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US urges India to avoid Pakistan-centric policies

Oh yeah some mountains would be nice. We should take some Himanchal Pradesh too.

What else you got? :D

We've got some awesome backwaters in Kerela, if you're interested. Of course, I guess you guys won't mind getting your hands on the coaland iron ore mines either:lol:

How bout you guys start off by sending a couple of destroyers to Lakshadweep, and we'll take it from there?
Dont be surprised. They are officially part of Pakistan. :)

Nope they arent, that is why AJK has a "prime minister" instead of chief minister, though he has no powers greater than the chaprasi.

.:: Prime Minister of Azad Jammu & Kashmir ::.

The nomenclature is deliberate and not some thing which has just been kept.
Pakistan has "zero" claim even officially on ajk. All its official stand is let the kashmiris decide, though in practise ....;)
What? AJK has a PM? Why?

Oh I get it....its supposed to be "Azad" thats why.

Well....now isn't that fun!!
Aha Mahatha man im not talking abnout modern india or modern Pakistan all im talking about the old times and the invasions were there.

If your talking about the old times, how does Pakistan come into the equation at all? Didn't you guys just pop up in '47?

As I said earlier, you have no reason to get cocky. Basking in faint reflected glory ain't gonna get you anywhere...and as we can all see.........it hasn't gotten you anywhere.
Well probably bcoz US has plans for a world 'without' Pakistan and henc doesnt want India to wase its energy on it. lol
If your talking about the old times, how does Pakistan come into the equation at all? Didn't you guys just pop up in '47?

As I said earlier, you have no reason to get cocky. Basking in faint reflected glory ain't gonna get you anywhere...and as we can all see.........it hasn't gotten you anywhere.

Jana was just pointing out that the arabs and persians brought Islam to Pakistan and it would not have come here without them and that if they would be alive today then they would have supported Pakistans cause! Well they conquered India so that gives us a right to own India... :D

Please remember that Pakistan would not have come into the equation without the arab-persian conquests and the conversion of so many people to Islam. If Islam was'nt brought to India then Pakistan would have been out of the question! So Pakistan is in the equation indeed

What do you mean? Well was'nt Pakistan created when muslims remembered the glory of the old days and that they once had a land to call their own without being oppressed just for being muslims?
Well probably bcoz US has plans for a world 'without' Pakistan and henc doesnt want India to wase its energy on it. lol

Ahhh Bully even than if India wasts its energy at the expense of its millions of Hungry Indians then who says Indians are intellegent :D
Jana was just pointing out that the arabs and persians brought Islam to Pakistan and it would not have come here without them and that if they would be alive today then they would have supported Pakistans cause! Well they conquered India so that gives us a right to own India... :D

Please remember that Pakistan would not have come into the equation without the arab-persian conquests and the conversion of so many people to Islam. If Islam was'nt brought to India then Pakistan would have been out of the question! So Pakistan is in the equation indeed

What do you mean? Well was'nt Pakistan created when muslims remembered the glory of the old days and that they once had a land to call their own without being oppressed just for being muslims?

well Dear actually that Marhathaman was saying that Muslim rulers were not outsiders and they are Indians Heroes :P
And i was just telling if he accept them as heroes i will be even more happy.
than he he continues changing stance :)
English pls. No pasthuni.
you wont absorb Pashtu if i speak but ok
here is simple Englisg if you have guts to tolerate

As you said US might dont want india to wast energy on Pakistan and i said ahh i wish if India could save this energy for its follwoing hungry people

Combating Hunger

A methodology to investigate the politics of hunger

The Mask of Democracy,Repression and the ‘Rule of Law’
Abhay Shukla Nilangi Nanal

he biggest tragedy facing humanity today is the persistence of chronic hunger that takes the lives of thousands on a daily basis. In India, which has one-third of the world’s 800 million people who go to bed hungry every night, starvation related deaths are common, yet denied by the official machinery. Nilangi Nanal and Abhay Shukla analyse an appropriate methodology to investigate the politics of hunger.

Incidents of starvation and hunger deaths have been reported from various parts of the country in recent times. The government godowns, till recently overflowing with foodgrains, stand in stark contrast to deaths due to lack of access to food. Governments often deny the veracity of reports of starvation deaths, either by pointing out that people have been eating inedible items, or by blaming some illness immediately preceding the death, or by diverting the issue on the grounds that “there were two kilograms of foodgrains in the house when the death took place.

This places before health activists the challenge of understanding the critical issue of hunger-related deaths in a socially appropriate and scientific manner.

The obstinate refusal of government officials to formulate and apply a logical framework regarding starvation and hunger related deaths might be attributed to self-serving political considerations and vested interests.

However, even public nutritionists and health professionals flounder while trying to address the issue of hunger related deaths, which is of considerable significance. This makes it difficult for grass roots organisations working on this issue to respond to situations where hunger related deaths are taking place and urgent action is required. This article, based entirely on the deliberations and methodology of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan’s (JSA) ‘Hunger Watch’ group, attempts to suggest a possible role for health professionals and activists in case of suspected hunger-related deaths.

Ensuring Right to Food

In response to repeated reports of hunger-related deaths, the National Coordination Committee of JSA decided to form a ‘Hunger Watch’ group to systematically investigate and document hunger related deaths, while keeping a focus on a community diagnosis of a starving population, and to advocate for relief to the entire community. The investigations were aimed at not only highlighting the hunger related deaths to activate relief measures for affected families, but also the widespread under nutrition and chronic food deficiency, which forms the basis of such deaths. The larger perspective is to help establish the Right to Food for chronically food-insecure populations, especially in case of severe drought or crop failure.

In most hunger related deaths the terminal event is an infectious disease, such as pneumonia or DIARRHOEA . It is well known that severe undernutrition reduces the resistance to infections and predisposes to fatality from infections, which would be considered trivial in a well-nourished person.

Here it is important to note that the issue of starvation is not just a technical issue, but is rather related to deep-rooted socio-economic inequities, which require radical and systemic solutions. Yet starvation and malnutrition related deaths may also be viewed as serious public health problems requiring community diagnosis. In this context, we have to document the circumstances prevailing in the family and community along with the individual to reach any conclusions from a public health perspective.

To further contextualise this, hunger-related deaths, though tragic and extremely unfortunate especially since they could have been so easily prevented, are just the tip of the iceberg of a situation of omnipresent undernutrition in most tribal and less developed rural areas.

However, the paradox is that the Government can ignore or downplay the fact that hundreds of millions of children and adults lead lives of severe, chronic undernutrition, but a few malnutrition deaths reported in the press make the entire Government machinery go into overdrive to ‘deny’ such an event and take some emergency measures. Thus it is essential to adequately understand and document the widespread community undernutrition as well as the resultant starvation deaths.

article continues.................

Hunger related deathts and people suffering from hunger


And i wish if you could use this energy to combate this

India Together: Covering the Republic of Hunger - 30 January 2006

Covering the Republic of Hunger

About 320 million Indians go to bed without food every night, and recent data suggests this already alarming situation is getting worse. Despite the magnitude and intensity of this problem, it remains on the margins of policy planning, public action, intellectual discourse, and media coverage, writes Ammu Joseph. "When India achieved independence, more than 50 years ago, the people of the country were much afflicted by endemic hunger. They still are. Since India is often considered to be one of the great success stories in tackling the food problem, the belief in success has to be scrutinised in the light of the grim reality that we can observe."

30 January 2006 - Republic Day is an occasion for patriotic fervour, what with the customary parade in the capital showcasing military might and cultural diversity, apparently designed to instil a sense of national pride in the citizenry -- although a recent piece on the editorial page of The Times of India (21 January) did suggest that the captains and employees of the information technology industry and Bollywood stars may be more appropriate symbols of the "brand new India," all set to claim its place in the world as a major economic power.

With the Confederation of Indian Industry launching its 'India Everywhere' project at the World Economic Forum in Davos at the same time, aiming to promote the country as "the fastest growing free market democracy," it may appear churlish to point out that the new kid on the global business stage is also a "republic of hunger." About 320 million of its citizens reportedly go to bed without food every night, representing over a third of the estimated 840 million hungry people across the world.

This is not a stale story that belongs to the dark ages before the present golden era of economic liberalisation and globalisation. Indeed, according to economist Utsa Patnaik, in the five years between 1998 and 2003 large sections of the Indian population slid down "towards sharply lowered levels of per capita food grains absorption, levels so low in particular years that they have not been seen for the last half century." Clarifying that this steep and unprecedented fall in food grains absorption was independent of the severe drought of 2002-03, she said it had led to a sharp increase in the numbers of people in hunger, particularly in rural areas, with many of them facing starvation.

This unhappy trend has been confirmed by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), which estimates that over a fifth of India's population still suffers from chronic hunger and that the number of undernourished people in the country increased substantially in the second half of the 1990s. Tracking the incidence of hunger in India over three reference periods during the course of the decade - 1990-92, 1995-97 and 1999-2001 - a recent FAO report recorded an initial decline from 214.5 million to 194.7 million, before a near total reversal of all gains pushed up the number of the undernourished to 213.7 million.

Man-made disaster

The recent reported increase in the number of Indians suffering from hunger and undernourishment is alarming, especially since the first National Family Health Survey (1992-93) had revealed that India was already one of the most undernourished countries in the world. About half of all Indian children are classified as undernourished, a large percentage of them born with protein deficiency (which affects brain development and learning capacity, among other things). And the 50th round of the National Sample Survey (NSS 1993-94) had established that there was no food security system worth the name in this our land.

The recent reported increase in the number of Indians suffering from hunger and undernourishment is alarming, especially since the first National Family Health Survey (1992-93) had revealed that India was already one of the most undernourished countries in the world.

• Hunger amidst plenty

• Malnutrition and the media

Catchy slogans like India Shining, India Rising and, now, India Everywhere ring somewhat hollow when eminent economists like Patnaik and Amartya Sen affirm that India's record on the hunger front is not very different from and, in some ways, even worse than that of the popular global icon of extreme deprivation, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

As Patnaik put it, "A large segment of the rural masses in India ... have been already reduced to the nutritional status of Sub-Saharan Africa." On the basis of data from the NSS (1999-2000) on calorie intake, she estimated that about 40 per cent of the rural population was at the low absorption level of the SSA average. According to Sen, "Estimates of general undernourishment - what is sometimes called protein-energy malnutrition - are nearly twice as high in India as in Sub-Saharan Africa."

If this seems unbelievable, the shocking findings of a recent survey on hunger in the Adivasi areas of Rajasthan and Jharkhand may bring home the unpalatable truth. Ninety nine per cent of the 1000 Adivasi households from 40 villages in the two states, who comprised the total sample, experienced chronic hunger (unable to get two square meals, or at least one square meal and one poor/partial meal, on even one day in the week prior to the survey), according to the Delhi-based Centre for Environment and Food Security (CEFS), which released its report on the Political Economy of Hunger in Adivasi Areas in October 2005.

A quarter of these households (25.2 per cent) had faced semi-starvation (surviving on just one distress meal or one poor/partial meal per day) during the week before the survey, almost as many (24.1 per cent) had lived in conditions of semi-starvation during the previous month, and semi-starvation was the lot of almost a third (32.6 per cent) of the sample during the previous year. In fact, over 99 per cent of the tribal population surveyed had experienced various levels of endemic hunger and food insecurity throughout the entire preceding year. Of the 500 households surveyed in Rajasthan, not a single one had secured two square meals during the whole of the previous year.

With over 86 per cent of these Adivasi households suffering from severe protein deficiency, they are extremely vulnerable to opportunistic diseases. In fact, severe protein deficiency is believed to be responsible for the very high infant mortality rate in tribal areas, which has assumed alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Even in a relatively prosperous state like Maharashtra, the state government admitted to the High Court that 2814 children, mainly from tribal areas, had died of starvation between January and July 2005. And this is in a country currently witnessing a spurt in the availability and sale of over 200 brands of protein supplements, used mainly for cosmetic body building purposes.

According to the CEFS study, although about three quarters of the combined sample across both states did have ration cards, almost half the households in Jharkhand did not possess them. While about half the households with ration cards had BPL (Below Poverty Line) cards entitling them to extra low-cost rations, less than ten per cent of those were getting the full quota due to them. The primary reason for their inability to access their legitimate share of food grains was, apparently, the refusal of suppliers within the Public Distribution System (PDS) to sell them the right quantity.

To make matters worse, many of the other official programmes and schemes meant to alleviate hunger and poverty were clearly not reaching the most needy: over 90 per cent of the surveyed households had not benefited from the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), more than three quarters (78.77 per cent) had not benefited from the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, and over three quarters (76.5 per cent) had not benefited from the Food for Work programme. Less than one per cent had benefited from the Sampoorna Gramin Rojgar Yojana (SGRY - the primary objective of which is to provide additional and supplementary wage employment to improve food security and nutritional levels in rural areas) and just over one per cent had enjoyed the benefits of old age pension. Even more sobering is the fact that the overwhelming majority of survey respondents (90 per cent) said that their food security had actually declined over the past 25 years.

Hidden crisis

The proportion of Indians facing food insecurity is higher than the proportion defined as being income-poor or below the official poverty line.

According to economist Madhura Swaminathan, while around 37 per cent of rural households were acknowledged as below the poverty line in 1993-94, 80 per cent of households showed a calorie deficit during that period. There seems no denying the fact that chronic hunger persists on a massive scale in the country even while the government spends millions of rupees in vain efforts to maintain "surplus" stocks in overflowing granaries and exports "excess" grain at highly subsidised prices.

Despite the magnitude and intensity of the problem of endemic hunger, it remains at best on the margins of policy planning, public action and intellectual discourse, not to mention media coverage. According to economist Jean Dreze, "The most startling aspect of the nutrition situation in India is that it is not much of an issue in public debates and electoral politics." In a December 2003 article in India Together, he illustrated this neglect through a review of the editorial page of The Hindu: "... Over a period of six months (January to June 2000), it was found that health, nutrition, education, poverty, gender, human rights and related social issues combined accounted for barely 30 out of 300 (opinion) articles. Among these 300 articles, not one dealt with health or nutrition."

Scrutiny of the six English dailies published from Bangalore (four of them national) over the ten days leading up to Republic Day this year yielded only a few items providing at least a glimpse of the widespread problem of hunger, arguably the most serious challenge currently facing the country, alongside the related one of poverty. On 24 January The Asian Age (AA) carried a story about a woman who had killed herself and her four-year-old son in Muzaffarpur district, Bihar, after fighting starvation for several months. And on 21 January Vijay Times (VT) published a report on the "Kisan Kidney Sale Centre" set up by desperate farmers in Maharashtra to draw attention to their inability to feed their families on account of crop failure and debt.

The most common references to food in the Bangalore press during this period were clearly of, by and for the elite, taking the form of restaurant reviews and promotions, reports on food festivals and related events, news about the launch of a cookery book, advice on diet and nutrition, research findings relating to food and health, consumer information, and of course, recipes.

• Right to Food campaign
• CEFS, New Delhi

An op-ed page piece in Deccan Herald (DH) on 17 January, headlined "Making education more important than a meal," referred in passing to the fact that the Aksharadasoha or Noon Meals Programme introduced in 2003 (thanks to a Supreme Court directive) was the single most important reason for the significant decline in the school drop out rate in Karnataka, with the simple hot meal now being provided serving as the main incentive for regular attendance. And a 21 January article by economist L.C. Jain in AA discussed the importance of the grain bank set up by a gram panchayat in Gadag district, Karnataka, in ensuring that no one in the village goes hungry.

The most common references to food in the Bangalore press during this period were clearly of, by and for the elite, taking the form of restaurant reviews and promotions, reports on food festivals and related events (such as a lunch at a five-star hotel to promote vegetarianism), news about the launch of a cookery book, advice on diet and nutrition (e.g., "Amla works wonders on your health," "Healthy diet for healthy hair"), research findings relating to food and health (e.g., "Chocolates good for heart," "Wine & cheese not best match"), consumer information (on the results of tests on brands of potato and banana chips) and, of course, recipes (often sourced from chefs in expensive hotels and restaurants).

There were also several missed opportunities. Among them were reports on the procurement price for tuvar (toor) dal in Karnataka and on paddy procurement in Kerala, as well as an editorial on food subsidies; a report on the setting up of 10,000 new PDS shops in Karnataka and an edit on the survey to identify BPL families in the state; a report on farmers being asked (by a minister, of course) to grow more cash crops, including flowers; and a report on the drought in Kenya that had put millions at risk while "surplus" food was being exported from the country (a situation mirrored in India over the past few years). All these developments are likely to have a direct impact on people's access to food, particularly among the poor. However, neither the reports nor the editorials reflected any awareness of how these events and processes might affect the hunger situation in the country; nor did they attempt to view or present them from that perspective.

On the other hand, there were two detailed reports on the elaborate and extravagant food arrangements made for the thousands of delegates attending the three-day plenary of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) in Hyderabad, one of them headlined, "Rich repast awaits VVIPs." The party president's reported admonitions about avoiding ostentation and embracing austerity obviously fell on deaf ears as 1000 cooks produced multi-course meals featuring "a judicious mix of north and south Indian, vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes" to be served to delegates in a dozen food courts.

The press by and large failed to pick up on the irony when, in the midst of this plenty, the Finance Minister, P. Chidambaram, spoke about the controversial issue of food subsidies for BPL families. According to him the government had not increased the price of rice and wheat for such families but only "adjusted the quantity" marginally.

Yet, according to economist Jayati Ghosh, any "adjustment" that would affect the amount of subsidised rice and wheat available to vulnerable populations through the PDS and the Antyodaya Anna Yojan scheme would undermine one of the most basic requirements for survival: access to adequate nutrition. "Reduction of the already small amounts available under PDS for the below the poverty line households (usually 35 kg a month) and Antyodaya Anna Yojana households (usually 25 kg a month) will dramatically weaken what is already a very fragile food balance," she warned. "It may push many more people into semi-starvation or open starvation, as well as have a devastating effect on increasing nutritional deficiencies that have major effects on development. It is completely the opposite of what was promised in terms of more food security for the vulnerable."

Starvation trap

Of course, the media have traditionally played an important watchdog role by highlighting instances of death by starvation, sale of children and other symptoms of extreme distress during particularly perilous periods, thereby compelling the government of the day to pay attention and take action. If Kalahandi became a household name during the 1980s, it was primarily because the media woke the country up to the continuing reality of deadly starvation.

However, as journalist P. Sainath has pointed out, "... The emphasis on 'starvation deaths' to the exclusion of all else is damaging. Widespread hunger is a much larger issue ... An exclusive focus on 'starvation deaths' - disconnected from the larger canvas - seems to imply this: if they don't die, everything's all right ..."

Have you made your contribution?

There are, happily, some signs of change in the right direction, thanks to a combination of more strategic activism and some journalistic initiative. According to Jean Dreze, a prime mover of the Right to Food campaign (an informal but proactive network of organisations and individuals who believe that everyone has a fundamental right to be free from hunger and under-nutrition), "Media coverage of hunger and related issues has considerably increased during the last couple of years, and not just because of the drought. Also, there is a useful shift of attention from starvation deaths to chronic hunger, which is absolutely essential if the problem of endemic under-nutrition in India is to be tackled with adequate resolve. I am not suggesting that this surge of media interest in hunger-related issues is due to the Right to Food campaign alone, but I do think that the campaign has contributed to it. In all media outfits, there are committed and open-minded journalists who respond positively when they are presented with engaging material on social issues."

CEFS director Parshuram Rai also believes that the media played a major role in the uncommonly active response of politicians and bureaucrats in both Rajasthan and Jharkhand, as well as in the central government, to their recent study on hunger in Adivasi areas. The study report was extensively covered in the media, especially in the two states but also nationally.

Unfortunately, however, thanks to the growing tendency to fragment news geographically, reports about important events and processes taking place in one part of the country are not always carried in newspaper editions in other places despite their universal relevance. While developments and controversies concerning celebrities and "people like us" across the country and the world are frequently localised through follow-up and/or "reaction" stories, critical issues such as the food crisis among Adivasis seldom prompt media investigations into the situation among similar communities in different places.

"An exclusive focus on 'starvation deaths' - disconnected from the larger canvas - seems to imply this: 'if they don't die, everything's all right'".
well Dear actually that Marhathaman was saying that Muslim rulers were not outsiders and they are Indians Heroes :P
And i was just telling if he accept them as heroes i will be even more happy.
than he he continues changing stance :)

Darling, Marathaman has a contagious disease that has been spreading in India gradually! It would be to undesirable to talk to him in his unstable condition as we might catch the disease as well...;)
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