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US to deploy tanks in Afghan war

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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US to deploy tanks in Afghan war

The United States is sending battle tanks to Afghanistan for the first time in the nine-year-old war against the Taliban, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

Citing unnamed US officers and defense officials, the paper said General David Petraeus, commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, approved the deployment last month.

"The deployment of a company of M1 Abrams tanks, which will be fielded by the Marines in the country's southwest, will allow ground forces to target insurgents from a greater distance -- and with more of a lethal punch -- than is possible from any other US military vehicle," the Post said.

The initial deployment calls for 16 tanks to be used in parts of Helmand province, where fighting rages between Marines and Taliban guerrillas, the paper said.

It said Canadian and Danish troops have used a small number of tanks in southern Afghanistan.

US to deploy tanks in Afghan war: Washington Post - The Times of India
what good tanks would do that jet fighters can't? :blink:
what good tanks would do that jet fighters can't? :blink:

They can remain on station longer, operate closer, react faster, than orbiting fighter-bombers with JDAM.

They are also visually very intimidating, and could possibly reduce or eliminate battles that would otherwise happen.
Plus The Taliban have a historic fear of the Beast(Tank) .. But if any tanks captured or fallen in battle it gives a great boost to them
This will help foot soldiers a lot... With cover of tanks they can capture and protect new territory very fast and effectively.
Hopefully they will be used to good effect. An IED which might shred a HUMVEE won't scratch the paint on an Abrams.

Needles to say The antidope to US wepons have been perfected in Iraq.Expecting them not to show up in Afghanistan would be a dishonest mistake.

********.com - M1 Abrams tank destroyed by I.E.D only aftermath

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Hopefully they will be used to good effect. An IED which might shred a HUMVEE won't scratch the paint on an Abrams.

Generally yes. That also depends on the IED. There was one that exploded under a Abrams a while back in Iraq that flipped the whole tank. It was a number of artillery shells wired to detonate. Mobility kills are more common on the Abrams. It is very rare though for the crew to be injured or killed but the tank can be rendered inoperable. With the logistics issues the Taliban have been having i doubt they have the necessary munitions to do any damage to these tanks.

I am guessing the reason they have not fielded tanks in Afghanistan for so long was because of the rough terrain. They will probably deploy these around population centers.
Just wire 3 or 4 artillery shells or anti-tank mines and the Abraham tanks will be send to the scrap yard.
Won't the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan limit the effectiveness of tanks?

Also, what is the level of damage that a 155mm artillery shell used as an anti-tank mine will do to an Abrams?
USA - Please send best of your tanks to Afghanistan and also whatever you have your best.. we love to learn from your tech but our way.

The number of people who want to see the U.S. and NATO effort in Afghanistan fail never ceases to amaze me. :hitwall:

F*** the U.S. effort? Kill the tanks?

If that is the case, I hope these bearded lunatics over-run the entire M.E. The U.S. should leave, and the last act should be dropping millions of leaflets that say "If violence is exported to our shores or assets, or those of our true allies, expect an immense nuclear response. You have stolen our financial aid and spit upon those trying to teach the basics of civilization, like farming and sanitation. Opium is your most valuable crop. You call our women whores and sluts because they aren't dressed like a walking bee-hive. Best of luck living in the 9th century." :sick:
What about IEDS?
Are they crazy?This step will be very costly.They should not do this.
The number of people who want to see the U.S. and NATO effort in Afghanistan fail never ceases to amaze me. :hitwall:

F*** the U.S. effort? Kill the tanks :tup:

I am with you on that.

If that is the case, I hope these bearded lunatics over-run the entire M.E. The U.S. should leave, and the last act should be dropping millions of leaflets that say "If violence is exported to our shores or assets, or those of our true allies, expect an immense nuclear response. You have stolen our financial aid and spit upon those trying to teach the basics of civilization, like farming and sanitation. Opium is your most valuable crop. You call our women whores and sluts because they aren't dressed like a walking bee-hive. Best of luck living in the 9th century." :sick:

Ya Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!! People outside USA do not have an IQ problem neither they are terrorism loving species. We have better solutions for Afghanistan than what USA is trying to offer us and the world have witnessed how well USA can do! Hint: Iraq.

Wrap your crap and let the world live with some peace and ofcours for the stability and peace in the region, the terrorists must be got out of Afghanistan. Let me help you guys.

Gun Down :usflag:

For the American Tanks getting in Afghanistan, that was the only failed strategy USA had to re-enforce before. I wish you had cared to ask Russians if Tanks worked for them.. Hehe.. Thanks for that as we need good deal of American Steel for our State Projects. I hope some 2000 of American Tanks would suffice for our raw steel needs. :tup: Thank you for helping us there. I personally appreciate that silent contribution from USA!
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plenty of iraqi videos out there blowing abrahams up to smithereens,more than likely taliban been watching them aswell have improved there arsenal of IED'S if am not mistaken.

good look as sitting ducks .


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