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USA agreed to discuss troops pull out from Afghanistan with Taliban at Doha.

Most Taliban stated that they knew nothing about Al Qaeda terror activities.. they asked America to give them the evidence and they themselves will hand him over.. Americans instead chose to bomb them further into the stone ages.

9/11 inside job --> no re-read what I said... "Inside allowance" ... Do you know the difference between the two??? Project for a new American century, stand down orders, hushed Intel, and possible collusion


The Taliban stated they know nothing about Al Qaeda activities yet Osama kills the well known anti Taliban leader Masood days prior to 9/11 with suicide bombers posing as reporters?
Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
9.30pm update: * Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt
* Second week of airstrikes starts
* Taliban urges US to halt bombing
Staff and agencies

Sun 14 Oct 2001 22.19 BST


President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan.
Returning to the White House after a weekend at Camp David, the president said the bombing would not stop, unless the ruling Taliban "turn [bin Laden] over, turn his cohorts over, turn any hostages they hold over." He added, "There's no need to discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty". In Jalalabad, deputy prime minister Haji Abdul Kabir - the third most powerful figure in the ruling Taliban regime - told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US, but added: "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country".


Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks
September 17, 2001 Posted: 11:21 AM EDT (1521 GMT)

DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.

In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it.

"I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said.

"I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.


Karzai calls al-Qaida a 'myth' and denies 9/11 attacks were plotted in Afghanistan
On the eve of the anniversary of the 2001 attacks, the former president of Afghanistan expressed doubt that the terrorist group was responsible

Hamid Karzai, the former president of Afghanistan, has questioned the existence of al-Qaida, and denied that the 9/11 terror attacks which killed nearly 3,000 people were planned in Afghanistan.

On the eve of the anniversary of the 2001 attacks, Karzai, who left office last year after 12 years, used an interview with al Jazeera to express his doubt that the terrorist group led by the late Osama bin Laden was responsible for the operation which prompted the invasion of Afghanistan.


Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job
Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy's largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad

Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.

Cossiga was elected President of Italian Senate in July 1983 before being winning a landslide 1985 election to become President of the country in 1985.

Cossiga gained respect from opposition parties as one of a rare breed – an honest politician – and led the country for seven years until April 1992.

While I agree that OBL was behind 9/11 but honestly do you think couple of thousand dead American's, few 100,000 dead Afghans, trillion dollars spent was the most effective way of going about this? Seriously?

You could have as easily if not more easily taken out OBL inside Afghanistan when he was guest of Taliban with a precision strike.

Ps. You have no idea the amount of damage you have done to Pakistan. Don't forget the trigger for all this was 9/11. Not a single Pakistani was involved in 9/11 hijackers. They were plenty of Saudi's who you kept as chums all along. Going back to Afghanistan I want you to imagine Pakistan requesting US help to overthrow the Mexican government and replace it with a pro Putin Russian administration in Mexico City. You guys have effectively used Pakistan and pushed it into slicing our own testicles. And then we are not happy aboit this you guys complain that we are 'double dealers'.

Well it was the rage of the 9/11 attacks. Just like the Pearl Harbor attacks and in response killing millions of Japanese with firebombing and nukes. How would you do it if some terrorists from India killed thousands of Pakistanis in one day?
Death of Osama Bin Laden. And no attacks on the U.S. by Al Qaeda. Haven't seen another 9/11 attacks like it.
If the objective of WoT in Afghanistan was just uprooting Al-Qaeda and killing OBL then that was achieved a while back and US still stayed for years after...what's the objective now(since the above goals were achieved)?

If it is to stabilize Afghanistan? That's never gonna happen if u know the complex situation on the ground...which is why I think it's pointless to continue to stay there(it was pointless to stay there for this long).

After spending a lot of money to prop up Afghan military and economy through various ways, their economy is still in shambles and their military just as inept as it was. The moment US leaves they will go right back to their civil war mess and hence become a breeding ground once again for extremist organizations(be it ISIS, Taliban, or whatever else)...new name/same ideology basically.

So if at the end of the day Afghanistan is to become the breeding ground for terrorists who will most likely be anti US...just like how it was pre 2001...then why did US pump billions? Wouldn't it have been better to spend that money at home? Another 9/11 could be prevented by upping the security domestically instead of pumping billions out trying to help countries that want to remain a shit hole.
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If the objective of WoT in Afghanistan was just uprooting Al-Qaeda and killing OBL then that was achieved a while back and US still stayed for years after...what's the objective now(since the above goals were achieved)?

If it is to stabilize Afghanistan? That's never gonna happen if u know the complex situation on the ground...which is why I think it's pointless to continue to stay there(it was pointless to stay there for this long).

After spending a lot of money to prop up Afghan military and economy through various ways, their economy is still in shambles and their military just as inept as it was. The moment US leaves they will go right back to their civil war mess and hence become a breeding ground once again for extremist organizations(be it ISIS, Taliban, or whatever else)...new name/same ideology basically.

So if at the end of the day Afghanistan is to become the breeding ground for terrorists who will most likely be anti US...just like how it was pre 2001...why did US pump billions? Wouldn't it have been better to spend that money at home? Another 9/11 could be prevented by upping the security domestically instead of pumping billions out trying to help countries that want to remain a shit hole.

Sure I agree on those points. But if the terrorists strike again, then what? No security is perfect and people would blame the government not doing enough. Why do countries do what they? U.S. in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Iran in Syria, even Iraq. Russia in Syria, etc. Wouldn't it as you said be better they just focused on domestic security with that amount of resources?
Well it was the rage of the 9/11 attacks. Just like the Pearl Harbor attacks and in response killing millions of Japanese with firebombing and nukes. How would you do it if some terrorists from India killed thousands of Pakistanis in one day?

Well 17 years on the Taliban bent you over and pounders out all the rage.
Well it was the rage of the 9/11 attacks. Just like the Pearl Harbor attacks and in response killing millions of Japanese with firebombing and nukes. How would you do it if some terrorists from India killed thousands of Pakistanis in one day?
I entirely understand that. You had every right to be enraged. So that is not even up for debate. Neither is the fact that you needed to take action at the culprit.

But you are a civilized society, right. You don't go nuts like a beast and knock everything around because your enraged. You know OBL was behind it. Sure you had every right to take him out like you eventually did by using a precision operation. My issue is you plastered a stone age country - Afghanistan because they had no defence against your weapons and then you have just got sucked into a war of nationalism. You can't change societies overnight. Whether you or anybody else likes it Taliban have significant support within the Pashtun ethnic group. And as your now accepting only a negotiated settlement can be made. It's all over now but I think America could have gone around the problem in a more smarter way. Bush did your country disservice.

You know how you complain about Pakistan double dealing. Well in the analogy I gave if a pro Putin governmernt was installed in Mexico City I suspect Washington would have serious problems digesting that. Ditto Pakistan. Yes Pakistan supports the Taliban. Not because we think they are angels. But to quote one of your countrymen "they are bas*tards but they are our ba*stards". Much as you supported the Mujihadeen of the 1980s who were for the most part pre-cursor to the Taliban for your strategic reasons we did the same.
If the US was serious about Al Queda it would have accepted
Well can't get mad forever. Japan and the U.S. are allies for example.

It's unfortunate more than anything else. The huge sums of wealth wasted, the millions of lives ruined, for blood lust. The Saudis are just as savage as the Taliban yet your on good terms with them. Terrorism is out of control and most of the funds and ideology comes from the gulf Arabs.
I think it is USA who always wanted to leave Afghanistan because Afghanistan is not their country. They believe in free world.

Wasn't WoT an excuse that US used to come to Afghanistan to dismantle Pakistan's nukes?:D
If the US was serious about Al Queda it would have accepted

It's unfortunate more than anything else. The huge sums of wealth wasted, the millions of lives ruined, for blood lust. The Saudis are just as savage as the Taliban yet your on good terms with them. Terrorism is out of control and most of the funds and ideology comes from the gulf Arabs.

Serious enough to go into Pakistan and killed Osama after many years of hiding.
Serious enough to go into Pakistan and killed Osama after many years of hiding.
Where is the body? Buried at sea so tomb destroying wahhabis don't suddenly change thier mind and build a tomb at his grave? Pull the other one.

Why did tower 7 fall?
The Saudis are just as savage as the Taliban yet your on good terms with them. Terrorism is out of control and most of the funds and ideology comes from the gulf Arabs.
They are the incubator of radicalsm in the Muslim world. Most of the hijackers behind 9/11 were Saudi's or other Arabs. Instead of the Saudi's getting a plastering the poor idiot Afghans got it.

Wasn't WoT an excuse that US used to come to Afghanistan to dismantle Pakistan's nukes?
Do you also live in alternative dimension. Last time I checked Pakistani nuclear stockpile has multiplied fourfold since 2001 and is on target to overtake UK in few years time. So much for this theory !
They will not pull out troop from afghan. At the end of discussion they will ask one base for US and taliban wouldn't agree end of discussion
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