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US to deploy tanks in Afghan war

plenty of iraqi videos out there blowing abrahams up to smithereens,more than likely taliban been watching them aswell have improved there arsenal of IED'S if am not mistaken.

good look as sitting ducks .


You know what I am more concerned about is tank's debris. Pakistan would need it more than Afghans do.
Haha Hilarious when you hear about the US trying out all the strategies at the end of the war that the Soviet Union had been using from the very start..
Like GRAPHICAN said.. If tanks really could stop the Afghans then the Map of the southeast ASIA would have been pretty different from what it is today...

But hey! no harm in wasting another few billion dollar... and a few American lives.. since u can afford it! That seems to be the motive behind the US GOV's policy in Afgh.

I honestly feel sorry for the US marines who have no idea why they re even fighting this war. . . everyday you hear about someone losing a limb or worst.. their lives.. FOR WHAT?
I honestly feel sorry for the US marines who have no idea why they re even fighting this war. . . everyday you hear about someone losing a limb or worst.. their lives.. FOR WHAT?

I think Gen. Hameed Gul would be able to put some more light on the devastating failure of Russian Tanks. But there are no two thoughts that its a failed strategy even on paper.

I do not feel sorry for those marines.. but may be ground soldier is somebody we need to sympatheize with. USA is not fighting a war in its sleep.. they are f**ing aware of what they are receiving and what is achieveble in next 12 months time.. but still they are refusing to embrace the last Medal of Honor before America would collapse. American Govt. is desperate and Americans are suffering for not demanding an immediate pull-out. No matter if you do it immediately or over a period of 2 years, USA is going to hurt in either case.

I hope Americans would opt for some mental peace and read "we are lost - yet again" sooner than couple of years later.

Personally, I want America to stay there, some 2-3 years more. Lets have this BIT** killed for once and all. Without America on the globe, the world would be more live-able than it is now. My 2 Cents!
I cant wait for the US to win this war ....its about time they bring the right amount of firepower and number of troops. Its time to restore democracy and bring our boys back!
I cant wait for the US to win this war ....its about time they bring the right amount of firepower and number of troops. Its time to restore democracy and bring our boys back!

You will be such an innocent person if You think America is getting its soldiers killed and breaking its back and getting into an unrecoverable economic slump because it wants to restore Democracy in Afghanistan.

Thats why I say Americans are equally responsible for letting their insane government do these blunders and internatinal crimes. Americans are criminally innocent. :tdown:
i believe they would be used later on against Pakistan, Other than that i don't see any use for tanks especially when Hezbollah's lesson to Israel is not even a distant memory
i believe they would be used later on against Pakistan, Other than that i don't see any use for tanks especially when Hezbollah's lesson to Israel is not even a distant memory

Hezbollah atleast had good anti-tank weapons,what does the Taliban have?
Hezbollah atleast had good anti-tank weapons,what does the Taliban have?

Taliban don't really need anti tank missiles, they can easily disable a tank with an IED. One of the easiest ways to disable a tank is by blowing its tracks off. IMO Not a good idea to send tanks to Afghanistan.:disagree:
Okay, other forces, like the Canadian forces, have already been using tanks. They are videos showing soldier who take cover behind tanks during battle. And guess? The Taliban are still here. From what I hear, it's M1A1 tanks that the US is sending. For a country the size of Afghanistan, it's not going to make a big difference. Plus, the terrain isn't going to help.

Now, if they send a few hundred M1A2 tanks, that we'll see a definite change. But this is essentially non-news here.
Hezbollah atleast had good anti-tank weapons,what does the Taliban have?

they **** your best friend russians and now new best friend americans! now guess what they got!!

if still not understand plz invade Afghanistan .. thn u will know what they have!
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The number of people who want to see the U.S. and NATO effort in Afghanistan fail never ceases to amaze me. :hitwall:

F*** the U.S. effort? Kill the tanks?

If that is the case, I hope these bearded lunatics over-run the entire M.E. The U.S. should leave, and the last act should be dropping millions of leaflets that say "If violence is exported to our shores or assets, or those of our true allies, expect an immense nuclear response. You have stolen our financial aid and spit upon those trying to teach the basics of civilization, like farming and sanitation. Opium is your most valuable crop. You call our women whores and sluts because they aren't dressed like a walking bee-hive. Best of luck living in the 9th century." :sick:

I never understand why some lunatic Americans still think that their way of live is beter than that of a Muslim country. Your country is run by a handfull Jews and die-hard Christians who are destroying your country from the inside and still you Americans think that the USA is a democratic and transparant country. Since the creation of the USA, your country has fought more wars than the entire M.E. countries together. The only sick country in the world is the USA with her expansion drift, looting multi-multinationals like Haliburton and mass-killers. We the Muslims invented things that shaped this modern world, but still we are labelled as terrorists by the mother of all terrorists (USA). You are not sending Muslims aid or teaching them something, because you want to do something good. Your goal was and is to get hold of the riches of the country and to suck them empty. You support dictators with weapons, political support and financial aid even if the people are against them. Your country has done more harm to others than good. If some Muslims countries want to live as people lived in the 9th century who are we to judge them. If they are happy with their way of live I am happy.
Thread already posted i think....

Anyway. I think it will be a good news for soldiers. PA achived some results with type 59 tanks in Bajour and Swat. Lets hope they do some good job in Afghanistan. Sometimes soldiers needs a big boom on a hideout and cant wait for jets to come a tank will be able to do the job more easily.

PS: Those Iraq videos. Iraq insurgents had rpg29 and an urban warfare. And as far IEDs are concerned every vehicle would like to avoid IED. But you have to agree M1 will give better protection then humvee or IFVs.

Have a look at this

YouTube - Abrams Tank Drives over Car Bomb
I think using Tanks is a good idea at AF, Usual IEDs is not capable to blow up any Abrams Tanks. TTP has to work hard more in order to make IEDs which can at least blow up tank's tracks. And the casuality rate will come down coz of less usage of less covered armed vehicles(Humvees).

And in Iraq, IEDs was easy to make coz the shells are available to them more ease(old Iraqi tank shells) whereas in Afgan, it is not easy to get a live shell to make an IED but to make it in more conventional way.

About Russian Tank failed story, at that time they were getting weapons from Pakistan, USA etc., now there is hardly any such back up

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