses the term, “film” in his brief one minute introduction.
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Where Men and Mountains Meet

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