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What's Wrong with Pakistan? --BY ROBERT D. KAPLAN

Looking at the above all posts i now know -what's wrong with pakistan? Question is what's right with pakistan that is the only thing that will matter to them in the near future..
I still stand by my original post..... "YAWN".... The only ones getting excited at this "revelation" are our friends next door, surprise, surprise!
I would look at it more as the GVC trying to establish the trade route that existed for millenia between the GVC and the central asian region via the IVC - which presently is hampered ....

Lesson from the history is that GVC and IVC interests are linked.

GVC should closely work with IVC for trade routes and not do the following:

1. Work furiously to work around IVC

Then epic fail

2. Then say booo hooo hooo , I can't go to central Asian states because IVC won't let me.

This is all childish.

Modern states should have much more somber and serious way of doing things.

Indian posters do not realize that Pakistan and India can work together to extend their mutual influence on the world.

However, our $tupid historical baggage stops us from doing so.

nothing wrong,just too much hot blood and testosterone without any vent.

goli toh naazim chalaani hain,idhar ya udhar.
Indian posters do not realize that Pakistan and India can work together to extend their mutual influence on the world. However, our $tupid historical baggage stops us from doing so.

Spot on - but why is this the case? Could it be that we have given them reason to think in this way --- look, Indians may not admit on this forum, but they are convinced that Pakistan is simply dead, it's just that it will take a couple of decades for the certificate to come through and Indians will then pick up pieces on their terms - so they do not see the need to cooperate, to resuscitate what they think is dead - Now what has persuaded Indians that this is the case, yes of course, the Pak Army has, what with their idiot calculation and it's unwillingness to perceive national security beyond it's ideological bounds, a ideological framework that has now failed over and over and over again.

The Indian is persuaded that there is one one there to work with anyway - What will enable them to re-think the issue? The Americans has advised them to reconsider, but they are pretty sure that they have it right.
Has it ever occurred to the intellectuals of Pakistan that the interests of RVC (Ravi Valley Civilization), KVC, (Kabul Valley Civilization and LVC (Lyari Valley Civilization) are also interlinked with each other and their relations are more likely to affect the daily lives of downtrodden lots of this country? We can extend our hands of friendship to all the other civilization of this world once the relations between the above mentioned civilizations have been improved.
Lesson from the history is that GVC and IVC interests are linked.

GVC should closely work with IVC for trade routes and not do the following:

However, our $tupid historical baggage stops us from doing so.


There - you answered yourself...

So, instead of waiting around for Pakistan to stop hampering it, the next logical option would be to look for alternate means.

Tell me one point of time in our checkered history when such a deal was even close to happening - if it was suggested positively - even.

Let's pray collectively that something of a collaboration happens in the future and India gets it's trade route via Pakistan and the whole region benefits, but the problem is you have too many hawks in your land who will not let that happen and bring in other issues and pile up the negotiating table, or out rightly oppose it. Some will get violent too - Is Pakistani Government strong enough to get such a deal through? - I don't think so.

Is the army keen on such a deal - no, their primary focus is Kashmir, so yes that will be piled on to the table and we will end up going nowhere.

What about the rabid forces? - will they allow Pakistan to forward such a deal to Kaffirs and idol worshippers - No way.
Spot on - but why is this the case? Could it be that we have given them reason to think in this way --- look, Indians may not admit on this forum, but they are convinced that Pakistan is simply dead,.

You are correct.

Minor addition.

On August 15, 1947 when modern day India was born, the leaders of India considered Pakistan to be a dead body.

Sardar Willabh Bhai Patel is on record saying "the poison is out of Indian body, and in really short time, people will come back to the India (meaning Pakistan will dissolve itself)".

Jinnah himself had not much hope about this Pakistan as well. He had already said it will be unfeasible "moth eaten" place.

Out of the 3 main top groups Congress, British, and ML, only British were confident that Pakistan will survive.

I am sure British thinking was much more "informed" and "studied" as compared to the "sons of soil" congress and ML. Why? We do not study deeply as British and Europeans do.

Even in this thread, a lot of uneducated $hit is being shoveled so "lovingly" by 95% of the posters who happen to be the creme de la creme of the subcontinent.

Sad isn't it.

From 1947 the year both India and Pakistan were born, Pakistan was dealt a weak hand.

But we survived. We the hardy folks with decent amount of food and good military, were able to ward off Indian designs.

The only thing we did was to push back at Indian designs as much as we could.

However so many Indian planners give better odds to Afghanistan than their own sons of soil aka Pakistan.

This could only be attributed to slave mentality of Indians and casteism. Why else highly educated people could simply refuse to see the light of the day? Why else.

So, instead of waiting around for Pakistan to stop hampering it, the next logical option would be to look for alternate means..

trade routes through Pakistan are not just roads.

one will be $tupid to think like that.

It is part of the overall "package" and overall vision about the future of the region.

Things will be A-OK if the two rajas willingly sit down and chart out that vision.

Sadly, India and Pakistan only come to the table when Goras asked us to,

And Goras give us some goodies.

And that's really pathetic.

It simply shows, both Indians and Pakistanis intellectuals (at least most of them) are total idiots and morons even when we all strut around with big degrees in our hands.

Has it ever occurred to the intellectuals of Pakistan that the interests of RVC (Ravi Valley Civilization), KVC, (Kabul Valley Civilization and LVC (Lyari Valley Civilization) are also interlinked with each other and their relations are more likely to affect the daily lives of downtrodden lots of this country? We can extend our hands of friendship to all the other civilization of this world once the relations between the above mentioned civilizations have been improved.

Of course it has, the spoiler here been the ideology that Pakistani elites chose as the vehicle to carry their interests - they wanted a modern, centrally organized state, and chose an ideology antithetical to those notions - it does boggle the mind, at least mine
Has it ever occurred to the intellectuals of Pakistan that the interests of RVC (Ravi Valley Civilization), KVC, (Kabul Valley Civilization and LVC (Lyari Valley Civilization) are also interlinked with each other and their relations are more likely to affect the daily lives of downtrodden lots of this country? We can extend our hands of friendship to all the other civilization of this world once the relations between the above mentioned civilizations have been improved.

This post is a $tupid sign of ignorance.

A valley is only named after the biggest river (and not its tributaries and supporting rivers).

Didn't expect this from an otherwise educated Indian.

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