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What kind of behaviour Pakistani Dramas are trying to promote?

Secondly, yes they face these type of problems but as a society our media should be focused on how to eliminate it and not glorify it like it was being done in the clip where the women was explaining how she used sex to earn wealth.

If you cant understand this simple logic then there is no point of debate as we have different standards of moral values. Something which is right for you is wrong for me and therefore I should not judge you and nor should you judge me.

This explains your cinematic sensibility, she is portraying a character, I can portray a evil character which says & does bad things, does it mean I glorify or support it, how silly!

You should read the complete subject line of the show to decide if it justifies immorality or not. And if it does by your holier-than-thou standards, then better skip watching.
This explains your cinematic sensibility, she is portraying a character, I can portray a evil character which says & does bad things, does it mean I glorify or support it, how silly!

You should read the complete subject line of the show to decide if it justifies immorality or not. And if it does by your holier-than-thou standards, then better skip watching.
Its not me who is watching. Its alot of people including young kids and teenagers. This will definitely have an impact on them.

Did you ever wonder why there are increase in rape cases? Can a sane mind enjoy torturing others? You should talk to phycologist about effect of these dramas on the mind of the people. Is it healthy for society or harmful. Lets just science speak about it.
'First of all, in Pakistan it is rare that alone women come from smaller city to big cities' right this statement alone tells me you have no idea what you are talking about. Do you even live in Pakistan. You are talking of a Pakistan 30 years ago. Now 18 year old from villages are working and studying alone in cities.
Okz lets do the fact check. In a country of 220 million how many women move from villages to cities and engage in such activities? to make it common you must suerly be talking about few million atleast. But hardly we have few thousand woman who are doing that.

Do you understand the difference between word common and rear ? 10,000 of 220 million is .0045%. So this seems common to you?
Once again on your Shetland pony. Molvis own religion in Pakistan as do peers and other assholes. And if you are in denial thats your issue.
You talk of reading the quran...be honest and tell me who in your family praysandnknows the meaning of salat. In 7 years in Pakistan I have yet to meet a person who knows the meaning of salat and you are talking like this. Its your molvis that teach your parrots to repeat and then like molvi qavi have qandeel balouch on their knees whilst telling you the moon for eid isn't up but his moon is ready to go.
Religious bubble mean..everyone love to talk about nice things but their actions are opposite. Like hide their own women and stare at the neighbours. Its a sick society.
Yes I agree one should take steps. I was never condoning the dramas. But I was saying that this happens and education girls and boys is important. By brushing it under the carpet doesn't equate to education

You should read my post again. I categorically told you that molvis own religion as we ourselves dont invest time in Quran and Sunah. What part of denial it is ? Do you problems in understanding english?

Where we have molvi Qazi, we also have Moulana Tariq Jameel, Dr. Israar Ahmed and Dr. Zakir Naik. So stop putting blame of your weakness or weakness of society on religion.

I didn't know you were all in for education of boys and girls. So what education the clip was giving? If you dont have money, you can get one by having illegal sexual relationships with wealthy people. Is this the education you want to give to girls and boys ?

Brother you didn't get my point at all. My point is simple, that media has a great impact on the mind of young ones. If show such topics than they will get diverted towards these kind of activities, rather we should focus on real quality education of the boys and girls through media.

In past we used to had dramas like Dhuwaan, Alpha Bravo Charlie, angan terha, ankahi, taleem-e-balghan and in recently one ertugul.

This is what education for media is:

You should read my post again. I categorically told you that molvis own religion as we ourselves dont invest time in Quran and Sunah. What part of denial it is ? Do you problems in understanding english?

Where we have molvi Qazi, we also have Moulana Tariq Jameel, Dr. Israar Ahmed and Dr. Zakir Naik. So stop putting blame of your weakness or weakness of society on religion.

I didn't know you were all in for education of boys and girls. So what education the clip was giving? If you dont have money, you can get one by having illegal sexual relationships with wealthy people. Is this the education you want to give to girls and boys ?

Brother you didn't get my point at all. My point is simple, that media has a great impact on the mind of young ones. If show such topics than they will get diverted towards these kind of activities, rather we should focus on real quality education of the boys and girls through media.

In past we used to had dramas like Dhuwaan, Alpha Bravo Charlie, angan terha, ankahi, taleem-e-balghan and in recently one ertugul.

This is what education for media is:

Tariq Jameel....what work does he do? Why does he spend so much time with actresses. Please go away...you are a typical argumentative person and a waste of time. I won't read your posts. Pathetic

If you cannot see that making people aware of the issues that are happening is education than there is nothing to say.
Did you ever wonder why there are increase in rape cases? Can a sane mind enjoy torturing others? You should talk to phycologist about effect of these dramas on the mind of the people. Is it healthy for society or harmful. Lets just science speak about it.
There is an increase in rape cases getting reported , the actual number of rapes and Eve teasing has actually gone down. Infact the sexual violence which is shown in media has sensitised people towards rape and reduced its cases, the general attitude towards Eve teasing has also changed , it’s considered as a serious offence now which was not the case before. You have no idea the number of rapes that occur in rural side where there is no TV or OTT , it’s just they don’t get reported , what explains that ? Let’s not just make entertainment industry as a scapegoat for sexual crimes against women, this is far more deep rooted problem is South Asia with lot of history, existed even before TV or cinema was born.
A few weeks back she was angry on the rape case (which everyone should be) and was asking kya yeh riyasat e madina hai..... Didn't expect this type of work from such a senior actor.

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Do you understand the difference between Acting and Real life.

Mera jism meri marzi!

That message is meant to Highlight forced marriages, Underage Girls and Ladies forced into marriage, Which part of that is asking to be a prostitute!!!
That's hilarious. Purely contrived script and lousy acting. Designed only for shock value. This is how poor quality products gain ratings. It's "clickbait" essentially.
yes it has shocked the national conscience
which is normally in slumber over rapes murders plunder and curroption at industrial scale .

maybe drama should be based on daily experiences of madrasah students
that will be very much cultural and acceptable.

coming back to clip shared. i wont like to see it in Prime time specially in front of kids

in west there is a rule of watershed time in broadcasting where any content with violent graphic or adult theme is run after a known time rhat kids are in bed and pre warining is displayed with rating.

Pakistani media definately needs to learn the ethics of how and when to broadcast challenging and thought provoking subjects that are a taboo to talk but surface on the news all the time.
That message is meant to Highlight forced marriages, Underage Girls and Ladies forced into marriage, Which part of that is asking to be a prostitute!!!
Islam never allow forced marriage. Nikah contract cannot be completed before the consent of both Muslim man and woman.

In Islam a man or a woman who reaches puberty is eligible for marriage and he or she is considered adults. On that day book of deeds is also opened and angels start noting the deeds of that person.

If young man and woman get marry with their consent then it is not an underaged forced marriage.

A university girl displaying the play card and shouting openly is not the victim of forced marriage. Furthermore, the play card must display a clear massage that they are protesting against forced marriage.

There are more rights given to women in Islam then in any religion. The problem is we as Muslims do not follow it.

Being head of the family, elder Muslims do not implement fair and balance justice. Mothers favor their sons more than their daughters. Male elders do not care about well being of women of their family. A bride is forced to serve the whole family of bridegroom, why? There is a long list of injustices most of us observe around us and among us.

I am sure that girl who was display and shouting shameful slogan must have observed similar injustices in her family or around her acquaintance, which motivated her to join such liberal activist groups.

In the end I would say, we have to realize shortcomings, mistakes and wrong practices and traditions, and correct ourselves so that our generation do not go astray. It is we practicing dual system of justice and forcing our women to rebel from the society - an Islamic society which was supposed to protect the rights of woman equally as men.
yes it has shocked the national conscience
which is normally in slumber over rapes murders plunder and curroption at industrial scale .

maybe drama should be based on daily experiences of madrasah students
that will be very much cultural and acceptable.

coming back to clip shared. i wont like to see it in Prime time specially in front of kids

in west there is a rule of watershed time in broadcasting where any content with violent graphic or adult theme is run after a known time rhat kids are in bed and pre warining is displayed with rating.

Pakistani media definately needs to learn the ethics of how and when to broadcast challenging and thought provoking subjects that are a taboo to talk but surface on the news all the time.

I am appalled that a person of your stature would find the need to drag in Madrassah students into this thread. I am not going to mince words: this is latent hatred for Islam and Muslims that finds opportunity for venting.
Making one’s sins public is disallowed

FROM among the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) is to keep sins a secret matter. If someone commits a sinful act, which is against the Commandments of Allah, or is against the moral character, or is such an act that may cause harm to one’s honor, then he should keep it a secret and seek forgiveness from Allah in the darkness of night.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “My entire nation is safe, except Al-Mujahirin (those who boast of their sins). Among the Mujaharah is that a man commits an (evil) act, and wakes up in the morning while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret, he says: “O Fulan! Last night I did this and that.” He goes to sleep while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret but he wakes up in the morning and uncovers what Allah has kept a secret!” [Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

Zayd ibn Aslam narrated, ‘At the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), a man admitted that he had committed fornication, so the Messenger of Allah asked for a whip. He was brought a broken whip, so he said: “Better than this.” Then he was brought a new whip…, he then said: “Lesser than this.’ So, he was brought a whip that was used and had thus become soft, and the Messenger (peace be upon him) ordered that he be whipped with it (a hundred times). He then said: “O People! It is time for you to refrain from transgressing Allah’s limits. He who commits some of these filthy acts (such as fornication), let him hide under Allah’s cover, for whoever admits what he has committed, we will establish Allah’s Book as regards him (by applying the warranted punishment for this sin).” [Musnad Ahmad]

Abdullah Ibn Masoud (may Allah be pleased with him) related, “A man came to the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I have mingled with a woman in the far side of Al-Madinah, and I fulfilled my desire short of actually having sexual intercourse with her. So, here am I, judge me according to what you decide.’ Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) then said: ‘Allah had kept your secret, why did not you keep your secret’?” [Muslim]
Similarly, if one becomes aware of somebody else’s sin, he should keep it a secret. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “He, who relieves a hardship of this Duniya (word) for a believer, Allah will relieve (from him) a hardship of the Day of Resurrection; he who makes easy an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Duniya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (meaning his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Duniya and the Hereafter…” [Muslim]

Abdullah Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) related, “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) once rose above the podium and then said with a loud voice, “O those who have embraced Islam only with their tongue, while Iman has not yet entered their hears, neither harm Muslims, nor mock them, nor try to expose their mistakes, for he who follows (searches for) the errors of his brother, Allah will follow his errors, and he whom Allah follows his errors, He will expose him even if he was in the middle of his home.”[Saheeh Al-Jamee]

Imam An-Nawawi writes, “This Hadith indicates that following and then exposing people’s mistakes only occurs by the hypocrites and those whose Iman is so weak, that it did not yet fill their hearts…”

Exposing sins lead to humiliation and embarrassment, which ceases the possibility that the sinner might someday regret his mistake, seek forgiveness from Allah and purify his soul from sins because one of the things that prevent one from committing sins is the fear of humiliation. However, if the sinner knows that the people are already aware of his sins, then he does not experience the shame and distraction which he used to feel before and this might encourage him to commit sins openly!

Secondly, when sins are repeatedly mentioned in gatherings, etc. the fear of committing sins vanishes from the people’s hearts. First the sin will become easy on people’s tongue and gradually he, who does not feel any shame in mentioning the sin, will not find it difficult to even commit the sin. This is how, sins spread in the society!
So, if someone becomes aware of his brother’s sins and realizes that nobody except him has seen him committing the sin, then he should keep the sin a secret. He should not encourage people toward sins by exposing his faults.
Allah, the Exalted, has not only condemned committing sins in the Qur’an but He has also condemned those people who mention sins in public. He said: “Verily, those who like that Fahishah (obscenities) should be circulated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment.” [(24): 19] meaning, those who like to see evil talk about them (the believers) appear. [Tafseer Ibn Katheer]

Allah says in Surah An-Nisa (4): 148, “Allah does not like that evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged.”

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) commented on this verse, “Allah does not like that anyone should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one was wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him…Yet, it is better for one if he observes patience.” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer]

Today sins have become widespread in the society because we have forgotten the teachings of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him), who discouraged people from revealing one’s mistakes and sins as well as others. As a result, people have lost the fear of committing not only minor sins but even major sins. Moreover, we find people proudly attributing sins to themselves!!

Today, there are also many novel channels through which sins are propagated in the society; like such book, magazines and television programs that mention the crimes of others, illicit acts, and immorality under the name of creating awareness among the people. These programs which are meant to help the people against the crimes are in reality, helping the crime to spread fast in the society! Crimes, which were previously unknown to people have become common offense! It is therefore necessary for the Muslims to avoid all such avenues which may lead to the destruction of our Muslim Ummah.
Courtesy: ummah.com
I am appalled that a person of your stature would find the need to drag in Madrassah students into this thread. I am not going to mince words: this is latent hatred for Islam and Muslims that finds opportunity for venting.
No its not....rapists are not Muslims. Please understand what he has written. Nothing to do with Islam. Its lack of understanding by people like you that gives Muslims a bad name. Sick issues in society should be highlighted and tackled head on to eradicate them not brush them under the carpet
I am appalled that a person of your stature would find the need to drag in Madrassah students into this thread. I am not going to mince words: this is latent hatred for Islam and Muslims that finds opportunity for venting.
take it as a differing point of view and an experience very close to me. we had to go extreme length to rescue a child from a very well respected madrasah and it turned out that it was not an isolated case and had been happening to many other kids and for many years. the powerful mafia succeeded in harassing not only the police and justice system but the local community members into keeping it quiet or face dire consequences,
the affected family had to relocate to somewhere in Punjab,.

its a disturbing truth which we cant bully into silence. and the atrocity has no justification in Islam.
I am sorry if you are offended by my mention
No its not....rapists are not Muslims. Please understand what he has written. Nothing to do with Islam. Its lack of understanding by people like you that gives Muslims a bad name. Sick issues in society should be highlighted and tackled head on to eradicate them not brush them under the carpet
Rapists are not part of the Muslim society. They must be punished, if found guilty of crime, in accordance with the punishment laid down by Shariah and Constitution of Pakistan. A rapist a Muslim or otherwise is the matter between him and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

We should realize that this criminal act is committed by an individual, only he is to be held answerable to the society.
Since he belong to an educational institute and our children are at stake, we collectively have to take preventive measures to eliminate such menace from the society, Parents, teachers and the School/Madaris admin must work together to ensure safe and cordial environment to our children.

As I stated before, selection process of teachers is very important. A legislation must be passed to address the eligibility of teachers teaching in schools or madaris and issuance of license of teaching after successfully passing professional proficiency, skill, psychological and psychiatric exams and interviews. Another legislation for school and madaris concerning close monitoring of classes, corridors and labs via cctv or some other method.

Teachers are very import to a child grooming. Most of them act as mentor.

We are only hearing, reading and watching shameful and immoral activities committed by devils linked with madaris. Similar incidents are happening in schools - some are very renown and prestigious. But these incidents are hushed up by resourceful families and school admin themselves.

Bottom line is we as member of an Islamic society are moving towards failure, just because of our own follies.

Every player involved in grooming of the child, parents and guardians (both if alive), teachers and the school/madaris admin, should play their part with dedication.
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Rapists are not part of the Muslim society. They must be punished, if found guilty of crime, in accordance with the punishment laid down by Shariah and Constitution of Pakistan. A rapist a Muslim or otherwise is the matter between him and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

We should realize that this criminal act is committed by an individual, only he is to be held answerable to the society.
Since he belong to an educational institute and our children are at stake, we collectively have to take preventive measures to eliminate such menace from the society, Parents, teachers and the School/Madaris admin must work together to ensure safe and cordial environment to our children.

As I stated before, selection process of teachers is very important. A legislation must be passed to address the eligibility of teachers teaching in schools or madaris and issuance of license of teaching undergoing professional proficiency, skill, psychological and psychiatric exams and interviews. Another legislation for school and madaris concerning close monitoring of classes, corridors and labs via cctv.

Teachers are very import to a child grooming. Most of them act as mentor.

We are only hearing, reading and watching shameful and immoral activities committed done by devils linked with madaris. Similar incidents are happening in schools - some are very renown and prestigious. But these incidents are hushed up by resourceful families and school admin themselves.

Bottom line is we as member of an Islamic society are moving towards failure, just because of our own follies.

Every player involved in grooming of the child, parents (both if alive), teachers and the school/madaris admin, should play their part with dedication.
I don't see the point of your post...we are on the same page?
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