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random street food seller in Jakarta, perfect lady, not rich, pretty, working hard, young, wearing Hijab, perfect for being a wife
its not ice cream but looks like one.. the next stall seems some of local crackers..
anyway, she is young and I guess helping her parents in front of their shop.
Anyway, seems very cultured and Islamic so yes, would be a good companion. So Indos you go ahead.. @jamahir is old :P .
one of these traitors was the great grandfather of shah mahmood qureshi, our current Foreign minister
so helping liberate Muslim areas from Sikh raj was treason? you like the idea where gurdwaras were mushrooming up next to masaajid so that the latter was utilized as stables and toilet for sikh worshipers and their horses?

@Indus Pakistan @krash @Foxtrot Alpha
so helping liberate Muslim areas from Sikh raj was treason? you like the idea where gurdwaras were mushrooming up next to masaajid so that the latter was utilized as stables and toilet for sikh worshipers and their horses?

@Indus Pakistan @krash @Foxtrot Alpha
Good point. I try to overlook this because today it suits Pakistan to play the Sikh card. But let me tell you guys. These Sikhs were the curse of the Muslims of Punjab and KPK before the British arrived. They took our women and knocked down our masjids to build their gurdwaras. The Sikhs cause more destruction to us then the Raj ever did. Keep this in mind. But if people want to suck on Sikh Raj then go ahead ...

By the way the amount of crap these Sikhs chuck at Pakistani's is beyond belief. I have seen EDL marches with Sikhs and in other groups whipping the Muslim grooming gang thing. Then they act all nice to the English. Sikhs have even come up with fabricated movie on how ten Sikhs fought 1,000,000,000 million Pakhtuns in Saragheri and won.
'Murica. Love Uyghur for propaganda against China, but hate Islam and all Muslims.

The Hindu RSS monster is condoning the hate as usual.

You just worry about COVID superspreader. The last time I checked your kind were being beaten up for looking like Middle Easterern.
Who is this in your avatar?

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