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Good point. I try to overlook this because today it suits Pakistan to play the Sikh card. But let me tell you guys. These Sikhs were the curse of the Muslims of Punjab and KPK before the British arrived. They took our women and knocked down our masjids to build their gurdwaras. The Sikhs cause more destruction to us then the Raj ever did. Keep this in mind. But if people want to suck on Sikh Raj then go ahead ...

By the way the amount of crap these Sikhs chuck at Pakistani's is beyond belief. I have seen EDL marches with Sikhs and in other groups whipping the Muslim grooming gang thing. Then they act all nice to the English. Sikhs have even come up with fabricated movie on how ten Sikhs fought 1,000,000,000 million Pakhtuns in Saragheri and won.
But don't you have fond memories of Sikh friends in college? And don't many Pakistanians resemble Sikhs so much that you call them Sikho? When did you get a software update? @PAKISTANFOREVER


Famous Urdu poet Habib Jalib demanding attention towards "Huqooq Ul Ibaad" during this time and age.

It says,
"How much i fear the God , Have a look.
Filling up both my locker and pocket (with money)
My neighbour is hungry for 3 days ( in a row.)
(And) I'm performing ( or going to perform) the pilgrimage for the fourth time."

Quick translation.Pardon any typos.
Simply wondered since you are open to drinking.

And if you practice other dos and don'ts of Islam, do you do it regularly or just on occasions like id, weddings etc?

occasionaly i follow them . marriage death festivals etc . can not cut from society dear .
Dear PDF members,
Kindly remember the people of Gaza and Kashmir in your prayers.Especially the last four days will be very hellish for Gazans because Israeli terrorists have decided to bomb them. May Allah subhanawatala help our oppressed brothers and sisters in their lands.

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Post Mortem into Rohit Sardanas death. It was due to this :
This is a discussion happening in medical circles. The following is from my brother in law's group who is NHS in UK. Take guard.

Looked relevant so sharing it here!!


Dear all,

This is to bring to your information a dangerous disease which is killing people by the hundreds AFTER they have recovered from the dreaded Covid-19 infection.

The disease is *Mucormycosis* and can be fatal. It catches on to those who have been on oxygen support for five days or more. So, the oxygen which gives you life, actually becomes your death sentence. It's that dangerous.

Mucormycosis, simply known as *Black Fungus*, develops in the nasal tract due to poor quality of water used, through which the piped oxygen in hospitals passes to make it hydrated oxygen, before it reaches the patient's nostrils. It's very much like the fungus which develops on bread due to moisture, if kept for a long time.

It starts from the nostril, travels towards the eye and then towards the brain. It paralyses the nerves it travels through. *So, first it’s the eye that loses vision very swiftly AND permanently! If not stopped, it enters the brain and then it's a matter of a day or two before the person paralyses, has multiple organ failure or sudden heart attack and dies*

For any body on oxygen support in a hospital, it's crucial to keep looking around the nostrils for any black pigmentation. As soon as it's noticed even as the smallest dot, sirens should ring, and anti-fungal vaccination should start immediately because this is the only treatment of the disease. Call an eye surgeon or specialist at once on video call and show him or share a pic.

(The injection dosage is 5 ml per kg weight. So if a person is 60 kg, it should be 300 ml, and if more, upto 80 kg, 400 ml.)

*The oxygen supply also needs to be sanitised immediately. While only distilled water should be used for hydrating oxygen, in all hospitals, due to callosity, negligence or downright ignorance, tap water or any other water available around is used by the para medical staff. What is worse is that the container for this water for hydrating the oxygen is seldom cleaned leading to concentration of viruses and bacteria in the piped supply system, which cures you from Covid temporarily and then kills you with the deadly "Black Fungus". Also, if tap water or even purified / boiled water is used in the humidifier, over a period of time, there'll be deposits of impurities, including micro-metals, minerals / salts which make things worse. Sadly, even many senior doctors tend to overlook this crucial aspect of the life-giving oxygen supply*

Hundreds of people who were on oxygen support and had recently recovered from Covid are dying of this disease everyday. Because, by the time the black pigmentation is noticed by family members at home, it's already too late and even doctors are helpless. The most unfortunate part is the complete lack of awareness about this contamination in oxygen supply and about the deadly disease itself.

I have not seen any discussion or government advisory on any WhatsApp group or anywhere on social media which shows our complete and widespread ignorance about this dangerous "Black Fungus" lurking in the oxygen supply system itself.


I myself got to know about this only today, because my childhood schoolmate, my soulmate-brother is lying in KGMU ICU precisely with this ailment, which threatens his life now. Just three days ago, he was taken off oxygen support and his family and all of us, his friends were so happy when he was shifted to the general ward and we were expecting him to go home in a couple of days, some even asking for a party! Today, he's back in ICU fighting for life. May he get well soon. We are all praying for him.

Please spread word about this disease so you won't be in a similar state of despair and helplessness like his family and all of us, his well-wishers, and friends.

I appeal to you with folded hands, please do tell everyone about this, especially those on oxygen support, and if you know any government officials of any rank, please do share this information with them.

You might just save a life

Good to know. I trust you.

If we call Palestinians terrorists, what legitimacy will be left with us to call Kashmiris otherwise?

I ask this question from everyone, imagine you are living in Pakistan and tomorrow, a town where you live is occupied by an enemy, who brings his own citizens and start throwing you out of your own homes.. Will you wait for the state to declare war or will try to put up a decent fight?
I am have seen your comments engaging in classic whataboutism however it is my sincere attempt to draw your attention to certain points so that you might be able to have a balanced opinion.
1 - Gaza or Palestine is virtually in control of Israel and Israel has been grabbing land since 1948.
2 - Israel has been settling Jews from all over the world on the occupied land. This is something which has been condemned by many countries and also by UN.
3 - Palestinian virtually live in a siege where Israel can attack anything and everything at will. In fact their special forces have been raiding Palestine for a long time now
4 - Hamas does not poss sophisticated weapon to attack military sites accurately hence the chances of rockets falling on Civilians are high however it can be seen that they attacked military installations and HVTs
5 - This has become a norm of Israeli state to call everyone and anyone, who criticises their excessive use of power against Palestinians, as anti semitic.
6 - There are muslims who believe that all jews are terrorists and their are jews who think all muslims & Palestinians are terrorists. Both these types are truly reprehensible creatures who do want to acknowledge that Orthodox jews side with Muslims in Israel and their are palestinians and muslims (Over the world) who has protected and helped jews.
7 - Israeli state is an apartheid state and which is one of the major reason which is making more people turn anti jew
8 - IDF doesn't care about collateral damage just like Indian army which routinely destroy civilians property and lives but continue to blame victims.
Yes thank you.

Its not about muslims or jews.

In last 20 years we Pakistanis have suffered enough at the hands of non state actors.
Surviving blast by just few minutes, you were on the same spot few minutes ago.
So for me it just doesn't feel right to support any armed struggle against any state. Be it India or Israel.
Group of few hundred or few thousand people will never be able challenge the resources of the state.
Its just waste of your life, You maybe able to kill few of them. But you cant dent the policy of state.
Last 70 years are good example of it be it case of Kashmir or Palestine.
Yes thank you.

Its not about muslims or jews.

In last 20 years we Pakistanis have suffered enough at the hands of non state actors.
Surviving blast by just few minutes, you were on the same spot few minutes ago.
So for me it just doesn't feel right to support any armed struggle against any state. Be it India or Israel.
Group of few hundred or few thousand people will never be able challenge the resources of the state.
Its just waste of your life, You maybe able to kill few of them. But you cant dent the policy of state.
Last 70 years are good example of it be it case of Kashmir or Palestine.
I do understand your POV however it was the armed resistance that got rid of Nazis otherwise Hitler was unstoppable. You have to understand the humility Palestinians and Kashmiris go through everyday in their own lands hence they attack Govt forces in whatever capacity they can. I know rag tag rebels cannot change the status quo but it is about the mindset that they don't want to surrender just because they are weak. I really hope world realizes this and enforces a two state solution so that mothers don't lose their sons.
Post Mortem into Rohit Sardanas death. It was due to this :
This is a discussion happening in medical circles. The following is from my brother in law's group who is NHS in UK. Take guard.

Looked relevant so sharing it here!!


Dear all,

This is to bring to your information a dangerous disease which is killing people by the hundreds AFTER they have recovered from the dreaded Covid-19 infection.

The disease is *Mucormycosis* and can be fatal. It catches on to those who have been on oxygen support for five days or more. So, the oxygen which gives you life, actually becomes your death sentence. It's that dangerous.

Mucormycosis, simply known as *Black Fungus*, develops in the nasal tract due to poor quality of water used, through which the piped oxygen in hospitals passes to make it hydrated oxygen, before it reaches the patient's nostrils. It's very much like the fungus which develops on bread due to moisture, if kept for a long time.

It starts from the nostril, travels towards the eye and then towards the brain. It paralyses the nerves it travels through. *So, first it’s the eye that loses vision very swiftly AND permanently! If not stopped, it enters the brain and then it's a matter of a day or two before the person paralyses, has multiple organ failure or sudden heart attack and dies*

For any body on oxygen support in a hospital, it's crucial to keep looking around the nostrils for any black pigmentation. As soon as it's noticed even as the smallest dot, sirens should ring, and anti-fungal vaccination should start immediately because this is the only treatment of the disease. Call an eye surgeon or specialist at once on video call and show him or share a pic.

(The injection dosage is 5 ml per kg weight. So if a person is 60 kg, it should be 300 ml, and if more, upto 80 kg, 400 ml.)

*The oxygen supply also needs to be sanitised immediately. While only distilled water should be used for hydrating oxygen, in all hospitals, due to callosity, negligence or downright ignorance, tap water or any other water available around is used by the para medical staff. What is worse is that the container for this water for hydrating the oxygen is seldom cleaned leading to concentration of viruses and bacteria in the piped supply system, which cures you from Covid temporarily and then kills you with the deadly "Black Fungus". Also, if tap water or even purified / boiled water is used in the humidifier, over a period of time, there'll be deposits of impurities, including micro-metals, minerals / salts which make things worse. Sadly, even many senior doctors tend to overlook this crucial aspect of the life-giving oxygen supply*

Hundreds of people who were on oxygen support and had recently recovered from Covid are dying of this disease everyday. Because, by the time the black pigmentation is noticed by family members at home, it's already too late and even doctors are helpless. The most unfortunate part is the complete lack of awareness about this contamination in oxygen supply and about the deadly disease itself.

I have not seen any discussion or government advisory on any WhatsApp group or anywhere on social media which shows our complete and widespread ignorance about this dangerous "Black Fungus" lurking in the oxygen supply system itself.


I myself got to know about this only today, because my childhood schoolmate, my soulmate-brother is lying in KGMU ICU precisely with this ailment, which threatens his life now. Just three days ago, he was taken off oxygen support and his family and all of us, his friends were so happy when he was shifted to the general ward and we were expecting him to go home in a couple of days, some even asking for a party! Today, he's back in ICU fighting for life. May he get well soon. We are all praying for him.

Please spread word about this disease so you won't be in a similar state of despair and helplessness like his family and all of us, his well-wishers, and friends.

I appeal to you with folded hands, please do tell everyone about this, especially those on oxygen support, and if you know any government officials of any rank, please do share this information with them.

You might just save a life

Someone just told me about this today. THANK YOU for providing in depth detail that can actually be shared!!
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