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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

USA has pretty much nothing to fear from this confrontation. Specially if its a part of the withdrawal from Afg... Actually, if the so called conspiracy theory about USA wanting to break up Pakistan is true, then all USA has to do is to kill off most of the Pakistani military assets in a stand off war.. With the military power gone, Pakistan will automatically break up into 3 may be 4 different states..

And with about 50,000 men, no armour but significant air capability, they will be able to take down 1.4 Million military and paramilitary personnel and over 3 million militiamen? The US will rule the air and inflict massive casualties but they will have to face significant losses on the ground, after all, in the end, it will be the man on the ground that actually has to move forward to capture territory.

BTW, even with the infrastructure and military presence greatly reduced. Balochistan is the only province that will show a remote chance of trying to break away, the Baloch situation has been greatly inflated by tabloids. Here's the ground reality:

Balochistan is home to 5% of Pakistan's total population.
55% of the population of Balochistan is ethnic Baloch.
About 58% of the Ethnic Baloch are Bruhi that are very pro-Pakistan and have little sympathy for the Sulaimanki cause of seperation.
Out of 70 Baloch tribes, only 3 demand separation.

Hardly a successful secessionist movt.

SO who in Pakistan knows all the locations if not the most powerful man ? :undecided:

No one person knows all the locations.
The US will rule the air and inflict massive casualties but they will have to face significant losses on the ground, after all, in the end, it will be the man on the ground that actually has to move forward to capture territory.

Sir what makes you think that they will fight the war on your terms - that is man on the ground ?

US is famous for fighting wars their way.
Can you stop this nonsense? You are hurting your faith as well.

US military planners have studied Pakistan long enough to properly understand its shortcomings.

Operation Neptune Spear should have awakened Pakistani populace to ground realities of this world but this did not happen unfortunately. As usual, many Pakistani people have relied upon various conspiracy theories to satisfy their false pride.

US have deployed sophisticated surveillance technologies around the world to gather Intel about strategic assets and associated developments of any country it wishes to. US have done this with even China and Russia.

Military experts around the world have realized that land based targets are not safe. This is why some nations maintain second strike capability through naval capability. But of course, arms race continues and also the means to outsmart each other.

Pakistan is no exception. It should not surprise us, if Pakistani strategic assets have been recognized by US. Of course, some are dummy locations and weapons are scattered in various facilities. However, these measures are not unique in practice. All declared nuclear powers have adopted these measures. However, as new methods to eliminate one another continued to be devised, none of the protective measures adopted remain effective for long term basis. This is why innovation is important. But then their is issue of resources. Some nations have lot more resources then Pakistan and they can continue to innovate at much faster pace in comparison to Pakistan. US is a good example. Therefore, enormous disparity between the power projection and innovative capabilities of both nations exists.

Get the hint?

Most people who have a good knowledge on military capabilities, technology, logistics, etc...as some posters have on this forum know full well how easy it was for US forces to penetrate that deep into Pakistan.

Its only the Pakistani public, the blind nationalists who were shocked when this happened. They have been led to believe that the Pakistani Military and Intelligence is second to none not knowing how far back the Military's technology has fallen as compared to other countries. Pakistan's Military budget is a mere 4 Billion where as India is reaching 60 Billion and USA has 750 Billion.

Pakistani military lacks everything from high-altitude missiles, to modern assault rifles, to communication equipment.
It is not impossible to hit 300 locations simultaenously.

1) To uncover 300 locations would require an intel operation that is unprecedented in intel history.
2) Such a large incursion is bound to set off alarms. The Americans lack the air power to provide protection to 300 strike packages.
3) Spada and S-300 will be one of the many tools guarding nuke sites.

Many Hollywood movies are inspired by real life innovations and contain hidden message.

I'll believe that when I get my backside handed to me by Tony Stark.

Conflict will be disastrous for Pakistan. Not US.

How do you justify that? The US cannot move their entire military contingent from the US to Afg.

Pakistan is not in the league of US.

Agreed, however, this is our neighbourhood. We saw what the Vietnamese did when the Americans came to their neighbourhood, the Vietnamese were even more ill-equipped than we are.

It is not impossible to hit 300 locations simultaenously.

1) To uncover 300 locations would require an intel operation that is unprecedented in intel history.
2) Such a large incursion is bound to set off alarms. The Americans lack the air power to provide protection to 300 strike packages.
3) Spada and S-300 will be one of the many tools guarding nuke sites.

Many Hollywood movies are inspired by real life innovations and contain hidden message.

I'll believe that when I get my backside handed to me by Tony Stark.

Conflict will be disastrous for Pakistan. Not US.

How do you justify that? The US cannot move their entire military contingent from the US to Afg.

Pakistan is not in the league of US.

Agreed, however, this is our neighbourhood. We saw what the Vietnamese did when the Americans came to their neighbourhood, the Vietnamese were even more ill-equipped than we are.
Can you stop this nonsense? You are hurting your faith as well.

You don't need to worry about my faith. I am saying "god" anyways.

US military planners have studied Pakistan long enough to properly understand its shortcomings.

When it comes to the plan where USA will launch a full scale military assault on Pakistan then I don't think there is much to debate. Honestly I was expecting something better.
All I stated was that Iran is significantly behind Pakistan in nuke stakes. Yet Americans have talked now for several years but not attacked. I would like to remind people that one of the things Americans are worried about is that even if they attacked Iran they will not be able to take all Iran's nuclear capability away.

U.S. Most Powerful Bunker Buster Cannot Destroy Iran’s Nukes « Tikun Olam-

Bombs could not stop Iran from getting nukes - CBS News

You display not just a defeatist attitude but are in awe of Americans to the extent of having an insecurity complex the worse part of which manifests itself on this forum as a superiority complex in that you call other members ignorant simply cos they put an alternate view point.

All I stated was that Iran is significantly behind Pakistan in nuke stakes. Yet Americans have talked now for several years but not attacked. I would like to remind people that one of the things Americans are worried about is that even if they attacked Iran they will not be able to take all Iran's nuclear capability away.

U.S. Most Powerful Bunker Buster Cannot Destroy Iran’s Nukes « Tikun Olam-

Bombs could not stop Iran from getting nukes - CBS News

You display not just a defeatist attitude but are in awe of Americans to the extent of having an insecurity complex the worse part of which manifests itself on this forum as a superiority complex in that you call other members ignorant simply cos they put an alternate view point.
I have read these reports.

You conveniently overlooked following developments;

Jan 27/12: Better MOP needed. The Wall Street Journal reports that:

”...initial tests indicated that [MOP], as currently configured, would not be capable of destroying some of Iran’s facilities, either because of their depth or because Tehran has added new fortifications to protect them…. [prompting] the Pentagon this month to secretly submit a [$82 million] request to Congress to enhance the bomb’s ability to penetrate deeper… before exploding.”

April 12/12: Boeing in St. Louis, MO receives a maximum $98.8 million cost-plus-incentive-fee and firm-fixed-priced contract “to procure enhanced threat response redesign for the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a quick reaction capability program.” Translation: the enemy is tougher, so it needs to be badder.

In the nutshell, MOP is being improved with renewed funding.

And more importantly;

Deep bunkers can be tackled in other ways. The DTRA has looked at what is known in the jargon as functional defeat, in other words bombing their entrances shut or destroying their electrical systems with electromagnetic pulses. They are also working on active penetrators—bombs which can tunnel through hundreds of metres of earth, rock and concrete. Development work is also under way on esoteric devices such as robot snakes, carrying warheads, which can infiltrate via air ducts and cable runs.

Also, I have pointed out that MOP is not the only EPW in US arsenal. Their are many others. Some are not disclosed.

It is always wise to focus on the FULL PICTURE and not some half-baked news.
Sir what makes you think that they will fight the war on your terms - that is man on the ground ?

US is famous for fighting wars their way.

How else are they supposed to fight a conventional war?
How else are they supposed to fight a conventional war?

Why assume they will fight a conventional war ?

I mean I have always seen Pakistani commentators assuming that in case of war with Pakistan the US will put boots on ground and try to hold ground.

What if they choose to just spray bombs from air as punishment ? Just implement a scorched earth policy ?
I have read these reports.

You conveniently overlooked following developments;

In the nutshell, MOP is being improved with renewed funding.

And more importantly;

Deep bunkers can be tackled in other ways. The DTRA has looked at what is known in the jargon as functional defeat, in other words bombing their entrances shut or destroying their electrical systems with electromagnetic pulses. They are also working on active penetrators—bombs which can tunnel through hundreds of metres of earth, rock and concrete. Development work is also under way on esoteric devices such as robot snakes, carrying warheads, which can infiltrate via air ducts and cable runs.

Also, I have pointed out that MOP is not the only EPW in US arsenal. Their are many others. Some are not disclosed.

It is always wise to focus on the FULL PICTURE and not some half-baked news.

Yet you are agreeing with one such an article. I believe that if things were as easy as you seem to have convinced yourself then it would have already happened.

I think your putting people down who do not agree with you is just an attention seeking trait that we have seen in other American lovers eg Cheng
There is a difference between "God" and "god"

There is a difference between "God" and "god"
Their is no such thing as demi-god or lesser god, if you are trying to imply this.

Their is only one God; Allah Almighty

You are clearly hurting your faith. Repent.

Yea yea only someone who thinks he is a legend would understand. Its another Cheng boys.
Someone who is capable of analyzing things from neutral perspective.

Of course, enligtened Pakistani people are the misguided ones, right?

The likes of you have made this nation impregnable right?

The likes of you have stopped drone strikes with bare hands, right?

The likes of you have prevented fall of Dhaka, right?

The likes of you destroyed US military during OPN and Salaha incident, right?

Yet you are agreeing with one such an article. I believe that if things were as easy as you seem to have convinced yourself then it would have already happened.

I think your putting people down who do not agree with you is just an attention seeking trait that we have seen in other American lovers eg Cheng
Again this 'already happened' BS?

Here is an analogy for you: US could take out Gaddafi long ago during the first major clash with him. However, US did not. Ever attempted to understand the motives behind actions?

MOP is a very capable weapon, regardless of speculations. And US have far more destructive EPW in its arsenal. Some are capable of destroying targets 1000 feet deep or even more from the surface.
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