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What if Modi,Mark Zuckerberg,Shah Rukh Khan were Kashmiris ? Powerful Images

"Live by the sword, die by the sword"

Indian Army Zindabad
Again you are ranting , not looking for solutions. Do you think the UN will intervene? or perhaps the US or Europe? or how about the GOP? no one can dictate what will happen in India.
now if on the other hand these people gained the respect and sympathy of the Indian public , the GOI will reach out. You can say we are cold blooded , bigots and have no faith . but fact is you cant do squat about it.
Again Indians And their stories....o_O:what:
It was a smart gig, these pictures even got me thinking for a while, but such antics don't work in international politics. What some of our friends from across the border forgot that these photoshop pictures doesn't mean anything, and photoshop is not a unique skill that only Pakistanis have.
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