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US urges India to avoid Pakistan-centric policies

yeh Pakistanis=Muslims
and Muslims ruled over India for 700 years keepin Hindus under their rule.
And at end we divided their land
So indeed they would be Pakistan centric forever.

And Sir you think they are wrong to feel that??
indeed Rusians are watching it closely and its an open secrete that Indo-Rusian relations are not passing through the same way these used to be isnt it??

In big games one has to sacrifice some old friends to embrace old foes or less friendly ones

I do not want to engage in this argument, but such bile deserves a fitting response. Pakistanis were not muslims untill the Arab and Turkic invaders focibly converted your ancestors by rape, murder and empty promises. You are not Arab, YOU are Indian whose anscestors were forcibly converted. Arabs and Turks ruled India for 700 years yes, but Pakistanis are neither. Hopefully you do realise that your entire ideology is not even yours. It was created in the mind of Arabs, and imposed upon your ancestors. You culture is an alien culture that evolved in the sands of Arabia and that too was imposed upon you ancestors. Atleast we pagan Hindus have a native civilization and culture that we can all our own. We do not have to live upto the standards defined by an alien people.

As for your exhortations about being muslims, need i remind you that me, a Hindu can enter any middle eastern muslim country on my Indian passport far more easily, than you, a muslim can with your Pakistani passport.

Before i am warned for flame baiting, please look at the load of crap i am posting in response to.
yeh Pakistanis=Muslims
and Muslims ruled over India for 700 years keepin Hindus under their rule.
And at end we divided their land
So indeed they would be Pakistan centric forever.

Dont you agree that we have a defined right to rule India again. :)
Dont you agree that we have a defined right to rule India again. :)

"time is a healer, time is a teacher, time never waits for anyone......i m waiting i m waiting"
words for a song

time will tell mate.......time will tell.
yeh Pakistanis=Muslims
and Muslims ruled over India for 700 years keepin Hindus under their rule.
And at end we divided their land
So indeed they would be Pakistan centric forever.

"Their Land"??? So you mean that Pakistan was originally part of the extended Hindu-land or whatver which your ancestors conquered?
Do you think your ancestors dropped from outer space? Sheesh...they were there all along buddy...getting raped by invaders from All over arabia and central asia.

Don't post stupid inflammatory posts. the muslims who ruled over India weren't Pakistanis. They were Indians. What a ridiculous post.
"Their Land"??? So you mean that Pakistan was originally part of the extended Hindu-land or whatver which your ancestors conquered?
Do you think your ancestors dropped from outer space? Sheesh...they were there all along buddy...getting raped by invaders from All over arabia and central asia.

Don't post stupid inflammatory posts. the muslims who ruled over India weren't Pakistanis. They were Indians. What a ridiculous post.

Don't mess with her! Yeah! They would have supported Pakistan! Janaa is right!

They were Indians? They were Persians and Arabs! They were the ones which brought us to India... some of us I guess... well shes made her point anyway! They ruled you for over 700 years and they would indeed have supported Pakistan if they would have allowed India to splinter apart like this that is... and the conversions were not forced but we converted happily...
See, this is where we think your wrong. Muslims are Indians. Indians ruled India for 700 or 7000 years, it does not matter whether they were hindu's or muslims. You THINK that muslims ruled so Pakistani's ruled, but thats not true.

hehe. Neways, stop living in the past jana, your a journalist i take it, yet you show a third rate hindsight.

NO see there dear this is where ******** think wrongly.
Read the posts clearly even your own countryman i think blitz mentioned that These Muslims were Arabs, Turks and He forgot Afghans ;) who ruled over India.
And if im not worng and if you dont have scant memory All of them Invaded INDIA and ruled the Indians so these Muslims were outsiders and not INDIANS :azn: :azn:

So one ruling number one 1. your are wrong that Indians ruled India for 700 years :cheers: .

And by Muslims=Pakistanies i am correct its the same thing. YOu know it very well India wont
make any policy against Pakistani Hindus .

And for marathman and blitz let me come to office and i will reply you two in details till than chill
Actually Jana id rather not argue with you over this topic and lower my IQ. Like the old saying goes "don't fight with a pig, you will get dirty and he will enjoy it'. I have a certain level and i debate with people who are up to it or above. You are neither.

This is my last post in this thread. MODs, feel free do delete my previous post in response to Jana. I should have known better.
Actually Jana id rather not argue with you over this topic and lower my IQ. Like the old saying goes "don't fight with a pig, you will get dirty and he will enjoy it'. I have a certain level and i debate with people who are up to it or above. You are neither.

This is my last post in this thread. MODs, feel free do delete my previous post in response to Jana. I should have known better.

When someone is short of arguments he resorts to personal attacks.

I think Indeed MODS should take notice of this post of yours for personal attacks.

AS far IQ well there is nothing in my previouse post which could force you to say that.
All i said that Muslims Ruled over India for 700 years and they were outsiders not Indians as Malay was trying to prove that indians rules over india.

BTW IQ level does lowers if it is ABOVE the ZERO Level :tup:
One more thing i can also resort to personal attacks but im not short of arguments yet
Don't mess with her! Yeah! They would have supported Pakistan! Janaa is right!

They were Indians? They were Persians and Arabs! They were the ones which brought us to India... some of us I guess... well shes made her point anyway! They ruled you for over 700 years and they would indeed have supported Pakistan if they would have allowed India to splinter apart like this that is... and the conversions were not forced but we converted happily...

Aha...No I know where you get all your airs of superiority from!!

You think that you've got some "noble" Arab blood is it? Well lemme tell you buddy....having the descendents of brainwashed pillaging hoardes among you is not what I would consider an advantage of any sort.

"Converted Happily"....lol.....rrrrite.....I can picture it right now.....and Arab missionary preaching to the misguided hindus....
So you support the extended version of India from afghanistan all the way to assam?

It wasnt extended version of India rather it is extended version of areas Under Muslim rule at that time.

next I'll hear that Pakistan was never conquered by they happily submitted to the rule of their Central Asian cousins. Sheesh!!
Dimension yaaar....don't get all carried away...next I'll be hearing that Tipu Sultan and Hyder Ali were all Pakistanis...lol...

lolz at that Pakistan was not created hence no question of its conquerin but atleast i wont say that this part was not conqured by our central asian brothers.

Tipu Sultan, Haider Ali , Muhammad Bin Qasim, Akbar, Baber Hamyun and so on were all Muslims and be cheerish their victories over sub-continent and the main point for us is they are all MUSLIM Conqueres .
But how come more Muslims are there in India than Pakistan? Ofcourse no one can argue most of the Muslims were converted by various methods like Zajiya tax etc.
It wasnt extended version of India rather it is extended version of areas Under Muslim rule at that time.

lolz at that Pakistan was not created hence no question of its conquerin but atleast i wont say that this part was not conqured by our central asian brothers.

Tipu Sultan, Haider Ali , Muhammad Bin Qasim, Akbar, Baber Hamyun and so on were all Muslims and be cheerish their victories over sub-continent and the main point for us is they are all MUSLIM Conqueres .

They were not conqueres, but able rulers who ruled their territories well. For us, they are Indian muslims heroes and try as you might, you can't claim ownership of them.

What do you mean Pakistan was not created? So Pakistan was there all along eh? Blimey...I never knew!!
They were not conqueres, but able rulers who ruled their territories well.!!

YOu mean Baber, Humayun, Muhammad Bin Qasim were native Indians and they did not attack India and conquer these areas ?????
And are yous aying that Afghan Mehmood Ghaznavi who had made 17 successful Expeditions on to India was not a conquerer ??
hmmm if you are saying so than Damn we need to re-write the history of

And in the second part of the sentence you said they ruled Their territories, means you are disowning these as part of india and legitimate terriroies of Muslim Rulers ????

For us, they are Indian muslims heroes and try as you might, you can't claim ownership of them..!!

:victory: Thank God The Mulsim rulers who had invaded indian and whom the Indian till date were calling "INVADERS AND Looters" have now become your heroes. BTW if you own them i wont try hard to claim ownership, Rather i would be more than HAPPY to accept that you are owning them as Heroes for Invading you and ruling you for hunderds of years.

What do you mean Pakistan was not created? So Pakistan was there all along eh? Blimey...I never knew!!

Ehh why dont you read carefully man. I said when these invasions by Muslim Rulers over India were taking place Pakistan was not created that time.

Pakistan came into being in 1947 and not before right ?
Ehh why dont you read carefully man. I said when these invasions by Muslim Rulers over India were taking place Pakistan was not created that time.

Pakistan came into being in 1947 and not before right ?

So when was India created according to your version of history?

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