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US not to sell F-35 fighter jets to Arab countries

Fighter plane development is an ecosystem and we have learnt that the hard way, countries who haven't developed a 3rd gen or a 4th gen plane let alone a trainer aircraft, developing a 5th gen fighter..?

I highly doubt you will have any serious prospects from serious countries for the kfx / ifx program solely going by past capability of not developing a single worthy aircraft.

Just read our aerospace thread and ask people working in Boeing about Indonesian enginers, we have hundreds enginers working abroad in aerospace sector ( designing/building planes only / non maintenance)

SK has made T 50 Golden Eagle with Loocked Martin. And LM has also participated with KFX/IFX starting this year.

The engine is American and the radar. :lol:

Thats why we are possibly better than you :p:

Nope, US doesnt give the AESA, it will be Korean. They have made the Naval AESA already. I hope Korean make the good one.
Time is not static my dear fella.

I never said that was. Time is Dynamic and so are the Israelis. They are way ahead of the time. Now compare the Arabs to it, they are way behind the time. That's just an honest opinion, no sides taken.
I never said that was. Time is Dynamic and so are the Israelis. They are way ahead of the time. Now compare the Arabs to it, they are way behind the time. That's just an honest opinion, no sides taken.
So were arabs back in their time. So lets not use the term 'Always'
sure they will, but at double price :)
Everything they buy, they paid high prices due to high commissions paid to the royals. The only way the F35 will be profitable is if they sell it to the GCC. They are the only ones that afford to pay ungodly prices for a plane that can't dog fight, shoot and where the pilot can't eject safely ...
Everything they buy, they paid high prices due to high commissions paid to the royals. The only way the F35 will be profitable is if they sell it to the GCC. They are the only ones that afford to pay ungodly prices for a plane that can't dog fight, shoot and where the pilot can't eject safely ...
You may be right upto an extent, but most of the time thats how world likes to see towards arabs.
Eventually F-35 will be surpassed by some better technology.
isreal depend in the west too but she have good defence industry and lot of thing she can make buy herself its time the gcc will do that too
The only weapons we get aid from are DEFENSE SYSTEMS such as the Arrow and the PAAC 4 (David's Sling) because both Israel and the US have use for it.
Money in Israel isn't a problem, but in order to give it to the US they have to give something in return.
Would you go to a diamond store and ask to get one free?
You are completely out of logic, it is the US who gives Usrael money, protection and technology not the other way around.. The US and EU might have Given Usrael more than a trillion $ since its conception..

Poor Palestinians :-).
The Palestinians ain't innocent people, tried to wage a war together with arab armies in 48 and lost instead of accepting two states deal led them to this situation in the first place.
I won't comment on Pakistanies wars in this forum cause i'll get banned right away but anyway :-)
Why should anyone accept to split his house with someone coming from nowhere and claiming that his ancestors had that spot 2000 years ago? Would any law in any country in the planet accept it either?
The Palestinians lost the "war" of 1948 to the Brits, the Usraelis just made a show when handed Jerusalem by the colonialists (wasn't it planned since the 19th century with Disraeli as British prime minister?
All the other wars that the "Arab armies"_if one can call them armies, since most of the Arab world was still fighting the colonialists, namely France and Britain till the 60s_ had supposedly lost to Usrael, were actually lost to the same colonialist forces using Usrael as their proxy or better yet as their front cover..
Arab armies' strength started in 1973 when they fought the hidden hands behind Usrael and Usrael itself and teached them a lesson they'll never forget. and that with more than a generation gap in most weapons; Mig 21s with 2 air to air missiles against the F-4s. with 6 or more and a more than one hour loiter time against 10 minutes for the Migs, the same was with tanks and other major weapons..And why The US or EU will give their best weapons to the "strongest" country in the middle east for free, if they didn't think that it was actually the weakest..Another good example is yet again the F-35 only for Usrael..

I never said that was. Time is Dynamic and so are the Israelis. They are way ahead of the time. Now compare the Arabs to it, they are way behind the time. That's just an honest opinion, no sides taken.
Can you give examples of both, so to enlighten us please!?

I don't know if this is a good strategy. The Arab sates have plenty of billions of dollars to spend and even waste for nothing. Denying them a 5th gen platform will make them spend that money funding the Chinese, or Russian or Turkish 5th gen platform projects, or worst yet, build their own. Either way, its like $ 100 billion or more that the US could make, but it won't.

A better decision would be to sell a lower end version of the F-35 to Arab states and still maintain a gap with Israel that way, by giving them a more advanced version. Just my opinion.
Actually KSA and the GCC will accept to buy the F-35 if there is at least 30% of ToT otherwise they will look somewhere else.. it is the new policy and there are noexeptions , only the previous orders to the decision can still come with less ToT or none..KSA will go (already asked) for the F-22 Raptor..Since Japan might get it too!

Arab armies will get the F35 eventually, probably a downgraded version and it'll happen in like 15-20 years after all the other orders have been delivered already.
F35I will differ from the other F35, different cyber capabilities, different software, EW and weapons.
Israel will change the F35 to suits it's needs like it changed the F15 and F16.
Israel's contribution to the F35 program currently known to the public is the wings produces by IAI, Helmet and composite materials are produced by elbit systems


Clearly the only reason you replying to this thread is to undermine Israelies and jews. Your trollin contribute nothing to this thread
So you are implying that yu are better than the Americans who made the plane and the Europeans who have contributed to it, and you arestill going to improveon it while it has been made and tested for every weather or geography.. only you can believe your lies , because you invent them..
You come on the thread steal it , make it your own and start bashing anyone who tell you some truth, even if based on facts.. You can consider yourself lucky not to hear insults from every member here, like what goes on in Usraeli forums.. where everyone is bashing Arabs, Muslims, Christians , and practically anyone who is not Jewish or zionist..and trying to participate!! Talk about trolling...
they dont get f 35 because isreal ask them not to give them

It was aarb countries blunder not to make defence industry for their country instead they heavily depend on west for their defence need . its high time they diversify their weapons source and build own weapons industry .
gcc have lot money why dont all gcc will not develop top level war plane?
isreal with that money could do it long time ago
they dont get f 35 because isreal ask them not to give them

gcc have lot money why dont all gcc will not develop top level war plane?
isreal with that money could do it long time ago

Well it only a matter of time before we start selling the F35 to gulf countries. The problem is the helmet system is made by an Israeli company.
I doubt it the market is so lucrative in the gulf, and without any competition for europe.
India mainly even buy the PAK-FA from Russia .. Which is in trouble .

Indonesian- Korean isn't a true 5th gen fighter.

Japan can't sell military hardware.

Europeans aren't developing any.

Europe have tech to built 5th gen manned or unmanned fighter, if their ME allies are willing to pay development cost then they will not hesitate to develop one for them as it will help them in similar way as India helped Russia by funding development of Mig-29K.

TFX will be supported by one of top western company in development and ME countries could join the project or take similar path.
Europe have tech to built 5th gen manned or unmanned fighter, if their ME allies are willing to pay development cost then they will not hesitate to develop one for them as it will help them in similar way as India helped Russia by funding development of Mig-29K.

TFX will be supported by one of top western company in development and ME countries could join the project or take similar path.
yes thats why 4 countries need to develop ucav germany france italy and spain lets all the world together develop ucav

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