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´US supports Gülen to get rid of PM Erdoğan, senior PKK member claims´


Sep 28, 2013
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POLITICS - US supports Gülen to get rid of PM Erdoğan, senior PKK member claims


The United States is behind a plot against the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and supports the Fethullah Gülen Movement to remove Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan from office, according to a senior member of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“Why has this issue been brought up on the eve of the [local] elections? It is obvious they want to influence the election results,” Cemil Bayık, a founding member of the PKK, said in an interview published in daily Vatan yesterday when asked about the political crisis that erupted when a graft probe was launched last December.

“On the one side Gülenist lawmakers in the AKP are forced to resign, on the other side the [main opposition Republican People’s Party] CHP is supported to prevent the AKP from getting the result it aims,” Bayık said, adding the real aim of the “plot” was to remove Prime Minister Erdoğan from his post and create an “Erdoğan-less AKP.”

“Who does the operation? The [Gülen] Movement. Who is behind it? The United States,” Bayık said.
The government’s move to shut down the test prep schools caused a huge rift between the AKP and the movement of the Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, which further swelled after the government accused the movement of orchestrating the graft probes and purged thousands of police officials and prosecutors.

According to the senior PKK member, the AKP was attacked at its “weak spot.”

“The AKP has presented itself as a power that fights corruption, that is why the operation started with that,” Bayık said. “Is there corruption? Yes. Is there bribery? Yes. If there were not, they could not have attacked it. It is true the Cemaat is trying to stage a coup, but this is not the whole truth. This coup stems from corruption and bribery.”


this was kinda interesting to read, what do you guys think about this?
Islamists and socialists take advantage of freedoms that USA offers to its residents.

Unfortunately they don't have laws against Islamists using American soil to interfere in other countries politics.

May be they should

but they don't have them right now
Let's remember what Apo the head terrorist had said about this:

“Those who want to turn the country into a fire scene with the fire of a coup should know that we would not carry the petrol to this fire. Every coup attempt will find us opposing it, as has always been and will be.”

And now this...

AKP PKK alliance at its finest :disagree:
PKK is not a unity, the peace talks were sabotaged before ( OSLO ), 3 pkk members got killed by france to sabotage it again, they handed us abdullah öcalan so we would kill him and it would cause a civil war inTurkey, yeah AKP allies with pkk and North Iraq and some so called nationalists cry about it, some with genuine but foolish feelings and some do it cause they are just anti-Turkey

There is a programme called '' Yaz-Boz ''. I think every Turkish national should watch it, they explain the big game, they made some politicians and apos brother talk on their show, I stayed in tears cause it was our politicians kept this pkk in our lands, I forgot his name but he was simply lying on tv, the reporter was asking questions and pretending to be an idiot just to make him talk and he was lying, these masonic scums ruined our country

on 12th minute apos brother is talking

In this video, starting from 5th minute, İsmet Sezgin, ex government minister is talking but talking only bullshit, rejecting the assasination of Eşref Bitlis Pasha and Turgut Özal...

We were ruled by these TRAITORS!!!

In this programme they explain how we fought against brits in Gelibolu but somehow brits ended up in İstanbul, because of a fight between Ottoman german loving and Ottoman brit loving masonic officers... Yes I do question Atatürk, we say Atatürk established this country but really??? Why did brits left this country or maybe they just did not!!!

This programme also exposed another personality, we can say he is an assigned governor of Turkey by england!!! He was working in Adnan Menderes's government and he was lying about the plane crush of Adnan Menderes, it was just so obvious, they toppled down our government and sometimes just killed our presidents

This is a very big thing but unfortunately not easy for our people to absorb it but I personally lost my love and respect for Atatürk, maybe he did what he could do at that times conditions but he is def not a hero in my eyes anymore
We were ruled by these TRAITORS!!!

In this programme they explain how we fought against brits in Gelibolu but somehow brits ended up in İstanbul, because of a fight between Ottoman german loving and Ottoman brit loving masonic officers... Yes I do question Atatürk, we say Atatürk established this country but really??? Why did brits left this country or maybe they just did not!!!

This programme also exposed another personality, we can say he is an assigned governor of Turkey by england!!! He was working in Adnan Menderes's government and he was lying about the plane crush of Adnan Menderes, it was just so obvious, they toppled down our government and sometimes just killed our presidents

This is a very big thing but unfortunately not easy for our people to absorb it but I personally lost my love and respect for Atatürk, maybe he did what he could do at that times conditions but he is def not a hero in my eyes anymore

I would say don't believe in every conspiracy theory.
PKK is not a unity, the peace talks were sabotaged before ( OSLO ), 3 pkk members got killed by france to sabotage it again, they handed us abdullah öcalan so we would kill him and it would cause a civil war inTurkey, yeah AKP allies with pkk and North Iraq and some so called nationalists cry about it, some with genuine but foolish feelings and some do it cause they are just anti-Turkey

So you are saying that being anti-PKK is equal to being anti-Turkish or being foolish... Wow :disagree:
So you are saying that being anti-PKK is equal to being anti-Turkish or being foolish... Wow :disagree:
For the first time meeting with a genious....

Yeah just let out your MHP dogs and start street fights, our soldiers do not die anymore and sure it must be creating an itchy feeling inside you plus the next oil pipeline from Iraq must be heart-breaking, also Barzani do not let other Kürts to Rojava ( Syria ) from North Iraq but yeah keep continuing to hate AKP and do not look for any reason, cause ignorance is the bliss

Ottoman brit loving masonic officers... Yes I do question Atatürk, we say Atatürk established this country but really??? Why did brits left this country or maybe they just did not!!!
This programme also exposed another personality, we can say he is an assigned governor of Turkey by england!!! He was working in Adnan Menderes's government and he w
I would say don't believe in every conspiracy theory.
I question but they made some real personalities talk about it, for example the plane crush of Adnan Menderes, that so called Turkish guy was simply lying, I am 100 percent sure it was an assasination to scare Adnan Menderes

Was Adnan Menderes an islamist, why did they hang him? If we call everything an empty theory and do not dig our history we will never get rid of this slave life
For the first time meeting with a genious....

Yeah just let out your MHP dogs and start street fights, our soldiers do not die anymore and sure it must be creating an itchy feeling inside you plus the next oil pipeline from Iraq must be heart-breaking, also Barzani do not let other Kürts to Rojava ( Syria ) from North Iraq but yeah keep continuing to hate AKP and do not look for any reason, cause ignorance is the bliss

I've revealed many times what i think about the peace process, my stance on execution of Apo, and the possible pipeline from N.Iraq in this very forum. Judging by your accusations, you obviously don't know me. So cut the crap will you?

None of the things you mentioned justifies the comprimises given to an internationally recognized terrorist organization by the government. The only thing that should have been done to maintain the peace process was to accelerate democratization. However, judging by how fiercely the monkey of Imrali and the other terrorist heads defends AKP, there are obviously more than that.
sounds like erdogan is joining morsi and mubarek soon. :closed:
Let's remember what Apo the head terrorist had said about this:

“Those who want to turn the country into a fire scene with the fire of a coup should know that we would not carry the petrol to this fire. Every coup attempt will find us opposing it, as has always been and will be.”

And now this...

AKP PKK alliance at its finest :disagree:

exactly, I think akp will strenghen this alliance due to their power struggle with fetos. And again the military will be affected badly.

(nerdeydin ya yoktun bayağıdır :D)
In this programme they explain how we fought against brits in Gelibolu but somehow brits ended up in İstanbul, because of a fight between Ottoman german loving and Ottoman brit loving masonic officers... Yes I do question Atatürk, we say Atatürk established this country but really??? Why did brits left this country or maybe they just did not!!!
This is the common point among most AKP supporters, they try to give everyone a bad name except of their messias Erdogan.
They like to overlook that their own party is involved in fraud and trying to cover it with all their might.

In their logic, Atatürk first fought the brits then gave them control. :crazy:
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I heard Erdogan is freeing ex generals despite being pressured by the opposition?

If this is true then I expect coup because he will never know if the ex generals have a "sneaky chit chat" with the army since Erdogan doesn't control them.

Then maybe expelling refugees or restrictions, FSA hotels and seal of the borders because the opposition is a supporter of Assad. Who knows? This will be worst, cause anger among Syrians and extremist groups.

Not to mention, they will restore all their relation with Israel and look up to the EU again. We've notice in the part year he was getting closer to the East.

Turkey's economic before 2003 wasn't better than after 2003, just give the fella a break. :rolleyes:
I heard Erdogan is freeing ex generals despite being pressured by the opposition?
The oppositions isnt against freeing the Generals, these Generals was jailed by a plot made up from AKP and Gülen together, and now Gülen and AKP are fighting so AKP wants a new judgement of the Generals.
The researchers in Tübitak found out that one of the main evidences, the Hard Disc No5 was manipulated, on this basis AKP wants a new judgement.

If this is true then I expect coup because he will never know if the ex generals have a "sneaky chit chat" with the army since Erdogan doesn't control them.
There will be no coup anymore, espacially when AKP manages to free the Generals with a new Judgement.

Then maybe expelling refugees or restrictions, FSA hotels and seal of the borders because the opposition is a supporter of Assad. Who knows? This will be worst, cause anger among Syrians and extremist groups.
Refugees will be not expelled, Turkey even accepted tousands of Kurdish refugees on the peak time of fightings with pkk when Saddam massacred Kurds in Iraq.

Not to mention, they will restore all their relation with Israel and look up to the EU again. We've notice in the part year he was getting closer to the East.
The relations with Israel and EU are still ok, Erdogan is a good showmaker, he made people believe Turkey wants look towards east.
Israeli airlines to resume flights to Turkey after six-year hiatus | JPost | Israel News

Israel, Turkey to normalize ties, after PM apologizes for flotilla deaths | The Times of Israel

Turkey-Israel Trade Remains Strong Despite Tensions
Turkey back on the map for Israeli tourists | The Times of Israel

Turkey's economic before 2003 wasn't better than after 2003, just give the fella a break. :rolleyes:
Thats true but not all of the credit goes to AKP, there were people before AKP who laid the tracks for a Economic growth.
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