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US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

May be because you are too impressed with pride of your "god".


So all people associated with nuclear program would be killed by the "god". Right?
When this discussion have degenerated in to this level, can you expect reasonable response?

This is clear-cut example of typical Pakistani reaction to constructive criticism. When given a dose of ground realities, they start abusing.
So all people associated with nuclear program would be killed by the "god". Right?

Don't exaggerate, their army has at least 5 times the experience, budget, technology and you name it. All our military equipment is purchased form them, you really think they'd sell their best to a country that could become their enemy in the future..?
Sad to see people underestimating the US so much..Underestimate your enemy and you're a goner for sure.

We aren't underestimating "god". But we want to know how USA will implement the plans on ground with all it's might. Till now we have just heard a few fancy words like GPS, satellites etc etc.
We aren't underestimating "god". But we want to know how USA will implement the plans on ground with all it's might. Till now we have just heard a few fancy words like GPS, satellites etc etc.

Dude I think LeGend has given enough info and details on the subject for anyone with an open mind to understand...
Snatching Pakistan's nukes is impossible, destroying them isn't...
Are you a Pakistani or an American?
Don't worry, they have the best Intel agencies in the world. Finding Pakistan's nukes shouldn't be too hard for them.

The best intelligence agency??? Please do some research!!
Any full scare war with USA will lead to the total destruction of the Pakistani Armed Forces.

With the Military being the most important and functioning instrument within Pakistan, this will cause the total collapse of the economy and all civil and state services. In other words, the government will cease to function.

This could cause the break up of Pakistan in another Yugoslavia type scenario, in which the Balochis create their own homeland, and Pashtuns take theirs, leaving on Punjab, Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and Sindh as contiguous Pakistan.

I think Pakistani Generals are sane enough to realize the suicidal insanity of provoking such a stupid conflict.
When this discussion have degenerated in to this level, can you expect reasonable response?

This is clear-cut example of typical Pakistani reaction to constructive criticism. When given a dose of ground realities, they start abusing.

What abusing? Come on stop being such sensitive.

So if I am right in simple according to you USA will bomb Pakistan to cavemen era like Bush threatened Musharraf after 9/11?
A bull vs an ant (I'm not calling Pakistan an ant but bear with the example)..who will win? Is the bull "God" or the most obvious winner?
Let's not be such Nationalists that we forget our own weaknesses.

Agreed, however being overly cautious and forging weaknesses out of where there is none already is a sign of a nation with a severe inferiority complex. Our nukes are probably the safest object in this country. I am not rejecting the probability (though it is a far cry) that one or two locations can be compromised and the nukes removed/dismantled but to do that simultaneously at over 300 locations seems like a scene out of a cheap B-Grade hollywood movie.
Agreed, however being overly cautious and forging weaknesses out of where there is none already is a sign of a nation with a severe inferiority complex. Our nukes are probably the safest object in this country. I am not rejecting the probability (though it is a far cry) that one or two locations can be compromised and the nukes removed/dismantled but to do that simultaneously at over 300 locations seems like a scene out of a cheap B-Grade hollywood movie.

What I have understand from the posts of Legend and others USA will carpet bomb Pakistan to dust so it won't be left with any infrastructure to make nukes again.
Any full scare war with USA will lead to the total destruction of the Pakistani Armed Forces.

With the Military being the most important and functioning instrument within Pakistan, this will cause the total collapse of the economy and all civil and state services. In other words, the government will cease to function.

This could cause the break up of Pakistan in another Yugoslavia type scenario, in which the Balochis create their own homeland, and Pashtuns take theirs, leaving on Punjab, Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and Sindh as contiguous Pakistan.

I think Pakistani Generals are sane enough to realize the suicidal insanity of provoking such a stupid conflict.

A conflict between the US and Pakistan is impossible, we have been at logger heads before, but both sides know that a war between the two nations will be disastrous to both.
A conflict between the US and Pakistan is impossible, we have been at logger heads before, but both sides know that a war between the two nations will be disastrous to both.

USA has pretty much nothing to fear from this confrontation. Specially if its a part of the withdrawal from Afg... Actually, if the so called conspiracy theory about USA wanting to break up Pakistan is true, then all USA has to do is to kill off most of the Pakistani military assets in a stand off war.. With the military power gone, Pakistan will automatically break up into 3 may be 4 different states..
We aren't underestimating "god".
Can you stop this nonsense? You are hurting your faith as well.

But we want to know how USA will implement the plans on ground with all it's might. Till now we have just heard a few fancy words like GPS, satellites etc etc.
US military planners have studied Pakistan long enough to properly understand its shortcomings.

Operation Neptune Spear should have awakened Pakistani populace to ground realities of this world but this did not happen unfortunately. As usual, many Pakistani people have relied upon various conspiracy theories to satisfy their false pride.

US have deployed sophisticated surveillance technologies around the world to gather Intel about strategic assets and associated developments of any country it wishes to. US have done this with even China and Russia.

Military experts around the world have realized that land based strategic locations are not safe because new methods to compromise them continue to emerge. This is why some nations maintain second strike capability through naval capability. But of course, arms race continues and also the means to outsmart each other.

Pakistan is no exception. It should not surprise us, if Pakistani strategic assets have been clearly identified by US. Of course, some are dummy locations and weapons are scattered in various facilities. However, these measures are not unique in practice. All declared nuclear powers have adopted these measures. However, as new methods to eliminate one another are continued to be devised, none of the protective measures adopted remain effective for long term basis. This is why innovation is important. But then their is issue of resources. Some nations have lot more resources then Pakistan and they can continue to innovate at much faster pace in comparison to Pakistan. US is a good example. Therefore, enormous disparity between the power projection and innovative capabilities of both nations exists.

Get the hint?

Agreed, however being overly cautious and forging weaknesses out of where there is none already is a sign of a nation with a severe inferiority complex. Our nukes are probably the safest object in this country. I am not rejecting the probability (though it is a far cry) that one or two locations can be compromised and the nukes removed/dismantled but to do that simultaneously at over 300 locations seems like a scene out of a cheap B-Grade hollywood movie.
It is not impossible to hit 300 locations simultaenously.

US possesses the capability to hit over a thousand targets simultaneously. Now do the math.

Many Hollywood movies are inspired by real life innovations and contain hidden message.

A conflict between the US and Pakistan is impossible, we have been at logger heads before, but both sides know that a war between the two nations will be disastrous to both.
Conflict will be disastrous for Pakistan. Not US.

Pakistan is not in the league of US.
One can only wonder on the ignorance of some Pakistani members.


All I stated was that Iran is significantly behind Pakistan in nuke stakes. Yet Americans have talked now for several years but not attacked. I would like to remind people that one of the things Americans are worried about is that even if they attacked Iran they will not be able to take all Iran's nuclear capability away.

U.S. Most Powerful Bunker Buster Cannot Destroy Iran’s Nukes « Tikun Olam-

Bombs could not stop Iran from getting nukes - CBS News

You display not just a defeatist attitude but are in awe of Americans to the extent of having an insecurity complex the worse part of which manifests itself on this forum as a superiority complex in that you call other members ignorant simply cos they put an alternate view point.

One can only wonder on the ignorance of some Pakistani members.


All I stated was that Iran is significantly behind Pakistan in nuke stakes. Yet Americans have talked now for several years but not attacked. I would like to remind people that one of the things Americans are worried about is that even if they attacked Iran they will not be able to take all Iran's nuclear capability away.

U.S. Most Powerful Bunker Buster Cannot Destroy Iran’s Nukes « Tikun Olam-

Bombs could not stop Iran from getting nukes - CBS News

You display not just a defeatist attitude but are in awe of Americans to the extent of having an insecurity complex the worse part of which manifests itself on this forum as a superiority complex in that you call other members ignorant simply cos they put an alternate view point.
...secondly No Body Knows locations of Pakistani Nuclear Weapons even our Chief of Army staff doesn't know about all the locations ...

SO who in Pakistan knows all the locations if not the most powerful man ? :undecided:

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