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US Deploys F-22's to base near Iran

But Dude aren't Iran's Nuclear site underground...Won't an aircraft much heavier (read B-2) will be required to do the Job???

Iran has a plethora of nuclear sites that are not located underground, many of them, including the IR-40 site, which is a heavy reactor facility, would be targeted via precision strikes in such an attack. In case of strategic strikes to the enemy's nuclear sites, dozens of these nuclear sites would be destroyed, including any of their surface to air defense shields.

I would contest that in case of a precision strike, the United States Air Force would coordinate with the Israeli Air Force, which would level the Iranian Air Force that would be considered strategic threats to the operation.

The presence of the F-22s in the region is a visual manifestation of American force; a simple sign that the United States will not tolerate further ambiguous Iranian leadership colloquy.

F22 can be used to knock out defensive systems around those sites and conduct other precision strike missions. They will make sure that USA gains complete air superiority over enemy territory before the bombers move in.

Bad news for Iran. What surprises me is that Iranians are underestimating US resolve and making fun of Isreali threats. They should tread carefully.

Bro, understand that these are empty threats. This war will be suicidal for Iran instead, as much it hurts to say this.


Your response is prudent and wise. Thank you for showing a realistic and level-headed reply. I concur with you, that the use of F-22s will be to eradicate Iranian air defense systems; whence this is done, Iran would be incapable of challenging any strategic air strikes from CBGs in the Arabian Gulf.

In conjunction with this, Israeli Air Strikes would pulverize any of Iran's tactical armored bases as well as key targets.

It is to the detriment of any and all of Iran's national interest to defy UN sanctions to cease nuclear ambitions and procurement activities.
There will be no 3rd world war, Iran has been sanctioned by the United Nations to cease nuclear procurement activities, still they have relinquished. If it will not heed international demands, then, it must be contained, if it is necessitated for regional stability.

These F-22s would be capable in committing surgical strikes on any known nuclear sites as well as in effectively neutralizing all known Iranian surface to air systems.

Just like you have sontained Iraq . Claiming them to have WMD's but what was the result , choas , killings , bombings, and u were very sucessful in destrying the country and starting almost a civil war.

hmmm....... what abt Afghanistan 10 years and still playing hide and seek with Talibans. They still control the larger area of Afghanistan.

Stop being an isreali puppet and try to think with ur brain not with ur knees.

Fancy planes and there fancy arnament costs money which US of A dont have much plus do u really think u can bomb iran and iran will let go of you so easily.

Stop bringing democrazy everywhere , let people decide what they want.Stop being dad of everyone.
Just like you have sontained Iraq . Claiming them to have WMD's but what was the result , choas , killings , bombings, and u were very sucessful in destrying the country and starting almost a civil war.

hmmm....... what abt Afghanistan 10 years and still playing hide and seek with Talibans. They still control the larger area of Afghanistan.

Stop being an isreali puppet and try to think with ur brain not with ur knees.

Fancy planes and there fancy arnament costs money which US of A dont have much plus do u really think u can bomb iran and iran will let go of you so easily.

Stop bringing democrazy everywhere , let people decide what they want.Stop being dad of everyone.

1. The United States has freed Iraq from a violent dictator, and after a long and ardent training process, Iraq is back on its feet as a democracy, a model for the region.

2. The expulsion of the Taliban was necessary and mandated for the interest of US global strategy.

3. The United States sides with Israel on some key issues because there is a shared interest.
It's an orgy in here!
Control your hormones people. Go beat off to an action movie or smtg.

The collective IQ of this thread is the size of my left ball.

What exactly is the significance of an F-22 vis-a-vis Iran? The platora of jets parked in the Persian Gulf flew back to base or something? What difference does it make if the Americans have an F-16 or an F-22?

This thread reminds me the "come at me bro" memes. Just a bunch of dorky kids with too much hormones and old men spending their last days acting tough on the cyber space.
iran may not have means to shoot down the raptors but they have means of attacking and destroying the runways raptors will use...
iran may not have means to shoot down the raptors but they have means of attacking and destroying the runways raptors will use...
US military bases are protected by ABM systems and other defensive systems. Key to US strategy is deception. Spectators keep guessing what will happen.
US military bases are protected by ABM systems and other defensive systems. Key to US strategy is deception. Spectators keep guessing what will happen.

and we all know that ABM have low success rate.
This is not good.

War is coming and oil prices will now go up. Inflation is already so high in India.

The govt is planning to deregulate diesel prices and with this war coming, food inflation will break all records.

Why cant you MORONS solve this issue over a cup of coffee? :coffee:

Because we've tried for nearly a decade with little to show. The time for talk over coffee is fading.
:edit: though I say this these F-22 aren't likely for an imminent planned attack, there is too much press. Probably psychological move for Iran.
and we all know that ABM have low success rate.

low success is better than none, though I think its success rate is understated.
and we all know that ABM have low success rate.
The latest US ABM systems are considerably better then PAC 1 and PAC 2.

PAC 3, Aegis based SM3, and THAAD are excellent systems.
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