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US not to sell F-35 fighter jets to Arab countries

Fighter plane development is an ecosystem and we have learnt that the hard way, countries who haven't developed a 3rd gen or a 4th gen plane let alone a trainer aircraft, developing a 5th gen fighter..?

I highly doubt you will have any serious prospects from serious countries for the kfx / ifx program solely going by past capability of not developing a single worthy aircraft.
Educate yourself before you go posting nonsense... Sub systems can be bought off the shelf, the rest South Korea is a nation which has a very technologically advanced military set up and has partnered with the best to learn.
You think that China does it alone? or Russia? David's Sling is already superior than any other SAM.
Point is to make the best, and not alone.
Point is, What turkey is doing or china for that matter, Is that theyre not doing it with AID money, they are using their own infrastructure and their own expertise, unlike you ! who is bragging about it
Point is, What turkey is doing or china for that matter, Is that theyre not doing it with AID money, they are using their own infrastructure and their own expertise, unlike you ! who is bragging about it
The only weapons we get aid from are DEFENSE SYSTEMS such as the Arrow and the PAAC 4 (David's Sling) because both Israel and the US have use for it.
Money in Israel isn't a problem, but in order to give it to the US they have to give something in return.
Would you go to a diamond store and ask to get one free?
US not to sell F-35 fighter jets to Arab countries: Report Published May 6, 2016 SOURCE: PRESS TV .
F-35 JSF development is being principally funded by the United States with additional funding from partners. The partner nations are either NATO members or close U.S. allies. The United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, Canada, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Turkey are part of the active development program; several additional countries have ordered, or are considering ordering, the F-35.

Others: Japan, South Korea.

Possibly also Taiwan and several other European countries: Belgium (Nato, EU), Finland (EU), Greece (Nato, EU), Poland (Nato, EU), Romania (Nato, EU), Spain (Nato, EU)

The United Arab Emirates requested information about a possible sale of F-35s in 2010, however the United States delayed responding for months.

The Saudi Defence Ministry is said to be keeping all the options open to buy more fighter jets, including notably the Boeing F-15 Silent Eagle and the Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF (Joint Strike Fighter)
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dont be sad about this. Italy is a F-35 partner and we arent very happy with the product.
The only weapons we get aid from are DEFENSE SYSTEMS such as the Arrow and the PAAC 4 (David's Sling) because both Israel and the US have use for it.
Money in Israel isn't a problem, but in order to give it to the US they have to give something in return.
Would you go to a diamond store and ask to get one free?
LOL. You guys were literally begging for it ! that f we do not recieved increase in Aid our security will be at stake and blah blah. There is nothing that you can offer to US. All your industral capability is built, supoorted anf funded by US
LOL. The one trolling here is you ! poking your nose without reading up the context.
I read the no sense you wrote, and it was enough for me in order to determine that I'm dealing with a troll.
Entire Israel military industry (IAI, Elbit and Rafael) and funded and built by the americans?
There are some countries who can't produce nothing, we aren't one of them.
Some members in this forum rather blame the Americans in all of their problems in life, rather than look in the mirror
I read the no sense you wrote, and it was enough for me in order to determine that I'm dealing with a troll.
Entire Israel military industry (IAI, Elbit and Rafael) and funded and built by the americans?
There are some countries who can't produce nothing, we aren't one of them
LOL. funded By what. Do I Need to show you the American Assistance to ISrael in terms of Aids and what not? And then comparing it with a country like China and Turkey ? the ones who have done everything themselves
LOL. funded By what. Do I Need to show you the American Assistance to ISrael in terms of Aids and what not? And then comparing it with a country like China and Turkey ? the ones who have done everything themselves
LOL, sure compare the population of china and Turkey to the population of Israel.
Fact is we get 3 billion in aid every year, which is like 1% of our gdp to buy mostly AMERICAN MADE weapons from AMERICAN Industry.
So yeah go show me w/e u want, Israel produces more products than u ever will, and ofc you can blame american aid, american help and bla bla, but in the end of the day, Israel, a country with 8 million people in population beated alot of other countries in terms of economy, industry capability, noble prizes and so much more.
So yeah go show me w/e u want, Israel produces more products than u ever wil
Of Course it will, with unprecedented and blanket support from US, that is controlled by jews themselves I am not at all surprised. But calling that pure indigenous would be really unfair
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