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War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov

If this report is true (Most likely it is because this modi creature believes in a prophecy) and after what happened in February 2019 and the reality of it, the neighboring countries still remain silent and don't react to this foolishness and warmongering of india ....... then this time it should be made sure that its not only Pakistan paying the price, the damage inflicted should teach the whole neighborhood a lesson.

For indians (if there are any sane intelligent indians anymore) gather courage and face this demon of your's, this impotent, infertile, little guy has nothing to lose. He has no children and he is out playing fire with your children. This economy you boast so much would vanish in no time.
Oh Boy! If the war comes, I myself will volunteer & I'm pretty sure that our 200 Million will do the same without hesitating for a second. No More World Power by 2020.


If India attacks..... our ulema should declare a global jihad and thousands will come to Pakistan to fight against these mushriks and millions of muslims will send aid to assist the war effort
You are not talking sense.

Pak is the only nation which has been a proxy and still is. First proxy to political Islam then to u.s. and now to China.
And did you forget about Kalbhoshan Yadew or you don't know about him>?
India is doing its own proxy war the difference is that Pak has an edge in that war we destroyed USSR with that.
do you want that ?
Surely you'll get that if you want that and there are millions such candidates waiting for a green signal inside india it self in Kashmir in other parts etc etc....
See What are the teachings of Islam? Right.... Islam teaches us, not to look for war, but look for peace, BUT if war is imposed on you, Know that, 'Heaven is under the shadows of Swords.'

And ALLAH's last Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallalahu Alahi Wasallam said,

O people! Do not wish to meet the enemy, and ask Allah for safety, but when you face the enemy, be patient, and remember that Paradise is under the shades of swords.” Then he said, “O Allah, the Revealer of the Holy Book, and the Mover of the clouds and the Defeater of the clans, defeat them, and grant us victory over them.”(Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 266l)

So, ALHAMDULILLAH, we don't want war, we have been offering peace & dialogue to Indians since decades, We do not want to be indulged in any confrontation.

But, if War is imposed upon us, we will fight it united, resolutely, and with a commitment to deliver so much pain to the enemy, that is worthy of remembrance for decades to come INSHAALAH.
This is called jihad for us. Period

Remember one thing always, Weakness or weaker appearance invites aggression from the enemy, the world is no longer a place for weak.

A day for every living being is fixed by ALLAH PAK, we all have to die one day, so what is the fear?, if i must have to die one day, then why die like a jackal, why not like a tiger.

A muslim lives a life of dignity and dies with dignity. We want peace, but if India wants war, so be it.

May the eyes of the cowards never rest.

Hazrat Khalid bin Al-Walid R.A

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Report from 27h March 2019...

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A war is coming in April, well to start on 14th April but at Westeros ..lol
Let's calm down. We won't be able to fight for longer then 300 hours before we run out of money. Yes, wars cost money. Instead I wish if Pakistani's showed their loyalty by paying taxes, getting modern education and building a potent economy. Wars are won in universities. Why do you think USA and Russia can make F-32 Raptor or Sukhoi-52 stealth fighters. Because their young boys and girls went to science universities 10,20,30 years ago and now are scientific power that makes these deadly instruments of war.

Our people go in droves to madaris, or don't bother with any modern education and the result is predictable. We have to import everything.
It will take few minutes to drop some good bombs at some good location..who said drag it for more than 300 hours if you cannot

Those who have money they will have much more to lose in case of full scale war..indian growing economy will get major hit
I will once again repeat, which I have argued with some, we should have hit them hard on both days on 26th and 27th Feb.
You should never let the snake alive to bite you again. This time the gloves should be off. Hit them as hard as you could. Imagine if Bipin was killed. I hope what I said earlier would make sense to people now.
The Indians would come with full preparation now. We had a chance to cause massive casualties of thousands of Indian soldiers. That would have completely shattered Indian's image and their morals.
I will once again repeat, which I have argued with some, we should have hit them hard on both days on 26th and 27th Feb.
You should never let the snake alive to bite you again. This time the gloves should be off. Hit them as hard as you could. Imagine if Bipin was killed. I hope what I said earlier would make sense to people now.
The Indians would come with full preparation now. We had a chance to cause massive casualties of thousands of Indian soldiers. That would have completely shattered Indian's image and their morals.
I agree but in that case we would have been the agressor in the eyes of the world ...
I think Iran will be pleased to lend its port to india , if india decides to attack ...

Let them do it. We would be free than to team with Saudi Arabia at a later stage to teach them a lesson. Saudi Arabia had been looking for Pakistan's military support for years and Pakistan was reluctant. At least that reluctance wasn't there. We should then block any Iranian Supply of Oil and also bombed their nuclear power plants etc and destroy their air force. I am sure SA would lend its Fighter Jets too to destroy Iranian Air Force.

IF Iran to be an enemy, let it be.

I agree but in that case we would have been the agressor in the eyes of the world ...

It is Pakistanis false and poor thinking. The West will still support India, no matter. The will not stand with a Nuclear "Islamic nation". Never you forget. Get out of stupid notions and downright wrong perceptions. USA had been trying for decades to frame Pakistan one way or another.
If India attacks..... our ulema should declare a global jihad and thousands will come to Pakistan to fight against these mushriks and millions of muslims will send aid to assist the war effort

What ummah ...
We were And we are by our own .
Malaysia has declared its neutrality btw indo pak conflict .
Saudis are silent , they called both countries close "friends" ask for calm down .
UAE , Oman playing in indian hands .
Afghanistan and Iran literlaly in alliance with India .declared their hostilities .
serious threats of chahbahar port wld be used militarily by india . Attack from oman port and chabahar port is imminent .
Dont you know in recent indo pak conflict , Iran threatned pakistan and brought its assets near border .
Afghan forces had engaged so many pakistani posts during late february puting pressure .
Isreal is directly involved in this conflict .
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