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US Commander Gen. John Nicholson says US knows the Afghan Taliban leadership isin the Quetta and Pes

similarly US was aware of the WMDs in iraq so they destroyed the country, couldn't find anything and said "sorry our intel was wrong".

previously it was said that india-israel-america form the axis of evil now another country has joined this legendary group and that is afghanistan. they have always been a parasite to pakistan since 47. its time to kick all the afghans out of pak. block all the trade routes and let them handle their problems themselves or with the help of india.
Pakistan is Israel of China, because it is very important to safeguard Chinese interest and energy supply route, if PLAN decided to deploy it's assets in Gawader then US will not go for blockade of Pakistani ports, with CPEC in swing blockade of Pakistani ports and shipping also means blockade of Chinese bound shipping to Pakistan which China can not allow.

speak all you will you do not have a formal alliance
I suggest Pakistan should not complicate the situation on it's part, it should simply stop supporting Taliban and don't waste time on getting suggestions from the Russians or Chinese, they aren't gonna give you protection from USA in 'ANY' context, you guys are alone in choosing the faith of your country.

Pakistanis are brothers to me, let's live in peace and brotherhood. Despite several disagreements we are still thankful of Pakistani people's support to Afghans during their hard times.

Long live both countries and people!
I suggest Pakistan should not complicate the situation on it's part, it should simply stop supporting Taliban and don't waste time on getting suggestions from the Russians or Chinese, they aren't gonna give you protection from USA in 'ANY' context, you guys are alone in choosing the faith of your country.

Pakistanis are brothers to me, let's live in peace and brotherhood. Despite several disagreements we are still thankful of Pakistani people's support to Afghans during their hard times.

Long live both countries and people!
When Afghanistan formally accepts the border, then talk about brotherhood otherwise DaalKhor and PunjabiGhulaam are not going to fall for this like before.
Some Idiots didn't listened his words carefully and start talking about attacking Pakistan without knowing anything about Ground reality of the whole region. He is clearly mentioning that operations have been done inside of Pakistan privately with cooperation of Pak Army........and yes upto that extent it is true that some Taliban Leaders were hidding in Pakistan and CIA And ISI were sharing information with each other and based on that info...operations are done inside of Pakistan...but all those operations are done by Pak Army except Osama Bin Laden's Operation... and that dosen't means that Pakistan Govt. Or Army is hiding those Taliban...........for those kids who don't know any thing about this region, culture or ground realities.....they must know that Whole NATO is one side which is Failed in Afghanistan due to its stupid polices and Pak Army on one side on the other hand. And Pak Army Defeated the Taliban by conducting successful operations with the Help of Air Force not only military Operations but also social and economic developments in those areas...that's why the Taliban's are not getting any support now from public and they are on the run and hiding and begging for their lives....
The only Taliban's who are left in Pakistan and who are attacking in Pakistan they are getting support from Afghanistan mostly from NDS and RAW......and US clearly knows about that but they have put their head in sand like ostrich.
well he is right
his colleagues have assassinated two Afghan taliban leaders inside Pakistan who came for peace talks
they killed Nasiruddin Haqqani near Islamabad and Mullah Masoor who was coming to Pakistan via Iran.
they will use Pakistan to facilitate the talks with Afghan Taliban and then assassinate them to score points not only on Pakistan and also settle their scores against Taliban too and they will have ready made reason to bitch about Pakistan when the Taliban retaliate with their attacks on the Americans inside Afghanistan

so cycle of violence continues and Pakistan stands blamed since Americans have no interest in peace

now taliban have no reason to stay inside Pakistan and get assassinated or attacked via drones since 40% of Afghanistan is under their control and the thugs ruling Kabul have no writ outside the city.

they can easily hide in the large swathes of the Afghan country

May be Nicholson dont want to get fired by trump for losing the war..
For everyone thinking the us will do anything in Pakistan are dreaming like the Indians have been dreaming of doing for 70 years.
America won't do nothing in Pakistan to Pakistan they know it will be very dangerous and harmful to their mission in Afghanistan and their ally India lol and just for the guys thinking the new Afghan policy will make any difference just see the reactions from the NATO allies they will not commit more troops to this long and draining war so let these who think it's new consume this and see that for another decade Afghanistan will remain the same occupied nation that it is

Actually New Zeland sent 3 more troops to AFG increasing the total number of forces from 10 to 13.
All of them are non-combatant.

Their defence minister said that for the global peace NZ do her best, but he did't specify WTF will do 13 non-conbatant soldiers in AFG for global peace.
I suggest Pakistan should not complicate the situation on it's part, it should simply stop supporting Taliban and don't waste time on getting suggestions from the Russians or Chinese, they aren't gonna give you protection from USA in 'ANY' context, you guys are alone in choosing the faith of your country.

Pakistanis are brothers to me, let's live in peace and brotherhood. Despite several disagreements we are still thankful of Pakistani people's support to Afghans during their hard times.

Long live both countries and people!

you should see below post ask yourself, is your blind hatred had factual backing.

Okay let's go through some points raised here. Gen.Nicholson clearly states 10% of Afghanistan is still under Taliban control. Please tell me -

(1) if you still have not 100% cleaned your own house why are you pointing fingers next door? You might have a case after having disinfected Afghanistan but you have not failed to do that but are concerned about the infection across the border?

(2) If indeed you have disinfected all your country but only the border districts adjacent to Pakistan remain infected you might be able to make a case that the breeding grounds in Quetta and Peshawar need draining as the infection keeps seeping in across the porous border. Okay lets test this contention out. Look at the map below showing Taliban controlled districts. I have marked [selection] three out in red circles.

(i) Jowzjan - 300 miles from Durand Line, Pakistan [marked green].
(ii) Kunduz - 200 miles from Durand Line, Pakistan [marked green]
(iii) Ghor-Sari Pul - 200 miles from Durand Line, Pakistan [marked green]


3. Could somebody please explain to me how do Taliban have a district in Jowzjan in control on the Uzbek border. That is right across on the opposite side of Afghanistan. Is Pakistan using Afghan Ariana Airlines or maybe Ganga India Airline flights to supply, service and provide logistical support? Seriousl;y can anybody [including Indian members] explain this enigma? Do note that these districts are distal from Pakistan with the huge mountain ranges in central Afghanistan almost cutting off Northern Afghanistan from the south. For example to go from Kabul to Kunduz you have to go through the Hindu Kush mountains and traverse through the Salang Tunnel.



3. How the hell does Pakistan service the Taliban in Kunduz. When we have 200 miles of Afghanistan, mountains, one tunnel with all roads controlled by US Army or Afghan forces? How is it even possible for Taliban to launch a attack on Kunduz, take it over for two weeks before they were pushed out. Are we expected that Islamabad was managing this effort. If this is indeed true that it speaks genius of ISI and the gross stupidity of US, Afghan and NATO forces.

5. My contention is if Pakistan was responsible for Taliban insurgency then there would be a strong correlation between Talib controlled districts and the Durand Line. There is a very weak correlation between Durand and Talib controlled districts. The strongest predictor is the ethnic Pashtun areas thus alluding to a endogenous insurgency with nominal external influence.

6. Finally why has Afghan Army/US Army not neutalized the Talibs that are distal from Pakistan in those three circles marked on the map. Why have they not managed to squeeze them and squash them since they are far away from Pakistan?

Frankly to me this is looking more and more like USA and the Afghans finding Pakistan as scapegoat. And I have tried to be objective about this but I request other senior members to address the points I rasied - Indian, Afghan, Chinese etc

@Chinese-Dragon @AUSTERLITZ @Sher Shah Awan @Mian Babban @Others

Bravo my friend. You have once again stolen the show, this post should not only be shown on PDF but belongs in the hand of every diplomat serving in Western countries and should be shown in seminars, media releases and press conferences by the diplomatic corp of Pakistan. But alas, we have donkeys for leaders and monkeys for strategists.

It would be very interesting to read the replies to this.
It would be very interesting to read the replies to this.
I suspect I will not get any Indian or Afghan sufficiently addressing the issues I raised. I have to admit so loud is the media chorus that blames Pakistan - that even I in my mind felt Pakistan was behind the insurgency. After looking at the facts I am entirely surprised. What we have in Afghanistan is a internal driven dynamic. Pakistan might have bias toward certain groups but the insurgency does not depend on Pak as the prime engine - the motive power is endogenous to Afghanistan. In other words Pakistan is not critical in the future scape of this insurgency. US and NUG have failed and they are using Pak as scapegoat to deflect from their own failures.

Again if you look at thr map of the insurgency it makes mockery of ISI involement [or at least to the level that is claimed] since many of those Talib districts are adjacent to Central Asia. It's a wonder Uzbekistan is not being blamed for Jowzjan. We must keep in mind the mountains that run through centre of Afghanistan and effectively slice that country in half. Yet there is robust insurgency by Talibs even north of Hindu Kush mountains. As I asked in my previous is ISAI using Ganga Indian Airlines as part of supply logistics chain?

And notice what the British officer says about ISI during his tours in Afghanistan. I also notice no Indians or Afghans have addressed the points I raised.

I suspect I will not get any Indian or Afghan sufficiently addressing the issues I raised. I have to admit so loud is the media chorus that blames Pakistan - that even I in my mind felt Pakistan was behind the insurgency. After looking at the facts I am entirely surprised. What we have in Afghanistan is a internal driven dynamic. Pakistan might have bias toward certain groups but the insurgency does not depend on Pak as the prime engine - the motive power is endogenous to Afghanistan. In other words Pakistan is not critical in the future scape of this insurgency. US and NUG have failed and they are using Pak as scapegoat to deflect from their own failures.

Again if you look at thr map of the insurgency it makes mockery of ISI involement [or at least to the level that is claimed] since many of those Talib districts are adjacent to Central Asia. It's a wonder Uzbekistan is not being blamed for Jowzjan. We must keep in mind the mountains that run through centre of Afghanistan and effectively slice that country in half. Yet there is robust insurgency by Talibs even north of Hindu Kush mountains. As I asked in my previous is ISAI using Ganga Indian Airlines as part of supply logistics chain?

And notice what the British officer says about ISI during his tours in Afghanistan. I also notice no Indians or Afghans have addressed the points I raised.

The fact is, there is no reasonable way of refuting what you have wrote, neither Indians/Afghans here on PDF, or the baboons sitting on Media channels blaming Pakistan can. I remember back when Iran was the convenient scapegoat for the U.S failing in Iraq, and everything was blamed on Iran. For Afghanistan, they have Pakistan for the eventual failure they will suffer, I personally think they are just preparing groundwork for this as they know that in the end, they will have to negotiate an exit with local actors.
My own feeling is this is the last desperate attempt. This is the final chapter. Once this fails the next administration will make a clean break and leave Afghanistan. Pakistan has nothing to worry. Nobody is about to "fix" Afghanistan and make seven more "Afghanistans" [Pakistan is about 7 times larger] with nuclear weapons adding a lethal mix into this equation. The West would be magnifying their headache 7 times. And even then if Pakistan fell apart under Western onslaught the effects would end up drowning Afghanistan anyway. So nothing much is going to happen beside big talk and grandstanding.

And the Chinese would intervene not because they love us but because of their own self interest. They have already pumped in $100 billiion dollars of investment. In addition the Doklam incident has brought Pakistan's importance in the region to China sharply into focus. The Chinese are not about to lose the most important strategic asset - Pakistan that is counterweight to India.
India has nothing to do with Taliban or Afghanistan.. .. We work to improve their infra and train their armed forces.....

yes and modi is not a mass murderer , Nawaz is honest man, Trump is not a maniac Pervert , and Pigs can fly ...
how you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror after speaking such lies over a international forum ?
or its just because you are bharti ?

BLA leader has been in India , TTP leaders were caught and told that RAW is providing them full support .. Latif ullah Mehsood and later Ahsan ullah Ahsan .. now that is some conspiracy right ?
I also knew him personally. We used to be school chums but let us leave that shall we? More to the point why not look at something called strategy?

So what was Pakistan's war in 1980s. Two superpowers. Soviets and US. Both sort of balance each other out in a bi-polar equation. Hey how about helping America out by ensuring it can become the sole super-power. Then when it is the only big boy it can go around like a bully without any restraint and invade every Muslim country on a list. Including Afghanistan to remove a plaint government with a Indian loving government in Kabul. And now have America threatening us.

That is called clever strategy. That is called Pakistans war. That was Hamid Guls greatest calling. Making America Number one.

Your SO-CALLED-STRATEGY is based on hindsight. Looking in the backway mirror is easy Mr. Predicting the future is the difficult part. Not even an Einstein like you could have predicted in 1979 that USSR will disintegrate and USA would be left as the sole super power.

Hamid Gul must have been great chess player. He would have played so well to knock himself out.
May be Einstein like you was either not born then or may was in hibernation.

yes and modi is not a mass murderer , Nawaz is honest man, Trump is not a maniac Pervert , and Pigs can fly ...
how you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror after speaking such lies over a international forum ?
or its just because you are bharti ?

BLA leader has been in India , TTP leaders were caught and told that RAW is providing them full support .. Latif ullah Mehsood and later Ahsan ullah Ahsan .. now that is some conspiracy right ?
Yeah and kalboshan yadov was a harmless retired navy officer. HA HA

I suggest Pakistan should not complicate the situation on it's part, it should simply stop supporting Taliban and don't waste time on getting suggestions from the Russians or Chinese, they aren't gonna give you protection from USA in 'ANY' context, you guys are alone in choosing the faith of your country.

Pakistanis are brothers to me, let's live in peace and brotherhood. Despite several disagreements we are still thankful of Pakistani people's support to Afghans during their hard times.

Long live both countries and people!
If you really mean it then Afghanistan should start acting like a PUPPET of India and start behaving like grateful people behave.
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