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USA agreed to discuss troops pull out from Afghanistan with Taliban at Doha.

I entirely understand that. You had every right to be enraged. So that is not even up for debate. Neither is the fact that you needed to take action at the culprit.

But you are a civilized society, right. You don't go nuts like a beast and knock everything around because your enraged. You know OBL was behind it. Sure you had every right to take him out like you eventually did by using a precision operation. My issue is you plastered a stone age country - Afghanistan because they had no defence against your weapons and then you have just got sucked into a war of nationalism. You can't change societies overnight. Whether you or anybody else likes it Taliban have significant support within the Pashtun ethnic group. And as your now accepting only a negotiated settlement can be made. It's all over now but I think America could have gone around the problem in a more smarter way. Bush did your country disservice.

You know how you complain about Pakistan double dealing. Well in the analogy I gave if a pro Putin governmernt was installed in Mexico City I suspect Washington would have serious problems digesting that. Ditto Pakistan. Yes Pakistan supports the Taliban. Not because we think they are angels. But to quote one of your countrymen "they are bas*tards but they are our ba*stards". Much as you supported the Mujihadeen of the 1980s who were for the most part pre-cursor to the Taliban for your strategic reasons we did the same.

You have issues about U.S. bombing Afghanistan but you do the same thing when the Taliban which as you said supports attacks Pakistan, especially when they targeted the civilians or military. Good Taliban and bad Taliban whichever you see.

Its a good analogy with pro Putin installed in Mexco City just like Putin invaded Ukraine just over possible pro western government. Just like you said, Russia would have serious problems digesting that.
There were never nay attacks on US by Al Quaida, 9/11 was an inside job, towers were brought down by explosives planted within the buildings. plenty of proofs unless you are an idiot the US governments like to play

Death of Osama Bin Laden. And no attacks on the U.S. by Al Qaeda. Haven't seen another 9/11 attacks like it.
Sure I agree on those points. But if the terrorists strike again, then what? No security is perfect and people would blame the government not doing enough.
We as the ppl always try to look at it from the angle that the government should do what makes the ppl happy...but the thing is that ppl are NEVER happy. The goal post is always moved up...

If there are no jobs...and the government works to provide jobs...they will complain that the pay isn't enough to get by...raise the wages...next complaint would be about health insurance...provide affordable health insurance and there will be some next demand.

So what should the government do? The government should do what's good for its ppl in the long run instead of trying to make them happy. U r right if something slipped up even after upping domestic security, the ppl would criticize the government...but do u think they would not criticize the government(even more so) once US pulls out of Afghanistan and another hypothetical terrorist attack happens on the US? Bcuz after all the chances of an attack happening on US soil are still non zero. The war in Afghanistan has zero bearing on safe guarding US domestically.

In response to 9/11...US could've taken out OBL through special forces...a single operation rather than a full blown war that requires billions of dollars to move/support massive amounts of troops and equipment...and up its domestic security. This would've kept billions from flowing out of US economy.

Why do countries do what they? U.S. in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Iran in Syria, even Iraq. Russia in Syria, etc. Wouldn't it as you said be better they just focused on domestic security with that amount of resources?
That has less to do with safeguarding their citizens against terrorist attacks and more to do with the interests of the countries mentioned above. R u saying that US had some other interests it was pursuing by putting boots on the ground in Afghanistan?
Where is the body? Buried at sea so tomb destroying wahhabis don't suddenly change thier mind and build a tomb at his grave? Pull the other one.

Why did tower 7 fall?

Don't want to have his tomb made to inspire many others to his cause. And you know he was there since his family was there taken by the Pakistani government after the raid.

You know why the WTC7 fell. The debris from the Twin Towers.

In response to 9/11...US could've taken out OBL through special forces...a single operation rather than a full blown war that requires billions of dollars to move/support massive amounts of troops and equipment...and up its domestic security. This would've kept billions from flowing out of US economy.

Sure I agree, SOF is the way to go with counter terrorism. Or do what Iran did and fire some ballistic missiles. There was a serious consideration for that to hit terrorists from half way around the world using Trident missiles armed with conventional warheads. But you know it was a bad idea.
Do you also live in alternative dimension. Last time I checked Pakistani nuclear stockpile has multiplied fourfold since 2001 and is on target to overtake UK in few years time. So much for this theory !

Damn. I had built too high hopes on the US after reading the posts here. This is very discouraging. I guess with US leaving, India also needs to vacate its dozens of consulates in Afghanistan. Will US be taking ISIS with them as they leave or will they still continue to stay on the Afgan-Pak border?
That has less to do with safeguarding their citizens against terrorist attacks and more to do with the interests of the countries mentioned above. R u saying that US had some other interests it was pursuing by putting boots on the ground in Afghanistan?

I don't know. Maybe its the control of Opium production or something people always mentioned. Maybe the U.S. didn't like the Taliban destroying the drugs. Or maybe its over diamonds or massive resources that the U.S. invaded and found out about it. Perhaps its to make Muslims the new enemy since the end of the Cold War and we need a new enemy.

There were never nay attacks on US by Al Quaida, 9/11 was an inside job, towers were brought down by explosives planted within the buildings. plenty of proofs unless you are an idiot the US governments like to play

Really? The embassy attacks? The attack on the USS Cole? Guess we didn't take them seriously. And no its not an inside job. Planted explosives, people would notice all those wires.
I don't know. Maybe its the control of Opium production or something people always mentioned. Maybe the U.S. didn't like the Taliban destroying the drugs. Or maybe its over diamonds or massive resources that the U.S. invaded and found out about it. Perhaps its to make Muslims the new enemy since the end of the Cold War and we need a new enemy.
Making Muslims the new enemies after the Cold War seems pointless since there's nothing to gain from that. Defeating USSR(the opposing superpower countering US influence in the world) made sense...it was to gain supremacy and US achieved it. Muslims or Muslim countries aren't exactly a world power with much influence anywhere so...that doesn't make much sense.

Drug trade...it could be one reason but not really worth the trade off. Spending billions to gain some control over drug trade? Could've accomplished that through South American drug cartels without spending as much money as spent in Afghan war. Diamonds? I'm not sure if Afghanistan has such massive amounts.

TBH I don't think there's any alternate motive. I think it was just a blunder. A mistake made in the heat of the moment. Instead of thinking with a clear mind and setting a long term goal, the US government just charged head in. Now it's too embarrassing for them to admit that nothing much was gained and we ended up spending billions...so they keep going...hoping the war will end up in some sort of victory. Idk what would be victory in this case though.
u.s already lose this war it is better for them to leave respectfully
Wasn't WoT an excuse that US used to come to Afghanistan to dismantle Pakistan's nukes?:D

When people say that they want to dismantle Pakistani nukes just one question why do people think this is possible? Yes it is US wish to have a nuke free Pakistan but that is not in hands of USA and what I am pointing out is that there is no reason for USA to stay in Afghanistan.
Damn. I had built too high hopes on the US after reading the posts here. This is very discouraging. I guess with US leaving, India also needs to vacate its dozens of consulates in Afghanistan. Will US be taking ISIS with them as they leave or will they still continue to stay on the Afgan-Pak border?
If america leaves afghaistan, this region will become war zone again and pakistan will not be unaffected from outfall out of it .
The Taliban stated they know nothing about Al Qaeda activities yet Osama kills the well known anti Taliban leader Masood days prior to 9/11 with suicide bombers posing as reporters?

No we are just in point of view territory...

Bin Ladin had a wink wink enemy of my enemy is my friend relation with the CIA...

Afghan war doest really bother me from any point of view... At the end of it all... Afghan Taliban still survives.
If america leaves afghaistan, this region will become war zone again and pakistan will not be unaffected from outfall out of it .
what you think why are we fencing the border and buying drones?
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