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Wasim Akram May be arrested For Keeping His fiannce' With out Nikkah

these molvis just sit with an idle mind and create more fitnahs..there is a wide open heera mandi in lahore...time to ban religion from state and stop meddling in people personal affairs!
And what if wasim bhai has bought her as a slave? Phir islam kiya kehta hai....and maulana sab should also consider those affairs going on in the name of temporary nikkah.....
Do the Pakistani malvees:

Talk about the corruption the politicians do?

Issue a fatwa that giving a vote to an already tried incompetent politician is haraam?

Pressurize the politicians to follow the constitution to make Pakistan a welfare state for the common man?

Pressurize the government to reduce Il-literacy?

Pressurize the government to provide the basic rights of the common man as per the constitution?

If no, do the malvees and all the politicians comply with the hadith كلكم راع و كلكم مسؤول عن رعيته meaning "Every one of you is a guardian, and is responsible for what is in his custody."
I think we r over reacting here.

But one must realizes and be responsible citizen.

There r certain things that need to be respected in accordance of the Social Norms of a particular Society. Even Muslim in the world has to follow same rules and wasim Akram is no exception.

Hack! we Muslim should make Non Muslims Follow us not the other way around.

Nobody is going to follow you.
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that worked out when ppl in sub continent used to live in villages and no education/jobs9 just farming away all life). get married quick was all they did and make babies(kids per couple 6-7 easily ). My grand father got married when he was 13 so it wasnt a problem back then but now I think we need a change. Don't you agree?

Sorry Sir u have a wrong impression. Its not just subcontinent but in Many regions people used to and do get married early including China too and Far East.

But i told u abt myself and yes im doing Ph D in International Relations and im 32 and unmarried. I dont have any problem as im comfortable with my sexuality.

Si i dont feel there should be a Change as its a very Big Sin to have sex outside marriage and before one.
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