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What's Wrong with Pakistan? --BY ROBERT D. KAPLAN

We the fake Indians had been fooling the world for thousands of years and you have exposed our lies.

If you object to what I'm saying can you prove me wrong?

These lies weren't the making of just Indians they were formed by people with a complete lack of understanding of Pakistan and "India's" ancestral history and sadly have been allowed to propagate because Pakistani's as well as others in the world community haven't been more vocal on the subject.

However, the fabricated history Indians like to espouse and people like Kaplan incorrectly perpetuate will no longer be tolerated and as people, particularly Pakistani's, become more aware of our own history they'll eventually be exposed as nothing but nonsense.
If you object to what I'm saying can you prove me wrong?

These lies weren't the making of just Indians they were formed by people with a complete lack of understanding of Pakistan and "India's" ancestral history and sadly have been allowed to propagate because Pakistani's as well as others in the world community haven't been more vocal on the subject.

However, the fabricated history Indians like to espouse and people like Kaplan incorrectly perpetuate will no longer be tolerated and as people, particularly Pakistani's, become more aware of our own history they'll eventually be exposed as nothing but nonsense.

I am not a history buff and I am allergic to Bullsh!t too so i'll let it pass, this thread fortunately was free of it till now, your post has begun taking it downhill now.
If you object to what I'm saying can you prove me wrong?

These lies weren't the making of just Indians they were formed by people with a complete lack of understanding of Pakistan and "India's" ancestral history and sadly have been allowed to propagate because Pakistani's as well as others in the world community haven't been more vocal on the subject.

However, the fabricated history Indians like to espouse and people like Kaplan incorrectly perpetuate will no longer be tolerated and as people, particularly Pakistani's, become more aware of our own history they'll eventually be exposed as nothing but nonsense.

There is nothing to say to your revisionist history.

No academic globally will accept fabricated and glorified lies about the history of present day Pakistan :D
You think Pakistanis are just robots? computers to be programed by generals?
Not just generals but yes, a society, illiterate or not, where even the majority of those who can read learn by rote and tend to dispense with self-critical thinking is easily "programmed". The Nazis and Communists and North Koreans are other examples of this phenomenon.

Please see Kaplan's essay and let me know what you think about that.
I have to read it in some detail - I only skimmed it a few days ago. The phenomenon of "geographical" civilizations is worthy of discussion - an outgrowth of archaeology, really - but usually in the sense that ancient civilizations built in the same location tend to have to solve the same environmental problems using the same resources. It is just one aspect of historical analysis, a contributing factor and not necessarily a dominant one.

I do not agree that diversity is necessary to establish democracy. The first example I can think of is colonial New England. Save for Rhode Island there wasn't a great deal of racial and religious diversity, yet New England's population expanded and remained democratic, firmly based on the self-governing township model.

But as far as the "perversity" bit: yes, I agree that Kaplan's arguments have some merit.

The situation as they say is much more complicated than that.
If you are talking about the crimes and misdeeds that many Pakistanis are intent on hiding then a South African-style Truth & Reconciliation Commission might be the best way to handle that.
American teaching us truth and followers of Israel telling us about 'lies'. This is very interesting.
I, too, was puzzled when as a kid in 1971 Pakistani diplomats came to my family's door to ask us for help solving their problems. That's because they had learned that the truth had been inverted; it was the Zionists who knew about truth and morality, not Pakistanis.

Sadly, these same diplomats placed no value on teaching that to their countrymen at home - and the current batch obviousoly doesn't, either. Such is the weakness of humans who place career success ahead of morality and good governance.

there will always be someone talking about Kashmir this and Kahsmir that. When that happens, Indian posters don't need to fly off the handle. And ruin everything that has been attained thus far.
The only thing we need now is to stop the $hit shoveling by our fellow countrymen and thus start behaving like two respectable and very large nations, and two progressive looking states.

So far both sides have been behaving like $tupid rajas, trying to kill each other and thus allowing even small bands of criminals and schemers to drive the agenda for 1.5+ billion people of the two states.

And that's pathetic.

really really pathetic.

Excellent! I do hope we will soon return to the subject of the thread

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